been eating skinless chicken breasts two meals a day for the past month, whats the best hot sauce for drowing these bastards in so i can keep eating them without wanting to kill myself
Been eating skinless chicken breasts two meals a day for the past month...
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Lemon pepper and garlic, seared in a frying pan. I could eat these fuckers forever
Just replace them with ribeye and eat less carbs. A bit of fat isn't going to bloat you.
valentina. The cut struggle is real
im too poor, chicken breasts are like a quarter of the price of anything similar
Texas Pete
Canned jalapenos
Cholula Chipotle, or Tabasco Chipotle if you can't find Cholula, are the way to go for hot sauce
Go to a local whole foods and get some good chicken seasoning from the bulk spice wall. Season that shit good before cooking
I also put some Thai sweet chili sauce and lime juice in and let it marinate for a while after cooking. It's sugary and adds 50 calories for 8 ounces of chicken, but it helps me keep my sanity on 1600 calories a day
Also, if you can afford it, add steak to your diet. There's some chemical in steak that makes you feel full even if you've eaten nothing all day, which is wonderful. You can put Himalayan salt on the steak to season. Season either right before you cook, or for supreme flavor, 24 hours prior
For rice, I use a rice cooker, and mix in cilantro, chipotle powder, bay leaves, and lime juice. I could add salt for more flavor but choose not to.
This is how you stay sane, OP
I actually buy those meme hot sauce variety packs that you can get as gifts. Some places like Big Lots actually sell them for cheap
Black detected
Nearly half a pound with every meal here. Basically this minus the honey:
i use brown mustard. i also stick to chicken thighs. they are cheaper than breasts and taste better
Ever try salsa? Green salsa is bomb.
Are you overcooking them? Properly cooked boneless skinless breasts aren't a chore to eat.
Mrs. Renfroes salsa, G hughes sugar free sweet / spicy bbq sauce, sriracha , or a san martino arrabiata tomato sauce
This. Nothing beats a well cooked, moist piece of chicken lightly seasoned with salt, pepper, and garlic. The only people that need side condiments with chicken are people that overcook the shit out of them until they're as dry as Nancy Pelosi, or non-whites.
If you're doing keto and you have some calories to spare, you can dip the raw chickens in whisked egg yolks and batter them lightly in powered pork rinds (just crush them yourself) and then bake or pan fry.
1.) Dice the breasts up into nice chunks.
2.) Season with smoked paprika and garlic
3.) Take a kitchen brush and lather it up with some diana sauce, only a little. Mix it up well.
4.) Toss them into the pan with a little bit of olive oil and add your choice of side item (rice, vegetables, etc.)
Boom, easy as fuck to eat, and tasty. Just salt at the end.
olive oil the pan, add carrots or onions (whatever you like more), cook them a lil bit, before they got caramelized, add the chicken (must be seasoned with pepper/salt/redpepper/oregano)
cook them for about 15 mins, add the mushrooms, keep stirring gently. Before mushroom go super small, add some spinach, stir till the spinach is cooked (takes a min or so)
can eat this shit forever and ever. you don't need any kind of sauce if you know how to season.
If you're not brining them I'd recommend doing that. It's a marginal amount of prep work for an incredible increase in juiciest and flavor. I brine and grill 8 to 10 lb every week. As far as any additional stuff I like Harissa. It's a Moroccan chili sauce that's only 10 Calories a table spoon.
Forgot to add brine info.
>olive oil
I always butterfly and tenderize my chickky brest, then pan fry it
1. order moruga scorpion smoked powder from ebay
2. look up *name of a fruit* chili sauce recipe on goggle
3. substitute the raw chili with some bell peppers, and just add powder (other ingredients are super common like vinegar, salt, sugar, maybe mustard, herbs, etc. )
doing this for 2 years. Start it with smg like mango or peach chili sauce.
eat chicken thighs