As an experiment I’ve been training both biceps and triceps every single day I go to the gym (5x/week)

As an experiment I’ve been training both biceps and triceps every single day I go to the gym (5x/week)

Guess what happened? My arms blew up in size. I actually have arms that look like they lift, as opposed to when I just did compounds and had twig arms

So basically fuck “””””science””””” dweebs and virgin studies who say

>AACCKKSSHHUUALKY you need 48 hours for muscle recovery!!!!

Lmao fucking retards later fags.

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tell me your secrets OP

Attached: j7AtABh.png (610x521, 320K)

You would have had better growth if you gave your muscles rest though...

post arms

>and here's a pic to prove it

I agree OP post arms

Nope. Didn’t grow shit giving “””””rest”””””. I’m 100% confident volume is #1. More important than rest, diet, or routine. Low volume = no growth

bruh its not just about volume its about intensity. you can probably get the same amount of gains with lower volume but heavier weights

post arm pic with timestamp

Post body

I worked in a forklift factory which was basically a 6-day-a-week arm workout
I saw gains at first but after a few months of it my cns was taxed and my cortisol was through the roof
You don't need 48 hours between every single time, and your body will adapt, but take a break here and there and you will see you will get stronger just by sitting around and letting your body catch up

>My arms blew up in size.
Surely you wouldn't mind... showing us a picture, eh?

Try not to cum too hard fags.

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Nice timestamp retard

holy shit I'm fucking dying LMAO You seriously thought anyone would fall for this? Did your lower pecs and lats suddenly explode in size when you worked your biceps and triceps you fucking retard

is trolling with this little amount of effort even fun?

i know it's not OP, but what's that glowing thing in the mirror/his belt region?

Surprise surprise, high frequency works. This is already known.

Also, depending on how long you do this, accumulated fatigue may catch up to you. People train hard for a week and go “lol EZ mode!” the crash and burn 2 months later.

No you just have a pump all the time and your stupid ass can't think any further in time. You wont grow bigger, just cus they "blew up". Post pic of arms

Post a timestamp

watch dr mike isratels hypertrophy guide, biceps and triceps recover very quickly and should get about 18 sets per week on them

why are all you dyels so petty?

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Attached: Carpet_baiting.png (625x626, 181K)

thanks for the bump

different muscles recover at different rates. honestly I have no idea why the common knowledge is that you need a rest day for everything; you only need rest for squats and deadlifts and shit like that. arms are gtg erryday

Imagine saving pictures of an actual nice user that comes here and trying to shit smear him. You should be ashamed of yourself sir

This is actually correct. Brad Schoenfeld has done a significant amount of work on this. Total set volume per week is the best predictor of hypertrophy- doesn't matter the frequency, reps or weight (so long as each set is challenging to complete)



weakest bait I've seen in a while


No one cares if you went from 13 to 14 inch arms

Keep doing arms everyday though. You'll mog Rich Piana in six months

I believe this as well.

In last Before/after thread I posted in.

I was given an extreme amount of shit for OVERTRAINING. I basically said I worked biceps every other day.

Got same exact response "omg you are losing gainz".

Meanwhile, by adding a shitload of volume, the number of reps and weight I can lift has skyrocketed.

Some muscles need to be hit much more often and recover faster than others.
Not sure why this is so hard for some people to grasp.

That's why powerlifters are so muscular oh wait, they're just fat.

You took this from a different Post Body. I was on that thread.

Dr. Mike palestinetel actually suggests arms, calves and abs can be trained daily because they recover so fast

I added a small 'between sets' working rest where I do either pushups, pullups or crunches between sets. The increased bloodflow feels amazing and I feel as if doing this allowed me to maintain my intensity and focus throughout my session.

They're also far stronger and have more muscle than you ever will lmao

>i targeted a muscle and it got bigger
>fuck science bro

yeah uhh okay haha

How do I into /conanmode/?


you look like a future barbarian