Does anyone else feel like they're wasting their youthful vigor just going to the gym...

Does anyone else feel like they're wasting their youthful vigor just going to the gym? When you could be going on 100 mile mountain bike rides, climbing massive vertical rock faces, jumping off buildings and over ledges, doing backflips off of things, backcountry skiing, becoming a navy seal, what have you. After age 25 it will be too late to experience your peak of athleticism.

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Other urls found in this thread:'_Races

you can literally do all of those things until you are 60

then do that

nah i have wasted my youthful vigor by being a friendless khv incel shut in my entire life

How does one discover the drive to do them?

If you want to do them, you do them. If you don't, you don't. Think of it like trying new food. You take a small bite and see if you like it. If you don't, then at least you gave it a fair shot, move on to the next thing.

have sex

I do climb things like mountains and cell phone towers, I've been on top of buildings. I flip off things every day, and I was in the Navy for 5 years.

I just turned 25 last month and I'm about to begin a whole new level of fitness.

Fuck you op

I'm 28 I wasted all of my youth being a fat sack of shit. At least I can spend the very last year of my 20's with some dignity.

Yea you're missing out OP. Go and do it. Especially if you're not making good money.

I have some friends who've sat in front of computers their entire lives. Their nostalgic stories about some Uni party or some old videogame are depressing as hell. I dunno how they live with themselves now at 30. To be fair most of them are medicated for it.

Demand more from life and go out and enjoy it. That doesn't mean blowing money on silly backpacking meme tours with the normies. Those are often boring stories too. Get out and get paid for it.

Why do you feel like you should do them if you don't have the drive to? Don't let other people dictate what a worthwhile experience is, user.

How about you do both you dumbshit.

All the things you mentioned require you to be at least somewhat Jow Forums at minimum

Going to the gym is a fairly efficient activity when you look at the benefits vs the time invested. No single sport or activity is going to let you target so many parts of your body at that kind of intensity and also variability ie different weights, movements, etc. The time you are putting in now in your 20’s and 30’s will translate into vastly higher quality of life in your 40’s, 50’s and beyond. You can travel, hike, so cool and dangerous shit while your peers are degrading into fat blobs. You can do all that now too but also keep going.

I see people doing insane things like that with no fear of injury while I work for minimum wage and chase a boring degree and all my envy comes to the surface. Meanwhile I'm too scared to even learn how to skateboard.

What are some of your experiences user?

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I worked on tallships for years. I got kinda dragged into it off my PC and i had a blast. Really got to prove myself to myself, you know and make the most of my strength. Climbing. Loading cargo. Hauling lines. Lifes a workout on those boats and you can go all over.

It's rare to get paid for it but I was and since I lived on there and got fed for free i got paid very well considering.

The sort of hippies that end up on those boats do lots of pretty cool stuff too that I would kinda like to get in on like Permaculture farming, WWOOFing and shit or have careers on bigger ships or the Navy. On guy even got hired to make treehouses professionally in south america. Lived out there for a winter.

I was permabanned from the Military because I'm all but legally blind or I'd have been ALL OVER THAT SHIT but whatever. I haven't done much but it opened my eyes to whats out there if you're lucky enough to be let out of the urban holes of modern life.

I'm not in this picture nor have i been on this boat.

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Bumping so I can reply on my break

How did you learn to flip?

That's a good point. I hadn't thought of it that way.

That sounds like a based existence. I hope an opportunity like that comes.

I had a good run in my 20's. Worked my ass off doing manual labor. Took trips to see most of the US. Found ways to get paid for some of them. Got to train martial arts with some of the original instructors to come here from Japan. Basically did what I wanted. Find a will and you will find a way. 39 year old eternal bloomer here btw.

>Does anyone else feel like they're wasting their youthful vigor just going to the gym?
not the gym, work in general.
i have to work and study every fucking day. I have about 2 hours of free time and i use 1 hour for the gym
I end up with 1 hour of masturbation and watching some series.

I wish my parents were rich so I could have just moved around the planet, catching fish in norway and so on.
Problem is, I want my own family. I dont have anyone left and I want to have my own house.

Taught myself, been doing parkour for almost 12 years now

How do you get work on a tallship?
Sounds cool as shit.

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Unironically stretch
I never could do any backflips or anything, even tho i can jump very high and have peak balance.
I had anterior pelvic tilt from shortened hip flexors and therefore i did a stretching routine.
Now i feel comfortable doing flips and a little parkour.

Unfortunately I think the era where you can just drift between jobs and countries is long over. My parents got to enjoy it while it lasted, never staying in the same place for more than a few years. the responsible thing is probably to climb the corporate ladder now

>I'm all but legally blind
>it opened my eyes to whats out there
Good post though

Attached: B3A81EB6-B5A0-4AF3-B018-B729AAC912A0.gif (350x200, 3.83M)'_Races

The real question is how the fuck are you supposed to start experiencing life if you have no friends or social skills at all

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How's life and what're you doing now? How'd you go about finding ways to get paid for taking trips? Did you pick the location first or the other way around?

How do you fucking cope with life when you can't do any of this shit?
>born three months early, resulting in a ton of bullshit
>partly undeveloped lungs, meaning my lung capacity is absolutely fucked
>shitty ligaments, meaning absolutely zero core strength and my limbs feel weird (think right before you crack your knuckles but on a much larger scale and nonstop)
>poor circulation, retarded purple/blue undertone to extremities
>pectus carinatum
>fractured my L1 last year, meaning that my back is constantly in muscular pain even though my nerves are fine
> have been banned from running, martial arts and lifting any weight above 10kg
>crippling depression and insecurity
>no job
>parents treat me like an invalid while constantly being on my fucking back for not having a job
>almost 22
I'm just getting angry and bitter and depressed about it all

Are you a brainlet who thinks you have finite youthful vigor? Or that training at a gym is going to detract from your physical capacity? You can both go to the gym and do fun shit, and honestly the fact that you do go to the gym means you can be at peak performance.

No, because I don't say no to those things because of the gym.

I'm feeling like I wasted my youthful vigor playing video games, being in a shitty long distance relationship, drinking and trying to start a business

sounds like your parents shouldn't have reproduced. you're unlucky as hell. see if there's any sort of disability benefits you can get idk man

Very based. Don't let some romantic notion of being outside let you stray from your goals

sorry user. maybe future medicine will have the answer

Sometimes I feel that way when I do cardio indoors but lifting is a sport that is supposed to take place indoors. Now that's its summer and school isn't in session I do set aside time to go on hikes or get lost in a new city :)

going to the gym keeps you full of youthful vigor so don't worry cause stress fucks it all up.

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How many hours are you in the damn gym that you're wasting your youth away?

Go out for a walk. Drive to a day track. Try to put yourself in social situations if you want to do things as a group.

Fuck everyone and kill yourself lifting. That’s what I would do