Is this it fellas? Am I going bald prematurely?
Is this it fellas? Am I going bald prematurely?
Yea, and its from the back too, which js worse
Time to man up and start shaving
oh no no no no no
You're not going bald necessarily, it might just be the way your head hair is set.
If you have an older picture showing a thicker head of hair then you could be balding but that picture alone doesn’t prove shit.
By the way if you are worried by a ketoconzale based shampoo and use it 3x per week
Like this
doesn't look too early for the test to finally hit your bloodstream
Looked normal to me
Welcome to manhood. Some of us start balding young. Good news is my hair started to thin on top when I was 18 and it still looks full 8 years later. It's just not as full as it was when I was in High School.
>You're not going bald necessarily
hahaha is that what you are telling yourself too when looking at your cucked up vertex?
t. 30 year old with luscious hair
gotta check the hairline, that's where it usually starts pretty sure
I guess you’re right. I’m 24 and I just hope it doesn’t fully thin or fall out any time soon
I’m hoping you’re right but others are saying otherwise
My hairline is fine, just this spot towards the back of my head/top of my head.
It also doesn’t help if I don’t know if it’s always been like this or if it’s starting to thin now
I am not even saying you're not balding, I am saying it's inconclusive without a before picture.
Anyways get on the shampoo if you're worried
depends on what you mean by "any time soon." you've got at least a few more years before you really have to start compensating with certain hairstyles or hats to cover it.
I’m gonna order the shampoo and see where it gets me.
It really doesn’t help that my hair sticks up there for some reason. Probably makes it worse
That sort of bums me out
A lot of the guys make the mistake of thinking "I don't have perfect hair, therefore I'm balding"
You have a noticeable hair vertex. That doesn't necessarily mean you're balding.
Male pattern baldness does not proceed in a spiral pattern.
I mean it's possible you are thinning out up top but none of us will be able to tell you that based on a picture like this.
Ignore the trolls telling you you are balding
Its called a crown, everyone has one.
take a pic in 3 months and compare, lots of this ""advice"" is garbage vitamin shilling
It's not as bad as it sounds. This is 8 years after my doctor said my hair was thinning. Your buzzcut just isn't gonna be as hot in a few years.
Besides it's not like people are looking at the top of your head.
They are if you're a manlet
You actually do have noticeable thinning though
I’m hoping you guys(potentially 1 person) are right. I should really just stop stressing about it and just wait and see if it ever gets worse. I hadn’t really looked at the top of my head before this so idk if it was always like this or not
>This is 8 years after my doctor said my hair was thinning.
My hair looked like OPs about 2 years in. The point is even now you can't tell unless you look at the top of my head.
my hair was fine at 24 skip to 26 my crown is thinning and i have a bald spot even if i grow my hair out long my hairline didnt change much thats the spooky part
You can tell.
You're doing like a comb over thing with that wisp of hair where you are coming it forward.
You can see long irregular vertical patches where you've experienced significant hair loss.
That's what actual balding looks like.
That's what I meant when I told OP "MPB doesn't proceed in a spiral pattern"
It proceeds like your crown is showing. "Diffuse thinning"
I'm not trying to be mean but you're delusional if you think no one can tell that you're balding.
Look at it this way - your hair was NPC-tier anyways, so it's not like it really matters whether it stays or goes.
I'm 6'1". No one sees the top of my head. Still looks perfectly normal from the front. That "combover" is the way I've combed my hair for 10 years. Well before I started thinning.
When I started balding at 18 I had the same spiral at the back end of the crown as OP. I had a similar haircut as OP as well. I'm being honest with him. 24 is a much more normal age to *start* balding compared to 18 for me, and he still has plenty of time to enjoy his hair.
The point of the picture wasn't to prove that I'm not balding. It's to show OP that 8 years after I started balding I've still got a head of hair without a big bald spot.
>I'm 6'1". No one sees the top of my head.
Ok I tried to be nice but when I see this level of cope the claws just instinctually start to come out.
No one sees the top of your head? How about when you're sitting down, dumbass? Or how about when you're standing far away? Or when you're at a relatively lower elevation? Or when you look up at something? Or down at something?
People see the top of your head every fucking day.
>It's to show OP that 8 years after I started balding I've still got a head of hair without a big bald spot.
You do have a big bald spot. You're combing it over.
Your hair is literally 10 times longer than OP's.
If you had a buzzcut like he does the white patch would look like a dinner plate.
just find the fucking cure already
i know right reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee im having a quarter life crisis
I would say you are definitely starting the process. Hop on fin as soon as possible and nizoral like the other user said, maybe try to get the 2 percent prescription as that's the strength that the study was based on. Biotin never hurts either. You will regret not acting fast, I promise.
I’m WARNING him that that’s what his future will hold for him. He’s thinning and it will lead to balding
Doesnt fin have some bad side effects?
>this level of cope
I've had 8 years to cope. I'm very aware that I'm balding. People rarely catch an opportunity to see the top of my head. Even when they do, who gives a fuck? Most men go bald.
In those highlighted areas you can see roots - it's thinning. It's not a "big bald spot." When I shaved my head completely bald for a cancer benefit in October and my whole crown looked thin and shitty when it was growing back. That maple leaf and peeled banana you highlighted wasn't there.
But the point of my message keeps going over your head so I'll simplify it even more for you.
When I make first impressions with someone I'm not usually sitting down with my back to them. When I take pictures with other people I'm not bending over with the back of the top of my head facing the camera. My hair looks normal from the front and sides, and at an angle to a point. When I am facing people you cant tell that the back of the top of my hair is thinning.
That should be reassuring to OP who appears to be in the early stages of balding, that he still has years of mostly normal looking hair.
>OP who appears to be in the early stages of balding
this really bums me out
Yes, fin can make you have less than stellar erections but it's not like you get the side effect and then boom your boners suck the rest of your life. Once the drug is gone your dick will go back to normal. But the people that experience sides on fin is about the same as people who experience ED anyway, so it's not really much of an elevated risk imo. I know it's scary to mess with that, but I promise you it's worth it if it works for you.
Personally I had sides for about 3 or 4 days after starting it and then they went away. And this may be a psychological thing but my erections and libido are both better. That could be due to fin causing an increase in my test levels but who can say. It's definitely worth trying if you're serious about keeping your hair. A lot of people on here make it sound like you take the pill once and you turn into a tranny, that's simply not the case.
Don't you have to stay on the drug for a very long time?
Nah, really don't sweat it man. It's not as bad as it sounds. If you're just starting to bald in your mid 20s, you'll be in your 30s before it really gets noticeable. You're on Jow Forums anyway. You can just go full bald meathead when the day comes.
If someone looks directly at the top of your head, they're gonna notice. But if someone catches a glance at your head it's not gonna stand out.
I'll start saving up for a hair transplant from now
Make sure you go to a good business if you do. A lot of people get fucked on transplants.
I'm gonna do my research
Well yeah man, it's a maintenance drug. You take it every day. My plan is to stay on it until I can afford stem cell treatment or until a literal "cure" is released which tentatively looks like 2020. This is what I mean when I say you have to weigh the pros and cons. I personally don't like taking a pill everyday but I'd rather have hair, you know? So I added it to my stack and now I don't even think about it. It's up to you in the end, but I know that it's halted my hair loss and I'm starting to see regrowth on my crown after 6 months in.
Lookin good!
I'm skeptical of a cure ever being available for this sort of thing. Also what does stem cell treatment for this do?
I'm gonna look into fin and get on it if i think its worth it. maybe ill go see a hair specialist
>until a literal "cure" is released which tentatively looks like 2020
White scientists can create AIDs and cure Polio in the West but they can't fix a fucking hairline. BAKA my head.
transplant, baby. look at elon musk
Hey OP look at the bright side. You could be this guy
Go to Turkey. They got the best transplanters.
Damn son. I never payed attention to his hair int he old pictures. Fucking upgrade.
Yeah, he looks fucking awesome now. Money cures most aesthetic ailments
can confirm. had gyno surgery (for legit gyno)
How did that go?
OP is a bald nigga
Who cares virgin? It's not like you use your cock anyways
Just shave it bro. Women love that
keep projecting, incel
bald masterrace
guy is a faggot
femanon here, where do i obtain a qt bf with a nice smile like him?