Just thought seriously about how I'm going to die at some point; could be tomorrow or in 70 years but it will happen...

Just thought seriously about how I'm going to die at some point; could be tomorrow or in 70 years but it will happen. It's not fair bros, I don't want to stop existing

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don't worry, there is an afterlife and all of your friends and family are waiting there to live eternity in paradise


You have so long until you die that you can do anything you wish to do, make sure to live to make your dreams come true

Follow Jesus. this life is not the end, it is only the beginning.

Life is hard then you die. Deal with it

That started for me at about 10 peaked at 11-13 and is gone at 28.

You won't know and you won't suffer.

>not believing in plains of consciousness

A thread died for this

I think it's worse to think that my parents are getting old and might die withing 20 years. It seems like a lot but I'm not ready

You stop existing every time you go to sleep, boyo. You not wanting to die is literally just your genes talking, there is no existential profundity behind it

me neither, but i have about 80 good years left to live, a lot happens in just 1 year, imagine 80 years. for reference im 20 and i believe that we in first world countries will live to 100

I know that feel, user. It isn't fair that our existence is characterised by a brief, finite allowance of consciousness. Consciousness is such a strange property because we find it so impossible to compare to anything else in the universe. It's not fair that we get that, and then have it taken away. I just hope that when we die, our consciousness, as an entity, emerges elsewhere.
>t. Brainlet trying to write a compelling story about his fear of death

You will always fear death if you never live, experience what life has to offer and be content with what you get out of it. 30-50 years of quality living are more than enough for a sense of satisfaction. Stop living in the past and live in the moment

Christcucks actually believe this lmao and what will you do with them ? Float through clouds for eternity ? Seems like hell to be honest

Must be a hot paradise

Just passing through Jow Forums, god you really are as dense as everyone suspects.

Not all those years are the same, your freedom starts to rapidly constrict as the time passes. You're probably already pigeoned in to the most boring predictable life imaginable for your circumstances at 20 by going to the local uni and getting a bogstandard STEM degree. What makes you think the future will be better?

>30-50 years of quality living are more than enough for a sense of satisfaction.

On what basis do you make that assertion? And what do you define as "quality living"? If I backpack the world for two years and someone else works in an office building their career for two years, who is living the higher quality life?

You guys really are just as meatheaded as I thought, and here was me thinking there was a modicum of critical thought to be found here. I'm going back to Jow Forums.

I feel the same way. The obvious choice should be to end the suffering of consciousness now but our genetic code also discourages suicide. What are some books for this feel?

Accept the fact that not everyone is born to be special or talented. Then face this stark reality square in the face. When you come out the other end after your initial depression, then fully and completely embrace yourself the way you are. No guilt, no shame, no anger. Just calm equanimous acceptance of your talentlessness and ordinaryness (if there is such a word). Don't fight it by "thinking positive" or trying hard at something you will fail at countless times. Even if you succeed in one particular area after failing at it 100 times, how can you consider it a success? Efficiency -getting things done with the least effort and in the shortest period of time- is a big measure of success. There are others who succeed effortlessly at their first try!

So instead of fighting reality, the absurdness of existence, indifference of God/University, brutality of nature, your talentlessness, accepting reality the way it is will help to reconcile you to the truth of your situation. I would advise that you embrace the reality of you being just like billions of nameless, faceless, perfectly ordinary and talentless human beings who in history have come and gone before you, and other billions of talentless, ordinary humans who will after you. This requires you also accept the premise that existence is absurd, meaningless, that humans or other creatures don't matter in the grand scheme of things, and that we give ourselves an elevated sense of importance.

The idea that everyone is special, a talent waiting to be "discovered" is the cause of much of the suffering in our world today. If people only accepted that they are just a breathing, eating, crapping (pardon my french) sack of meat and bones, whose emotions and perception of the world are only electrical impulses charging along the neural pathways in the brain, then we would all be the better for it.

Turn to Jesus
>but how do I know he loves me?
He already died for you. He knew you and loved you before you were even born.

>20 year old doomer tries to lecture 20 year old bloomer

Live is fucking long. I swear I'm not even the same person I was at 20 or 15. Fuck know who I'll be at 40 or 65. That's what worries me more now. Brain deterioration and all that. Life is fucking LONG and if you don't wagecuck it away it kinda drags.

boo. Lame. Be yourself. It's sad you've reinforced such a terrible idea so powerfully to yourself. Good luck with life kid.

You won't if you accept Jesus as your Lord and savior, and become a catholic

well if it isnt obvious yet this is a simulation and when you die you join the collective mind of god, meaning you become everyone and everything else, so you kinda only matter a little bit anyways

It's the utter definition of fair - everything dies.

what a cop out

That's why I choose to believe in an afterlife. Because if I'm wrong, it never ultimately mattered whether I lived or died, believed or disbelieved. I just feel that if you believe that existence matters, you are either stupid or you must believe in some continuation of it.

you autistic swede

'I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience."

-Mark Twain

>things exist because i believe they exist

the state of creationists

>what I'm currently experiencing right now doesn't exist I'm just being tricked to think it does even though there's no me in the first place
The state of retards

Also, that's not what I said, what I said was that sure, maybe this is all pointless, but if it is, nothing I do matters, so I may as well believe in the positive stuff than the negative stuff.

Only just now, you existentalismlet?

I made this realisation when I was 8 and existence has been one big existentialist crisis since

>comparing earthly reality to heaven

>so I may as well believe in the positive stuff than the negative stuff.

big cope

>ignoring everything else i said
mega cope

Death is the best thing that could happen to you. Worst case scenario, you're free from your human drives and desires that fuel your unhappiness. That's eternal peace. That's the inexplicable feeling of being done that you've craved your whole life but you never had a name for. Best case,is that you're transformed into something without limitation and move on to a plane of existence that feels as full and as meaningful as you could ever hope to imagine. That's heaven or an afterlife. Both of those are infinitely better than what we have now.

>The Way of the Samurai is found in death. Meditation on inevitable death should be performed daily. Every day when one's body and mind are at peace, one should meditate upon being ripped apart by arrows, rifles, spears and swords, being carried away by surging waves, being thrown into the midst of a great fire, being struck by lightning, being shaken to death by a great earthquake, falling from thousand-foot cliffs, dying of disease or committing seppuku at the death of one's master. And every day without fail one should consider himself as dead. This is the substance of the way of the samurai
>-Yamamoto Tsunetomo, The Hagakure

>Be yourself
That's basically what the text says

Thank your fate you were not born talentless in a pit of hades third world country in parts of the world like Saharan Africa, South Asia, Central America.

1) Face the reality that: (a) the universe does not have plans for discovering your hidden genius, it is indifferent to your plight and (b) that you are indeed talentless.

2) If you were born in a privileged class by (a) country, (b) race, (c) family, (d) other socio-economic status, then be extremely thankful for your good luck. Thank existence a million times.

3) Take up a job more in keeping with your talents like being a librarian or something.

4) After you are thankful and at complete peace with reality as it is, just be happy. Do things that you like. Read books, go camping, volunteer, travel if you can spare the money etc.

Already decided that once I get old and infirm, I'm just going to do a megadose of heroin and be done with it. Millions of junkies seem to enjoy it.

Just relax man

>crapping (pardon my french)
Say shitting. Say it

Jow Forums - Fitness

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Break the atheist/nihilist conditioning.

The powers that be want you to be this way so you waste away as a number. The Consumer society rots humanity instead of elevating it


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1/? Well, if you truly love this life you shouldn't want to leave. Only those who don't find beauty in this existence meekly accept its end. At some point, you have to face facts. The ravages of time are against you, and they wear at you with every day that passes. Forces unknown collude inside your body to halt the beautiful machine that's letting you read and process what I'm sending to you right now. Of course, they'll rage all the harder at destroying you if you don't take proper care of your body and mind- regardless of the care you take they will destroy you eventually, just as they've destroyed every one of your predecessors. Odds are you're not on a career path to try and combat this inevitable deterioration, and you can't just count on some lab rat to figure it out in your lifetime, so you are doomed to age. What to do given this inevitability?
1. Take measures to make your health span as long as possible. Note that this is distinct from your lifespan, and is the amount of time you are active and healthy, able to do the things you want, talk to the people you want, live where you want, run where you want. Do your cardio, lift to maintain testosterone and avoid andropause, and most importantly eat healthy, sleep consistently, and stay financially stable and free. A lack of any of these will fester and spoil the limited time that you have here.
2. Recognize the possibility of an afterlife, the value of religion independent of such a possibility, and the infinite cost implicit in agnosticism if such an afterlife does exist. This is referred to as Pascal's wager, and you can read about it on its Wikipedia page. sure they'll do a better job than me. But religion independent of the deity it surrounds is good inasmuch as it gives direction, community, and guidelines to ensure that you don't ruin yourself in some creative way. It's also very calming- if your fear is death, then religion is a tried answer- no one's determined if it's true or not.

>read stories about pro athletes and young kids dying in their sleep
>im 27 and very healthy

why cant i be so lucky to die in my sleep tonight? hat would be a dream

>then be extremely thankful for your good luck. Thank existence a million times.
That's actually a good discussion, who should I be thankful to? When people say "be thankful" there are usually something or someone to be gratefully to. Maybe laws of physics that allowed me to survive a fall or HR who took to the job.

But in case of my birth, what should I even make of it? I could have been born as cripple in a rich family or as Gigga Chad in Africa. I could say thanks God for planting my Soul and consciousness to this body, but what difference does this make.

I have a theory that our consciousness is just the product of subconscious and it was created to keep subconscious entertained. Then what should I say? Thank you, fucker, for my creation, I hope you enjoy suffering through the life with me.

3. Since your time is limited, and you can't count on there being an afterlife, use your time to do things you truly enjoy- and in deriving value from all the things you experience. The first part is obvious and cliche- but really much harder than it sounds. Maintain balance while pursuing goals and experiences that justify your time here, as hard work is necessary to maintain your financial freedom and health. The ideal is finding joy in the work that you do- creating meaning and deriving motivation from the work that you do daily, while simultaneously supporting yourself. 'love your job' but again, odds are you're not truly set up to do that, so be sure to find joy through other outlets as well. Amor fati, or love of one's fate, is the flip side of this. Regardless of what might pass upon you, learn to love, or at least value, it as it is part of your limited existence. Do things you love with your time, seek enjoyment, meaning, and purpose but balance this with maintenance to give yourself as much freedom long term (again, financially and medically) as possible.

What the fuck do I know. Fuck me. alternatively quit whatever job you may or may not have right now and pursue eternal life. Either accept the circumstances and do what you can with them or change the circumstances. You can either live as though you're going to die, or fight against death. long road to fight against death though.

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clinical immortality will be available to the masses in our lifetime then we get plugged into some sort of matrix thing

the ride literally never ends

you wish, you think whoever invents immortality is gonna share it with the masses?

the people working on that type of stuff are autistic nerds without any capability of being evil like that

>Living forever in this existence
>Living forever as machine

Nah fuck that that's sounds like hell on earth. I will stick to relying on an afterlife (A higher state of conciseness) Even eternal peace sounds better that that nightmare

lmao aight

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>hating the earth and this beautiful so much
I legitimately feel sorry for you. The world is so amazing, if you come to appreciate it you will gain so much more from your existence my friend. :)

FUCK and this beautiful LIFE now I look like a fukin RETARD (I value even this mistake because I have learned and it was an interesting experience [this is not to say every experience is good- destruction of your body or limitation of your capabilities is objectively bad])

I actually do love the beauty and love in the world. But people are shitty to each other and there are alot of bad people which is sometimes exhausting to deal with. Also things can get boring.

Having a beginning and a end in this life just seems right, gives life it's purpose

If you value this world and see it as good, then how could you want to leave it? In hopes of the afterlife I suppose. Fair enough. Doesn't the possibility of the absence of an afterlife perturb you?

Why would it matter? Theres nothing to gain by stopping it. Money, power and fame is really only a substitute for what those people really want, immortality. Theres no gain other than being evil for the sake of being evil.

Yeah cause I'm there
*flexes cep*

How is this Jow Forums related? Go to /his/, /b/, /qa/, or Jow Forums

I see the good in the world but I also see the bad, I strive towards more

In terms of the possibility of no afterlife making me want to stay in world I would say that it probably will if I they ever do some sort of age reversing or technological thing to make us live forever/alot longer. But I hope it's a choice I will never be given, like a harmful drug not being offered

Once everyone's super, no one is. being immortal amongst a world of mortals would make one a god, a timeless being with the ability to alter history. Being immortal in a world of immortals would only lead to major problems- resource limitations, the government would inevitably get involved, who knows what would happen. What does someone stand to GAIN by making the entire world immortal? Share it with those very closest to you, and only if they can keep it under wraps. Otherwise, accept the fate you have cast by discovering this unearthly secret.

I have two or three real dreams, rehabilitate orangutans in Indonesia, visit Rome and Japan, raise a family with a qt wife, and retire in Ireland, or more realistically the pacific northwest.

How do I make that happen when I am already 27 with no prospects for marriage?

>clinical immortality will be available to the masses in our lifetime
>then we get plugged into some sort of matrix thing
No. No. No. This is what will happen "in our lifetime":
- Doctors will push average life expectancy a few years higher. The last years of everyone will still be as shitty with constant ill. Maybe even shittier because food will have even more synthetic harmful chemicals, and the old people of the future are the depressed zoomers of today.
- Nothing more.

People really underestimate how much manpower and energy it would take to mantain a "matrix". Plus pretty much everyone would have philosophical/moral/ethical/personal problems with it. At least in this millennium.