I don't want to do squats, deadlifts or anything heavy, I just want to build muscle to look okay. Will performing different variations of dumbbell exercises, pushups and machines can provide me decent results? Also are machines sufficient in building good legs? Remember, I don't want to be jacked, I just want to look okay, like pic rel for example
I don't want to do squats, deadlifts or anything heavy, I just want to build muscle to look okay...
Not with that shit attitude, user
you will never learn to lift with enough intensity to make any decent gains if you've never done a barbell strength training program for at least 1 year (if followed religiously, longer if not)
Sorry but I feel like it's pointless to lift heavy without anyone to help me out to create a good form (I don't have money for a personal trainer) if I can lift light and get the desired results, which aren't focused on strength anyway.
pic related is an absolute shit physique just run from the cops and dodge other ese's bullets if you want to look like that
I think this one is achievable through light lifting, not sure how long it could take
>do hiit on treadmill
>become skinny fat
>work your way out of Jow Forums purgatory
Gotta put in some effor
bump, help me out bros
op, i'll tell u right now that simply doing pushups and using machines for the rest of your life (you want to maintain that body, right?) will be the most boring shit ever, and you'll get bored of it before you ever see any legit results.
Just start slowly with the compound lifts. Before you know it, working out will actually be really fun
You'd be better off just swimming then half assing it on machines and dumbells in the gym. Swimming is amazing cardio, easy on your joints, and will make you look lean and muscular if you stick at it.
Wrong, retard.
>buiId muscIe
>not Iift anything heavy
choose one
Is this a bait? Honestly read the sticky. Nobody gets jacked on accident. Op wont look like pic related without lifting heavy.
Also machines are for faggots and women.
nigga you dumb or what? it's 2019, you have billions of vids and tutorials on how to properly lift, what the fuck is wrong with you
nothing will ever beat the compound heavy lifts, especially as a beginner, where you need strength and stability. Just start with the barbell (no weights) and work on the moves
You build muscle by doing the key movements retard. The difference between being jacked and being like the picture you posted is just how long you do it.
Quit being a pussy, and learn some lifts.
>tfw I "worked out" on machines and light dumbells for a year, while "bulking" and just got fat
>had to undo a year of making myself look worse
>switch to strength and majority barbell training and make more gains in 3 months than I ever did with machines and bullshit
If this isnt bait, then your the most notgonnamakeit person of all time
You start light, idiot. You don't throw on 225. Start with the bar.
>but I wanna be able to lift heavy and be muscly now :(
Sorry that the world doesn't cater to your soft sensibilities.
Shut the fuck up, learn the lifts, you start where you start, even if it's the bar, eat to your goals, sleep well, and most importantly, this shit is slow moving. So let go of any semblance of a timeline, or any idea in your head you may have about a deadline. If you don't enjoy the process and all you want is the fruits without the labor, you'll never be able to maintain the lifestyle, and so you won't make it.
Do all of that, and you will.
I can promise you that.
what exactly is the difference between barbell and dumbell exercises? i mean, i know what the literal difference is but why would it effect you any differently
You can do dumbell stuff, you can even do an entire dumbbell program. But the way I figure YOU are gonna do dumbells is gonna be bullshit, because you have all this talk about "not wanting to lift heavy, machines," and all that BS.
Make it easier on yourself. Use one of the maaaany free programs on the internet, and just go. Learn.
I suggest fierce 5. Same concept as strontlifts and starting strength with a little more volume, and a bit smarter in how its programmed.
But that's just a suggestion.
And if you reeaaally want, I think there's a dumbbell version. BUT it's still gonna require heavy ass lifting. Sorry bud, no way around it. But you also don't start heavy. Start where you start, even lighter than what you're capable of, so you can learn the movements.
Don't. Change. The program.
So many people change the programs make by pros, and then bitch about the results. Do the damn program.
And then get thick, solid, and tight, and come back and show us how thick, solid, and tight you are (an old meme from bb.com).
Make us proud user.