transformation thread?
Transformation thread?
this if fucking pathetic, delete this thread now
and somehow i just know u are swedish too, fuck my autistic country
Don't see what is wrong here.
He looks swedish indeed lmao
is this do I dare to say it... the new zyzz? Is this a recarnation I'm seeing?
1 year of lifting natty. Nothing to scoff at.
this pic is really cringy, I would tell u to go back to plebbit but I don't even care anymore
post body
I don't know, dude seems chill. Happy for his progress.
imagine buying two hot coffees for yourself so you can take a picture for Jow Forums claiming to have a girlfriend
Cringe. Jesus, how autistic are you?
Congrats on progress but this whole collage is cringy af. I hope it's just a joke
it's hot chocolate... I don't drink hot chocolate... it was her / my dates choice.
it is a joke... but somehow you guys didnt understand the obvious.
just why, what would your friends say if they saw this chollage? it's not even a good joke
seek professional help
I think it's funny... People with autism have a certain set of humor that I thought you guys would understand?
Still, if if set aside the cringe&joke , its a good set of pictures. And good progress.
Not sure where you are going with this?
>just why, what would your friends say if they saw this chollage? it's not even a good joke
just because you don't understand the joke doesnt mean it's not a good joke.
Guess a little ahead in the curve.
>seek professional help
There is no cure for autism. And you want me to seek help cause a joke a make of myself?
Wow, you really must be autistic yourself.
>Waste all this energy to racemix
This is so fucking embarrassing.
not a full transformation just a progress update, ive been getting solid gains this past months, any comments apprecizated bruhs
my stats are 31
75 kgs
this must be bait
I've been going to the gym for 9 months and have made no fucking progress haha fucking kill me
Decent face gains. you look rougher. which is a step up.
Nice hair gains. keep that haircut. it suits you.
you look wider, keep doing what you are doing but cut harder.
Looks like you took the photos on the same exact day.
Why is everyone in this thread a living joke?
I do lift mainly curls i keep a record of every day i work out in 2019
op here.
not bad. If I had records of myself lifting I would really liked it...
think I have lifted for 144hours... totaling
Instathot 101: never photograph yourself from below.
>that spacing
You are trying to fuck with the guy in the OP by making this collage and set of posts, right? If not and that is actually you its autism for sure. Well done on improving your life in that case though, but lurk moar
Of course you dont, you autist
Got it
This new angle looks better i agree
nice bait... he is a famous swedish instragrammer.
that does backpacking and a little bit of fitness.
>71 kg
you aren't strong u are just lean, when I was 16 almost all of my peers were heavier than you
He is a famous swedish instagrammer with 200k followers.
nobody does their research here?
how be one single thread be so cursed?
>172 cm
post body
Sure he has a nice body and all... but this thread? Making it?
You've only "making it" by getting money.... Did he do that?
Yeah you made it... 6months? You made it for sure, IF YOU ARE NATTY...
I doubt you are natty to gain 10kgs of muscles in 6months tho... Eeven if dyel
ever heard of noob gains, it's possible to get even more than 10 kg of muscle as a untrained guy in 6 months if u bulk
my trafo, just a skinny nigger tryin' to gain muscle
still a skelly but not full auschwitz anymore and enough improvement to get my first gf
It's not the gains, it's the nature and style of the graphic.
Cut. Now.
mirin hand size
Me on the left
5'7 115lbs
how the fuck.
are you not getting stronger? are you not lifting more each time?
i dont say this often but really, eat some fucking food nigger
follow a reputable program
Thats so fucking cringe
fucking manlet starts working out then calls himself cringe
Good facial gains, but this is a fitness board. Post body, no homo.
how did u get facial gains
lose bf
You went from a 3/10 to macaulay culkin/10. Good job
from cringe twink to cringe twink
>this is the guy telling you to stay natty
those are some good facial gains my dude went from cuck to chad.
Even as a joke it's beyond autistic
i eat plenty, i'm just a little guy
meant for you
I seriously hope this was made sarcastically.
Since when is dating an asian female an accomplishment?
since when was not posting your body and your accoplishment and accomplishment? Lyl
bost body and etc.
please post body if you gonna say shit... all I see is empty
this is fucking autistic, I know because this is the type of shit I would do if ididn't get the autism beat out of me in highschool
t. diagnosed autistic
Since it's all about the face my G.
also under what context did your "date" not only take a picture of you but then also send it to you? that seems pretty weird as well
wow you must be a faggot if you got beat...
this dude turned his life around and starterd dated asian qtpies.
and what you have? Not even post body. you are the ones that makes this threads funny...
"AUTISM HURR DURR"... all I hear. This guy dates your dreamgirls.... And you stay there where you are and not even post body....
It's funny to me... Cause I know OP won :D
nice quads but shitty copypasta
Start doing some dumbbell pullovers and eat more. Looking dece though.
Mad face gains.
OP we know it's you, u even use leddit spacing like OP, I see that this bullying is hitting u hard, leave Jow Forums forever and enjoy life
Probably that and he's looking straight at the camera rather than having his head tilted upwards slightly.
>swedish instagrammer
Who gives a fuck?
damn nice transformation ma man!
The dude literally de-aged 2 decades
It’s funny desu, this place needs more garbage like OPs collage and less BBC threads
hey OP, learn to lift your upper eyelid and tighten your lower one 24/7 until it becomes your natural posture, you've got those retarded dane/swede eyes that bring you down from a 7/10 to a 3/10
what up senpai
this is fucking insane
>dating an asian
>thinks this means he's a chad or that he made it
Pathetic. He'll always be a beta.
you're a cool guy senpai
user, I think it's time to kill yourself.
nice roids
100% natty my friend
not even ONE stretchmark
Forgot timeframe
Wasnt long
Didn't know wtf I was doing when I started or I'd look alot better/ bigger numbers now
B4: 6'1 150lb degen.
After: 6'1 196lb nondegen.
Hit 1/2/3/4 while ago, working towards 2/3/4/5 but slow af
Nice job varg
Hahahha ugly
I thought Scandinavian countries had good genes not big lipped weird pedo looking dudes hahahahahah
Elven mode
Its Sweden i recognise the buildings in the back
Holy shit he went from 30 something cuck to 19 year old ladies man. Jesus if this is you user you fucking made it dog
congratulations you lost weight and worked out a little bit