ITT: Guys you thought were jacked before you started lifting

ITT: Guys you thought were jacked before you started lifting

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is this achievable natty?

who is this, nirvana?

yea dave crobain

His name is Dave nirvana

no it's iggy pop

I still think he's jacked, weird thread

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Its Bowie dumbass

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10 years of GOMAD will get you here with top tier genetics

Used to think this guy was ripped before I started lifting.

I still do, but I used to too.

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I think everybody can agree that peter's body in the first spuderman created a legit response on many of us
This goes to show how body dismorphia works

Maguire just earned abs and a slight arm definition. I rewatched the trilogy last week and noticed a wide shot scene in SM 2 where Peter is walking with a button up on, I put two and two together and concluded that the suit is modified to make him bigger. His suit had fake muscles to make his lats and shoulders bigger.

Yeah we've all heard mitch hedberg before

No, he did a shit ton of drugs, trust me.

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Mr. Rollins

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Unironically looks better than 99% of Jow Forums

Closet homo, just like 99% of Jow Forums

Haven't laughed that hard since realizing my ex-gf got fat, thanks

my dad

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That guy looks like a penis

Why people say Rollins is a closeted homo?

Because he fucks men an doesn't talk about it.



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mike patton

This is true, the king of hardcore loves hardcore dong. Look at all his work with gay pride groups - no straight man cares that much about gays unless he's a little spicy

Interesting Fact: girls from RHCP fanbase almost exclusively prefer ugly DYEL Frusciante over chad Kiedis. Why is that?

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ever heard of the helicopter?

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frusciante is a genius, that's why


around 2 min mark btw


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i don't think it's the reason

This. Take the genius pill my man. Women love this shit

It's not even the genius pill, it's just the guitar pill. Being able to play the guitar somehow magically makes you twice as attractive to femcels, it's ridiculous.

found it.

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This is Iggy Pop, stop fooling around

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Hellboy? More like SkipLegsBoy.

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his name is kirk cocaine