
Has anyone ever healed this shit?

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I got it from bouldering and it's killing me , in the elbow/biceps area

I heard slow eccentric db curls help the tendons heal

Learn some anatomy and how to stretch, dumb fuck

Probably the same person who makes memes about stretching being useless

I can do slow but how eccentric are we talking?

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Had it on the same spot.
I masturbated/curled dumbbells before bench pressing so relieve the pain a bit. It went away after around a month

Yeah, too bad Jow Forums is a pussy when it comes to peptides like BPC-157 or TB-500.

Reverse curls helped me

I got it in my forearm from benching. Pretty much cured it by stretching my forearms alot throughout the day.

unironically based webm

Yeah you have to stop upper body lifting for 2-4 weeks at least, sry bro. When the pain is gone you can start upper body pulling training with medium weights. All pushing should be kept to minimium. Do flyes for chest and lateral raises with light weights for shoulders. After two weeks of light lifting you can try light benching and ohp with semi wide grip. Avoid all behind the forehead tricep training, skullcrusher etc. Also start focusing your forearms more, do biceps with hammer grip. Also google tennis elbow stretches. Good luck.

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i had something similar and mediocre weight high rep hammer curls helped me a lot.

I got patellar tendinitis from pushing boxjumps when i was 19. Went away when I took it easy on legs for a few months then came back when I was doing some high doublelegs. It's not really an injury, just self-limited pain. Stretching quads/hams and foam rolling helps

this is great advice
unfortunately it would probably still be considered assault if you did this in my country

Had it in my elbow from poor form on lowbar squats (supporting the bar). I swore off essentially all pushing exercises for like two months and made a full recovery. Did a lot of hammer curls, I get flare ups when I do a normal barbell or even easy bar curls, but otherwise no pain anymore.

I had extensor tendonitis from jogging everyday without rest for months on end. Shit took an unbelievably long time to heal

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Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Tendonitis Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Stay Within Your Maximum Recoverable Volume Like Nigga Choose the Right Grip And Warm Up

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Look up sources for PUFA.

And stop eating them.

So, everything? Great advice

non incels do real sports with dynamics impacts on their tendons which are the main cause of tendonitis

>I heard slow eccentric db curls help the tendons heal
What? No. Mild tendon discomfort/damage - aka tendonosis - needs rest and blood flow. Flex your arm back and forth a few times with no weight, then flip your hand up and down (pronate and supinate back and forth) a few times with no weight, and rub the area just below the elbow joint. Do that a few times throughout the day. This will get more blood to the area and help it heal a little faster. Rubbing the area is the most important part.

Unfortunately the most important part is time, and not damaging it further.


Sometimes it happens, sure. Often times training could be adjusted to add exercises that strengthen the tendons and supporting musculature over time, plus doing your sports training with sufficient recovery and proper form, as well as choosing how much training of the actual exercise vs drilling you do will also matter.
As other anons already mentioned, reverse curls are great if you get tendonitis in your elbow from climbing or combat sports for instance. Weighted lunges are great for helping to get more stability in your knees for cycling for instance, and so on and so forth

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And impacts should be on your muscles not your tendons as much as possible as well of course. If you train for climbing and constantly hang on your tendons rather than muscles, its your own fault

Wear a silly hat, only one sock and wink at yourself halfway through the rep every second rep.

Yes. Had tendonitis in my left elbow from heavy pressing. Took 3 weeks off and now I don't have pain any more. Sometimes you have to trust the gain goblin doctors.

While I was resting my elbow I focussed on my abs, calves, and shoulders so that it wasn't completely wasted time

This made me very sad

Next weekend in the anniversary of my elbow tendonitis. Shit was excruciating. Could only train the left part of my upper body for a month.