My gym offered me 2 free personal trainer sessions and this is what the juiced up trainer suggested

My gym offered me 2 free personal trainer sessions and this is what the juiced up trainer suggested.
Should I ignore him and start ICF 5x5 instead?

Attached: Ohhdaddy.jpg (2550x3300, 363K)

Looks fine user, what are your goals?

I cant fucking see it why is the quality so bad
I can see facepulls on there though, a-are you Jesse??

I'm an ex semi pro soccer player so im in decent shape and my legs are good but I feel like I wouldnt be able to keep up with the Push part specially since I can barely bench a plate

Well, it has failure written on it twice, so he's not lying.

Holy shit that’s like my exact routine

what the fuck is a bicep extension

I'd recommend Ice Cream Fitness 2.0 for as long as you can. Once you seriously stall out on the lifts, were you find yourself grinding really hard and unable to add weight. Switch over to Barbell Medicine The Bridge 1.0. You will be jacked as fuck in no time. But if you care about arms, you gotta add in more curls than either program suggests.

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my point exactly lol. I have decent legs but thats from playing soccer my entire life.
Gym bro said that its too big lol

Im not sure because we're supposed to go over most exercises tomorrow and work on my form and shit


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how long have you been doing it and how tiny are your legs?

i started laughing when i read 20 and 30 reps

>5*30 lat raises
you're on speed

You can do 20 reps of lateral raises imo. That exercise gives the best results with low weight and very high volume

not 30 tho lmao

Are you in a wheelchair?

That's 350 reps. That's too many. Are you taking steroids by any chance OP?

You should kick him. He'll never see it coming.

>because he doesn't think OP has any legs

>face pulls to failure

face pulls to failure seems to defeat the purpose
i had thought its supposed to be high rep, low weight, but excellent form and that compromising this (or adding weight) could actually be problematic

Yo what gym you go to