/quitfit General

>Been a smoker and beer drinker for 20 years.
>Started to get /fit last year, lost some weight, doing MMA now.
>Giving up beer slowly (still having a 12 pack on the weekends).
>Got down to 10 cigarettes a day.

Anyone quit some bad habit? Porn? Tobacco? Alcohol? Weed? What got you to quit? Will power or some other method. Share your story.

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my nigga how the fuck are u alive

quit tobacco. Used whyquit.com.

Basically, don't cut down tobacco, QUIT. Cutting down drags out your withdrawl. Quit and you can burn through it and start feeling better

I don’t know if it’s fair for me to compare this, but I had a porn addiction to where I was fapping 3 times a day. I had to quit cold turkey when I couldn’t get hard unless it was to porn. It took a couple tries but I’m glad to say I’m on day 150, but have had sex in that time period so I’m not going monk mode. We’re all gonna make it frends

Quit alcohol. Quit porn. Quit fast food. I just stopper consuming it.

The grace of the Lord. Seriously, probably my genes. Grandfather smoked and drank whisky until 84 and died reasonably healthy with every hair on his head.

Yep, I gave up sodas and fast food years ago. If I eat fast food now, I get kinda queasy.

How do people even get to that level of alcoholism? How is it enjoyable? Do they have an addictive personality?

quit refined sugar for a month. tried some cake today and it made me feel like shit so i dont even want it anymore

What, a 12 pack on the weekend? Are you serious?

I'm addicted to a RC stim. I just can't stop. I don't understand why. This has completely broken my view of free will. I'm not an individual that can make choices and act on my own accord. I just react to stimulus and I comment on my actions in my thoughts. But no matter how much I think "don't do this anymore", I do it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. In the same way an animal would always go after food, my body goes after this drug because it thinks it requires it to live. I'm going to die.

doing noweed and nofap. sheer willpower going cold turkey. I also owe it to my faith in Jesus Christ. I do not wish to sin against a God who loves me

Amen, brother. Prayer has been the biggest thing helping me to put down the booze.

>Started to get /fit last year, lost some weight, doing MMA now.
>Giving up beer slowly (still having a 12 pack on the weekends).
>Got down to 10 cigarettes a day.
Put the cigs and beer in the goddamned trash right now OP. Not 10 cigs later. Not tommorrow. Now

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Chantix got me off of tobacco for a year, then got stupid and smoked a cigarette while drinking in a bar, and got right back on them. Vaping now, and it's still not ideal, but it's 10x better than cigarettes. No tar or rando chemicals other than nicotine in my lungs, already breathing better, and it's cheaper. I used to spend about $60/ week for a carton of cigarettes, Now I've spent about $90 on my vape, two rechargeable batteries, a charger, and a bottle of juice. I buy a $12 bottle of juice every two weeks or so, and a new $3 electric coil once every month or two.

Inb4 hipster vapefag. Yeah, yeah, it's better than pissing away money on Phillip Morris, burning holes in my clothes, reeking of stale smoke, having stank breath, a stank house, a stank car, and only dating chicks that smoke.

Get high and flush it down the toilet in a mad dash to save yourself

one month nofap+nosmoke

We're all gonna make it homies.

How go you go through so little juice?

I was a pack a day smoker, and I go throw 10ml of 6mg a day, sometimes 2.


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I think I'm gonna have to quit alcohol. I turned 25 this year and it seems as if my body just can't handle it any longer. The day after I casual night out with the lads I just feel like a sack of shit. My head hurts and it feels like there is a parasite in me eating up my intestines. I've always had problems with digesting beer but recently it's just gone worse. I think I'm very sensitive towards gluten or hops

What is it?