Keto has thinned out my hair a tiny bit and im stressing over it...

Keto has thinned out my hair a tiny bit and im stressing over it. Is there anything I can do to counteract the thinning until i'm at my goal weight?

Attached: Hair_Growth_Cycle.jpg (1300x900, 126K)

Yes, stop doing keto.

Try biotin supplements

How else would I diet?

I think i'm gonna do that. Im worried this thinning is permanent.

You're just going bald

kirkland minoxidil

been using it for 3 years, pic related

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and if you ever stop losing it all your hair will fall out like you never used it at all.

>How else would I diet
Uh I don't know maybe just keep your protein up and calories down like a normal person?

Isn't that exactly what keto does?

You don't, dieting is a scam and unhealthy.

This is redpilled as fuck

It isn't keto. It's your age and genetics.

Plenty of examples on google saying keto can lead to this happening. learn to read, asshole.

If it's happening fast, might be because of the diet. MPB is usually gradual

The thing is. i never looked at my scalp before this so i have no clue if its gradual or MPB. it just looks a bit thin and now im worried

Is there any particular reason for this? How do you separate normal aging from keto? What if you were going to bald anyway? It doesn't seem feasible that keto is the sole reason for balding when people bald on whatever diet they try eventually.

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Dieting is patriarchal and sexist as fuark.

I think it’s more about the vitamin imbalances that come from doing keto. A lot of people develop a biotin deficiency when they’re doing it

Reminder that egg whites can bind to biotin, severely restricting your body's ability to absorb it. Raw egg whites are the worst, though egg yolks supposedly contain lots of biotin.

Biotin deficiency will only occur if you unironically swallow uncooked egg whites.

same exact shit happens to people who do nothing, try millions of other diets, do drugs, hit gym, start/stop smoking, eat creatine, breath air, get cursed by gypsies. It's genetic. Most likely trigger is stress, which keto or weight loss or blood sugar drop may provoke. But it's genetic.

>brush teeth daily
>if you stop brushing teeth daily they rot and fall out


Holy shit my mom got cursed by gipsies back in her home countr when child. Do you think it passed on genetically?

most def