>be natty
>barely look like you lift while flexed
>don't look like you lift while unflexed
>don't look like you lift while wearing clothes
What's the solution to this other than roids?
>be natty
>barely look like you lift while flexed
>don't look like you lift while unflexed
>don't look like you lift while wearing clothes
What's the solution to this other than roids?
eat more
Neck pill, traps
sarms, if you looking for a little bit more gains
>be a fucking midget
you got bigger problems than looking like you lift lil guy
Keep lifting.
Wear tighter clothes
These. All you need
Unfortunately, if you aren't big enough you will always look dyel in clothes unless they fit perfectly and emphasize your strong points / show off your arms. So yeah, do
and wrists
Wear slim stretch t-shirts.
You look great, you just need bigger pecs. Post more pics
Nice farmer's tan, dork.
Shave and get a tan
either steroids or better genetics
>What's the solution to this other than roids?
unironically roids are the only way out, you should definitely hop on. You're 5'1, you have nothing to lose
>not knowing the Jow Forums midget
he's not only a literal midget but also a redditor
You're small and lean. It takes years to build a physique that looks somewhat impressive natty, because it takes so fucking long to add mass.
get bigger and stronger lad, get a 3plaet bench and a 6plaet deadlift and you'll look bigger
Bigger pecs, lots of arm isolation.
Wear tight clothes to emphasize the former.
Lift longer than 6 months
Obtaining happiness from other things than caring how people look at your body
u probably just need to work harder
Don't be an ectomorph
Don't fucking worry about looks. Other people who train will recognise someone who trains, especially if they look like they're reaping the results of doing it well. And other people who train are the only people who are likely to have opinions which matter or are worthwhile, since we know slobs and no-excersize faggots are irrelevant.
Be natty high body fat (15-18%)
Look like you lift wearing clothes, flexed, unflexed (plus lil chunk)
But yeah otherwise roids