I'm 31

I'm 31
I'm rich
I'm lazy
How do I raise my testosterone and energy levels

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Fly me out, I'll show you my routine and we'll go meet some girls on your tab

Pinning is usually a good idea.

Carnivore diet. Proper lifting schedule, sprints n sarms if need be. Also supplement with zinc n magnesium n plenty of rest n no fap my dude

I am barely keeping my routine.
it is really hard to try to get a phd, lifting, gf, family.
and this motherfucker asshole comes here, tells us he's rich but his tt levels are low.
fuck you and fuck my luck

>mimimi all-about-me - the post

Like dude.

Nobody cares, you’re torturing yourself faggot nigger

did I ask?
how is GF and lifting hard
just fuck GF, if she is being hard then dump her
just lift, its not suppose to be easy
PHD well yeah they give thoses to smarties and work hardies

no fap, eat whole onyon, eat raw beef, find something to hate

I guess you guys do not have a college degree. Too much lifting degraded the gray matter levels?

>pretends to cry so he can tout his not even credentials
Typical weenie, were you bullied or something bud?

Sunbathe naked and get sun on your balls
Eat raw oysters (zinc)
Eat red meat
Eat raw eggs

no dude, I am just poor. tad poor.
no one is helping me at all, trying to survive, and I don't see a brighter future, that's why when someone says " I am rich, and life is boring" I am going mad.

ditch the gf

Just stumbled into this thread, but you sound like a loser. Phds are some of the biggest brainlets out there, being worked to death in the prime years of their life and not even being fairly compensated. Their self aggrandizement really is their downfall when they realize theyve wasted their life its usually too late.

You can find 2-4 hours a week to work out bud.

I understand you have an opinion, but you have to enroll, and see it for yourself.

All I ever wanted to be a physicist, and invent the time machine. Being romantic doesn't pay off. Every one is trying stab one another in academia.

Anyway, for the op, if you are "rich" get a personal trainer, a doctor, a chef. They will cook the magical meth for you.
Or just fucking travel the world.

off yourself, bourgeois swine

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I’m 38 and rich and outside of my 1 to 2 hour daily workout I’m lazy as shit.
If you want to go the home one replacement route go with 100-150mg testosterone cypionate or enanthate per week. Up the dose for a few weeks now and then to make some extra gains. Add 2-4iu of human growth hormone per day to lose some fat but I hate daily injections.

If you want something less intense start taking 50-100mg of DHEA everyday. There are endless threads about testosterone boosters and they rarely if ever recommend DHEA, but if you go to an actual endocrinologist for low testosterone problems the first thing they say you should try is DHEA. I take it with other stuff but it definitely works for increased energy and libido and drive.
I use Jarrow 50mg DHEA but there are a shitload of brands you can try.

Testosterone injections and cocaine obviously, you're rich.

Get a job you fucking loser

Any proof of carnivore diet increasing test?

it's just a larp, if he was rich he would get the best help money can buy