Getting laid soon, any tips for a newbie to not fuck it all up?

getting laid soon, any tips for a newbie to not fuck it all up?

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Take an enema first or at least time your meals so that your colon is empty, he'll appreciate it

Just like you, she is also nervous. You'll do great OP

Sure, the PIV is the least important part. Stop hanging onto cultural scripts and narratives as to what sexuality is

Yeah, don't finish too soon. Slow down, think of other things, do math problems in your head. Do not rush to the finish line.

The thing to be aware of is performance anxiety. If you can get it, have a Viagra or something similar on hand. Just as like a plan B if you need it. Also, DO NOT DRINK TOO MUCH TO "CALM YOUR NERVES." A couple beers before to loosen up while you talk is fine, but anything more than that will negatively impact erection quality, and possibly even the dreaded Whiskey Dick if you get really wasted.


Lmfao at ur life virgin

Foreplay is everything, girls are super sensitive anywhere down below, build up to PIV, kiss inner legs, touch all over the body, get her properly into it before fucking

1) Jack off once and take a piss to prevent premature ejaculation and the piss to clean out your urethra.
2) clean your dick because if she sucks it, your dick will taste awful.

slap her titties around, jam it in, then nut in her pussy.

When in the middle of coitus, I find that randomly screaming helps the the overall mood. As you start to scream she will do the same, now that you're both screaming you have some common ground to deepen the emotional connection.

fuck her like pussy is about to go extinct

Have sex

slow down look around feel for what she likes. tell her you’ve gotta stop or you’re gonna cum.. it turns me on

Buy her plan B. Make her take it before you even whip it out. Just cum inside her repeatedly, no stress.

When penis gets hard, put it in vagina.

Know where the clitoris is, foreplay foreplay foreplay, if you finish too soon during round one that doesn't mean it's over it just means you keep her busy till round two.

Best advice here

be urself

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It's Jow Forums. The majority haven't gotten laid yet


1. The hole is lower than you think

2. You don't have to worry. Everything is already sorted by your biology, all of this "Will I perform" "Will I do good in bed", all retarded babble. The first time I ever had sex, the girl came twice, your ancestors have been doing this for millions of years, you know what to do to pro-create, I assure you

3. Be twice as confident and aggressive as you imagine yourself being now, and 10 times more physical

Be slow on the penetration, slow, very slow back and forth, let her feel all of you, fill her up, pull it out slowly, and then back again

then speed up, maintain a decent pace that is going to pleasure her, start to hear her moan and get into it

When she's completely submissive and moaning, turn it up ALL the way up. Fuck her as hard and rugged as you can, give her the beat down of her life. And she'll cum everywhere

And then you're good, you'll feel like the man, and she'll be obsessed with you

THIS 2bh

eat the bitch pussy rq b4 u go in bruh it's alpha af



I can't believe there are anons who do not know this!

haha this. Aim for the bottom of the gash, even though logic dictates the opening should be in the middle

Clip your fingernails, you don't want to scratch her when you fingerblast her.

Only go down on her if she's taken a shower recently.

Holy mother of THIS

Kiss her whole body, touch her whole body except for pussy, she gets weak as fuck, finger her but still be teasing, then pull out dick get a lil succ and put it in. Personal results: her cumming 10+ times, I’m sure you’ll also have success even if you have

How to last longer?

Don't use it for the first hour

One hour just for foreplay? How long do you usually fuck?

You're both nervous. It's okay to laugh. It's okay to mess up. You can ask her what she likes, just don't be insecure about it.

15 min foreplay, 45 min fuck

Most likely she's more experienced than him and not as nervous if she's even nervous at all

If you think in terms of "foreplay", you've already failed as a lover entirely.

Eat some Tucs before you start. You’ll thank me later.

I'm guessing you're talking about fingerbanging and oral

There are no specific scripts

>tfw you'll never be able to pleasure
>tfw she's probably banging another guy
>tfw I've tried so hard to improve but it's not in my cards

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dont worry OP, just like every other guy on fit youll make her orgasm 5 times in your first 5 minutes

does anyone know what it feels like to be a human dildo? when a chick gets off two or three times on your huge cock but you can't cum at all because of nerves or some other psyche or any other reason?

>"Babe want to fuck?"
>"yeah totally just one sec"
>"Okay I'll wait.
>-runs to computer-
>Furious typing
>Guys how to sex?

Still better than cumming in like 2s

Fucking sucks when you do it like porn. Kiss her. Touch her. Feel her. Undress together slowly and do stuff between pieces of clothing. Go till you're absolutely amped and she's obviously trying to get your dick inside.

Go at a slower pace at first when you're inside her. Let her feel you. Watch her reactions and you'll find out with a little experimenting what she likes and what she doesn't.

Let yourself feel and do what's passionate once you're going. If you need to let off some steam then don't hesitate to pull at her shoulders, to squeeze her tight against you, to feel around her while you're going at it.

If you cum 'too early' just hang out for a bit and in a couple hours you'll be ready to go again.

I hope she's hot bro. Let me know how it goes.

is it?? I mean I guess the grass is always greener. I wouldn't want to be in that situation where you are real life meme of "can't last a minute haha" but I would like to be able to control it and cum in less than 2hrs jfc

>does anyone know what it feels like to be a human dildo? when a chick gets off two or three times on your huge cock
and let me guess, thats you, right Jow Forums guy? the guy with the huge cock making girls cum over and over again?

this but unironically

a few girls yeah, and desu they all have gotten grosser and grosser like not to write home about. it has brought my self esteem into the shitter. but they cum and have fun and I just go through the motions, wondering where it all went so wrong

not really hard to believe tbqh, Jow Forums is a normie site


I always nut in under 10 seconds and it's getting annoying. Luckily I only have sex a few times a year so I'm not too worried about it

just be yourself. dont do anything retarded like jake off the night before. dont eat dairy and make sure to vacate your bowls before sex. also use a wet ones on your asshole and dick and balls area.

whateber you do dont fart while climaxing, but if you do slap her so she gets confused and distracted.

make sure you are trimmed on your privates, make sure your ass is trimmed, make sure you are well groomed and bathed.

you'll know what to do, trust in the thousands of years of evolution

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also use protection. google STDs so you know what they look like, namely HPV and HSV.

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my first time i was almost 30. i made her orgasm with oral, came in her throat, sticked my finger up her ass, and fucked her good and hard. that was just the beginning.

i was nervous too but that went away once i found her vagine and finger banged her

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whoa sick brag on all the sex

60 minutes
>15 minutes of kissing
>15 minutes of teasing
>15 minutes of squeezing and
>15 minutes of blowing my top

Be sure to get married beforehand

...i just realized that i forgot what it was like to be in a real, true passionate relationship until i saw this

>A couple hours you'll be ready to go again

You giving advice to a 40 year old virgin? I'm 26 and I'll stay hard and be ready to go for round 2 in 30 seconds, might take a minute or two for the third.

Take your time, and figure out what she likes! Be sure to use your hands. I personally like to give sensual massages, experiment around a bit with force and speed. Tease her expectations- gravitate your hands towards her pussy until she starts quivering, then back out. Especially for a first timer this will give you some time to calm your nerves, prevent you from getting too excited. Girls often like to go a bit slower than guys do, and when we get nervous we tend to go to fast.

Also this.

tfw 27 khv and this is what i hope my first time is if it ever happns which i doubt

how did you know what to do

Take your time.
Even if you jump the gun and finish too soon, you can still go down on your partner. Or make out. Or do whatever else comes to mind.
It doesn't have to end when you shoot your goo.

kek but not too low

I know that feel bro. I feel like one of those rubber man things that the girl rides in camgirl videos. My dick feels nothing from years of hardcore jelqing and shes cumming all over the place. Im luck if i can get myself to nut once a month (unless I masterbate)

would you advise against jelqing?

why come in general it's relatively difficult for girls to orgasm from penetrative sex but guys on Jow Forums are always making girls cum repeatedly from it? like the guys in here saying girls use them like rubber dildos just having endless orgasms riding them?

Well, I meant that as a euphemism for jacking off really hard, but either way, I think that's the reason that my dick is completely insensitive to normal sex. I would advise against it, and recommend using a loose grip when masturbating if possible.

Or just a hookup. Its not like when you hookup with someone you shake hands then go PIV straightup LOL

Jow Forums is normie dude. This place is pretty much reddit at this point.
also checked

I used to permavirgin post on Jow Forums and I've been on Jow Forums for 10 years but some of us got older and turned into normal people surprise

When she rides you, slow stroke her upper thighs, moving to inner, then tilt your wrist outside and extend it so you'll be able to apply slight pressure on her clitoris with your thumb.
That has a high success rate in making chicks come.


my first time, a year ago and some change then. I went for her butthole but she eeked and stopped me. but once I went inside her it was a rush. a great feeling it was, making love to a woman. it was nice while it lasted.
had me reminiscing OP. Don't let your nerves get the best of you. be comfortable with yourself. I wish you the best!

i think it was from the years of porn desu

it felt very natural and was a lot of fun

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Lol found the virgin

I remember first time trying to stick my dick into her clit lmao

how so

Honest advice here:
>wash your dick
>keep a steady pace more or less
>some girls you can just pound away but chances are you’ll want to spend some time on foreplay, don’t go straight for the vag, tease her a bit
>it’s lower than you think
>bags of sand
>don’t wear a condom

autism fades away if you talk to people long enough

Not OP, but should I say, "I'm coming!" (like in my hentais)?

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just smash and play call of duty afterwards like a normal person

I felt the same too. our primitive instincts take over I believe. even if its not a situation of fear or danger out we are driven by our dna no matter how far we have came into the future. it just feels right and so natural. I miss it, I know I will never have her but I just miss having that again.

user, seriously: it’s lower than you think. Wherever you think it is, it’s lower than that.

Def do that. And growl and moan....LOUD.

Bitches love to know when they released a man

>be me
>banging this new gf sort of for the second time in the night
>first time was good already
>I start to get soft
>spot mirror in her bedroom to my left
>start to see my arms, triceps and hands choking her gently
>see my butt and leg muscles
>see my lats flexed
>get raging erection, harder than before
>feels good to be turned on by your own image that took you long to achieve

Literally just happened, like an hour ago. Just got home

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Make sure you scream "ONIIIIIIIII-CHAAAAAN" during climax.

>talk to cute girl at my job
>get the hardest erection of my life

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>jack off before sex

This is fucking awful advice. Unless you're in perfect shape, you'll go soft sooner and wont be impressive at all. You need max boner potential, jacking off ruins your potential.

I dont jack off all week so i am at peak performance by the weekend

>if you cum too early from an act made to made you cum, you're a pathetic loser
>so people tell you to jerk off beforehand to prevent tht
>no don't do that, then you'll go soft and you'll be pathetic as well


>jack off before sex
This tips give me a yay and nay situation at the same time. Yay because I can fuck longer than usual, nay because my dick will go floppy and it takes more time to fully erect it
Don't jack off right before you wanna make out. Jack off 5-6 hour before you wanna fuck. It give your dick plenty of time to replenish it's energy.

Just to clarify; he means "lower" as in closer to her asshole, don't try to jam your dick into her clitoris

Hooker is about to a-fucking-rrive lads
Gonna lose my V in less than an hour at 28 years of age.

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