What the hell happened to Dom? Why did he cover himself in these shit tattoos

What the hell happened to Dom? Why did he cover himself in these shit tattoos

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Because he wasn’t cool enough without either tattoos or roiding so he took the tattoo route.

this is what excessive income does to you. turns you into a douche bag

No, this is what a natural plebian becomes when he receives an excess amount of wealth.

that actually makes sense. still fucked tho. does this mean we'll get regular bro science updates?

he looks like shit

he couldve stayed a comedian weight lifter and lived his best life but he turned out to be a fucking degenerate i guess

I’ve been watching his videos since he first started but he’s more into car stuff now. Only so many videos he can milk out of broscience and he’s not hurting for money as he owns couple of 6 figure super cars.

I can get the disdain for tattoos, but has he done anything actually wrong here?

I have one tattoo that I got after my brother died. It's just some lettering and a date on my right scapula. I don't think his really have any significant meaning if I had to guess.

He hasn't really done anything wrong, i just think his tattoos look like shit.

Wow I have no idea what those things have to do with anything but ok thanks for letting us know. Really broaden my point of view.

>It's another "lmao tattoo bad" episode

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>Believing that he has never run a cycle
Hahaha, haha hahahahaha

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>believing that running a cycle a few times in your youth stops you from being natty

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fuck off phoneposter

He's a retarded Italian pretending to be an even more retarded Italian. This shouldn't surprise you.

This. This guy is a total fucking scumbag. I wish someone would beat the fuck out of him for who hes become. Dan bilzerian is a true og.

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>everyone i dont like is a phone poster
Go back to r e d d i t you turbocuck

Hes an eceleb now, no need to be presentable for a job, simple as

>he got tattoos so he isn't living his best life lol haha lmao
He makes more money than the majority of this board put together, almost certainly including you. He does so by lifting weights and acting dumb on camera. Unless he's got stage 11 terminal autism off-camera (he doesn't), he's using that money and nice body to get laid more than most people in general. He hangs out with rich bros and slays Instathots as a hobby now, and will probably never hurt for anything ever again.

But yeah lol that's all out the window, he has pictures on his arms now haha

When was he ever not?

nothing wrong with a man getting tattoos

>Stop making fun of my internet friend!

Tattoos are for faggots and dumb college girls.

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Weak. Even you know that's bullshit. You're just a retard dude, all I'm doing is calling you out on it. I am right, and you know this.

I actually met him here in Vegas.

Really down to earth guy desu.

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and affluent e-celebrities, apparently.

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt because your filename was download (8), which is common on phones. Guess you're just a regular old retard.

yeah tattoos are still gross and make you look retarded so

>white-knighting for some e-celeb

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>people who make fun of me for my lame coping mechanism are whiteknighting

>Really down to earth guy
everyone is "down to earth" under certain circumstances

Sorry I made fun of your internet boyfriend, you fag.

i'm retarded for not naming my files and you're an intellectual for
>going on a taiwanese gnome hunting forum
>going into the fitness board
>entering a thread
>seeing a post you dislike
>looking at the filename of the post
>deducing "hmmm the poster didn't rename his files but I'll call him a phoneposter"
you're right, you're a natural sherlock fucking holmes

lol cringe

Same hatred females show for more attractive females
>personally don’t like his tattoos
>still think you’re a childish faggot who gets into other people’s business because you have nothing better to do

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You can't even come up with a good argument against it, it's almost not funny bro. I just pointed out that he's better than you in basically every way, and his tats don't change that. Doesn't mean I give a shit about the guy. Cry some more

>I don't care
>But I will defend his honor from any and all criticism

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You would probably let dom fuck you in the ass you faggot. Dom is a total douchebag and everyone knows it. This dude is the turd you cant flush away. His act has gotten stale.

you guys really hate him now just because he got tattoos huh?

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I'm just so fucking lonely and horny, you know?

You can still rename files on a phone. Cope harder you phoneposting faggot, you've been foundout. Now guess what time it is sweetie, time to go back to plebbit.

What is this fucking smoothbrain 40 IQ strawman? When did I ever say I was an intellectual? I'm just calling you retarded. Nothing more to it buddy.

lol true. girls get fucking nasty about prettier women, same shit happening here. man, this is sad, really. maybe this is just what Jow Forums is post-2016.

Keep sucking doms cock you fucking faggot ass bitch

Itd be one thing if his tats looked decent and had meaning but he just looks like peak douchebag

Imagine being this mad because I said you're wrong lmao. All I said was he's better than you, you're just making shit up now

A meme but it holds truth "only faggots and sailors get tattoos" or thots. When one of my siblings died, I bought a plaque to put in the family garden.

I talked like this when I was 13

Yes, it absolutely does.

Roofing manlet who is absolutely astoundingly awful at poker.

Being natty is like a v-card once you do it once you can never go back. It’s all or nothing

Unlike before, he can actually live off of it

>like a v-card
So you can just go to the church and be born-again natty right?

>believing that having sex a few times in your youth stops you from being a virgin
See how stupid you sound

why are his biceps so small?

He died from drug use, which was something that I tried to save him from and failed. I loved and hated him at the same time. It was mostly done as a way to constantly remind me of my failures, I wanted to be reminded of it because I disowned him. Call that faggy is you would like to. Chances are that I'm doing better things with my life than you guys are/were at my age.

Hahaha this put a smile on my face, sad that no one else seems to be able to laugh at it

you didn't try to save him, if you really cared you would have stopped him at all cost, you probably made him feel like shit when he was alive and now you try to get sympathy points from his death from friends or strangers. you lie to them and say you cared about him when you didn't give a shit, branding yourself does jack shit for him but gets you a lot of " OMG user I feel sorry for you" you are so brave" fucking fag.

Hey user I am also autistic, what brand medicine would you recommend?

I also lost my brother to drugs and you're a fucking faggot, user.

This isn't your personal blog, go cry about it elsewhere faggot

the absolute state of christcucks

No, he's a failure and has dragged my parents through hell. He's fucked my life up trying to cover for him, but I did what I could and it wasn't enough. It was easier to just drop him from my life. He treated everyone much worse than they treated him. Stole from my parents, tried to sabotage me going to college. He was a fucking prick, but I tried for a long time and nothing worked. It's something that I don't want to ever forget, and now I will be reminded every time I look at my body.

Sorry to hear that. You're entitled to your opinion, and you may kindly blow me.

Its really quite a common situation your family experienced and the lush committing suicide is just a sign how weak you and your parents were in the whole situation and prolly in most situations. I hope your lifts are decent at least.

PS id do your bro a favor and laser remove that tattoo

the reason he caricatures jersey trash so well is because its close to his heart

Midlife crisis

Honestly, I expect the next one to be about tats and in 2020.

t. World renown ftm Bradley Manlet

even in death you mock him and still haven't forgiven him, why exactly did you get that tattoo? to hold a grudge on a dead blood brother? it's clear you only got it for attention from people or to keep hating him, you Cleary don't love him or have forgave him, it's over, let him rest and stop living In the past you fucking prick fagget, I should dox you and kick your fucking ass for him.

You might have a point about the sympathy seeking shit if I got it in English instead of Latin. The only one who can read it is me unless if you google it for some unknown reason. Other than that, you're right. I already said that I hate and love him at the same time. I feel guilty about it and this is supposed to remind me every day until I die about it. Of course I haven't forgiven him, he's put my parents, his wife, and my two nephews through utter hell because of his selfish decisions. Everyone except for me kept giving him opportunities while I was just waiting for the call to tell me he died. Then it happened. May 1, 2019.
LOL, internet tough guy

Dom looks small all the time unless he's flexing, then he looks natty limit big.

Tattoos aren’t cool in any sense though?
At least he keeps them below neckline and above hands, face and hand tattoos are so damn ugly.

>Roofing manlet

>be reminded everytime looking at body
>scapula tattoo
You are a liar.

you just said exactly what the prior guy did....you retarded bruh?

the alcohol got to him

Because he's an alpha and doesn't give a fuck what others think.

You can actuzlly get rich with YouTube money ?

This is actually so true, there’s a clip of him in I think Zoo culture office, view from behind, and he flexes his arm and he gets huge out of nowhere

Natty lifters in a nutshell desu

Yes. Tattoos are for niggers.

Lol it looks like he is becoming the character he plays

lol@ getting tattoos in 20-fuckin-19

>doesn't give a fuck what others think
>covers himself in tattoos to look more intimidating

the other guy said that money turns anyone into a douche while the other guy said that if you're a pleb and get money, you spend money on stuff that reveals your plebian nature

This is why I chose to have a shit job and live paycheck to paycheck. I'd rather lay awake at night worrying how ill put food on the table for my kids than be a douche bag

Don't try to argue with shit heads on the internet dude. Common sense should let you know these fucks can't tell you "wow you're not mourning him right". Sorry for your loss.

He has tattoos? Fucking degenerate scum. Probably still takes warm showers and drinks beer too. Its like hes never gonna make it. He cant do omad and nofap for more than a week probably.

insane coping frend

>normalfagging this hard