>if you have never 1/2/3/4, you do not have an opinion on strength training that matters
>Most people on steroids do not look like it, and most barely even look like they lift
>cardio does NOT kill your gains
>99% of people on this board are novices that give out shitty meme advice that does not work
>novices do not need to do accessory work, and will grow muscle fine with just basic compounds
List of friendly reminders
Can't agree with that last one friend, unless you mean excessive accessories. Then again this entire thread is going to be people nitpicking at your points so I guess I see what you were going for
You are correct I should clarify
First year lifters do not need to do accessory work.
If a first year has all bases covered, lets say they do starting strength+lat pulldowns, they do not need to do accessories.
Post ONE single pic of someone who got nice arms and calves from doing compounds.
Post ONE single pic of someone who got nice arms and calves from doing compounds and isolation within their first year lifting naturally.
Newfag here, what falls under the terms accessories and compunds ?
>Newfag here
stop browing this board if youre new. its not good for your lifting. its terrible advice for retards (poltards) and bitter incels (Jow Forumstards) go watch Jeff on youtube or shredded sports science anf follow a basic full body 3x routine. do some "fun" accessory work that interests you after your routine or on your rest days. but no more htan twice a week (e.g., curls w.e) do that for 6 months. then you'll be stronger than 99.95% of Jow Forums and you can come back here ot shit on faggots like OP
Thank you for the advice user, I will check him out
I dont get people who have shit facehair genetics but still grow beard.
Like, they dont see it looks stupid?
For some it is because they look even worse without facial hair.
>if you have never 1/2/3/4, you do not have an opinion on strength training that matters
u dont have to be good at something to have a good opinion.
>Most people on steroids do not look like it, and most barely even look like they lift
unlikely. id imagine a small percentage do not look like they lift, but i guess this also depends on how u define "not looking like u lift"
>cardio does NOT kill your gains
ofc not
>99% of people on this board are novices that give out shitty meme advice that does not work
>novices do not need to do accessory work, and will grow muscle fine with just basic compounds
ofc they dont need it. but they would probably look slightly better with some lateral raises, curls, calf raises etc
based beyond belief
>>if you have never 1/2/3/4, you do not have an opinion on strength training that matters
if you think 1/2/3/4 is strong you do not have an opinion on strength training that matters.
pretty based
>Implying 1/2/3/4 is strong
You guys should both just give up.
Do your face pulls.
>shredded sports science
I've genuinely tried to find a single pic of him to no avail.
>b-but you don't need to be in shape to give advice
Your body as a fitness coach is your credibility card.
I'm with you until you mentioned Jeff.
Red like 1/4 of your pathetic flex, kys incel.
post nose
There's no way that's 6 months
You say this but I guarantee you're one of those memeing faggots who shit on SS when it's suggested to people despite the fact that if you read the actual book, it says to do exactly what you just said.
Which out of the 3 Jeff's?
still cant grow a beard
People who hit 1/2/3/4 can at least point beginners toward a decent strength program rather than some bodypart memesplit from a magazine, which would be more helpful than 90% of the shit posted here.
Very based.
The Dragon level manlet.
Do NOT watch Jeff or any meme YouTuber. Go get starting strength and read it. Do that program for 6 months or until LP stalls. Until then, ignore all nonsense here
>Ignore all nonsense here
Like your comment.
Except I'm actually pointing him to literary content that is written by an actual powerlifter and strength coach. Not some dyel on Jow Forums or some roid user who has to make shit up on YouTube to keep the revenue going
>if you have never 1/2/3/4, you do not have an opinion on strength training that matters
For how many reps? And what if you're under 5'4"?
Starting with Bench and Squats will fuck your knees, back and shoulders. Don't do these exercises until you've got 3-6 months experience with the a simpler program.
It’s written by a fat fuck who did powerlifting once, makes absolutely retarded claims sometimes and never admits when he’s wrong.
SS is good for learning form on the big lifts but if you’re not a 80 IQ fag you can figure that out without buying a book. The program is pretty fucking dumb.
Powerlifting to above average standards is important for bodybuilding though. Pushing weight in the hypertrophy range works better if the weight is heavier.
>don’t do X until you have some experience doing Y, then go back and do X with higher weight than you would have in the first place
You get good at squatting and benching by doing it, nobody gets injured working up from an empty bar.
Rippetoe is stronger in his 50s than most of this faggot board and the program is solid.
I've taught people to swim and drive. Never would I start them off in an ocean or busy roads. Why would weight lifting be any different? You need a solid core before you can even begin to take on squats. All I ask is you start with similar exercises that don't require so much coordination and are easier on the body.
>nobody gets injured working up from an empty bar.
can't overstate this enough. I had so many faggots in here telling me I was gonna fuck my shit up doing squats when I first started as if I'm gonna load up the bar with 300lbs on my first day.
You shouldn't be concerned about getting nice arms the first year of your lifting
>You need a solid core before you can even begin to take on squats.
that's funny because my personal trainer with 20 years of experience started me out on the 4 essentials when I was a skinnyfat betamale.
Post body +timestamp
LOL u pay for a personal trainer.
This is not a good argument. If I do a hypertrophy routine I’m upping the weights as well...I’m not getting fucking jacked lifting 10 kg
t. Dyel
>if you have never 1/2/3/4, you do not have an opinion on strength training that matters
you know what is the academic field right user? you know that you don't need to have been to space to know who to build a spaceship?
All you memeing faggots can say what you want but you can not argue that SS is NOT the best weightlifting instruction manual on the main compound movements
>muh rippetits
>muh milk
>muh bloat
Shut the fuck up and lift, faggot. Read SS and practical programming and then get strong as fuck AND THEN make fucking comments about SS. If not, then shut the fuck up
>t. 20 % bf sack of shit
YOU are the memeing faggot here. Most people already tried ss. You probably have been lifting for less than a year.
Post body
Didn't he just make a video admitting he was wrong about barbell rows?
>First year lifters do not need to do accessory work.
What about their newbie gains tho
Of course. Increased muscle fiber is increased force output. Whereas strength range sets train for increased contraction via the central nervous system. Then you can do even heavier weight for your hypertrophy sets, then with the new muscle fiber, heavier weights for your max strength sets.
Not developing both is crippling yourself.
>Chew your food fully
>Don't be a fool wrap your tool
>Go to the dentist annually
N...no u...
Either you're samefagging or you don't know what based means.
or both
ok define based for me retard
Why not?
>You need a solid core to squat an empty fucking bar
>healthy adult male getting mogged by a little girl
If an adult male injures himself squatting an empty bar he should unironically give up lifting and take up stamp collecting.
Jeff Nippard for technique and general information. His routines are also very good. Jeff Cavalier for injury prevention/rehabilitation and posture correction. His techniques are good too but he has a lot of controversial opinions that make his routines questionable.
Another good youtuber is Jeremy Ethier, he's kind of like a less entertaining Jeff Nippard but he's got a lot of good stuff that's definitely worth watching.
>all science fairies
He is also a literal cuckold.
I agree with you but for other reasons. Goblet squat is way better alternative for beginners.
All powerlifters are sexual deviants, this isn’t surprising
I "memesplitted" my way to 1/2/3/4. it's not strong at all.
At what bw?
>nah, no people who know what they're talking about for me
>I'll stick with retards on Jow Forums thanks
I can lift 57.5/97.5/150/180kg
Do I get to have an opinion yet, or do I need those last 2 2.5kgs?
>novices do not need to do accessory work, and will grow muscle fine with just basic compounds
mildly disagree, depending on what you mean. If you mean no chin-ups/dips, then no. They're damn good complements to any barbell compound routine. Beyond that the only accessory I ever do though is lateral raises so yeah I mostly agree.
"Don't listen to this board which tells you to do a 3* a week full body routine. Go somewhere else and do a 3* a week full body routine but with a slightly different type of memescience and some useless accessories thrown in."
This is your brain on creatine.
100% correct on all accounts. There was a poll of the bench 1rm of like 130 people from this board, and even with the assumed e-stating less than like 20% claimed at least a 2pl8 1rm. Remember that next time someone tells you they know anything about weightlifting and exercise from a long-term perspective.
Wtf? Lgbt probably outbenches us.