If coffee is so bad then why do I feel so good on it?

It feels like a fuel to my brain and without it I feel like a mess and my brain doesn't work. Also it gives me confidence for some reason.

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You're addicted.

>why is heroin so bad if I feel so good on it?

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nice strawman :)

Coffee is practically free of energy and makes your brain go fast. Sounds like a perfect drink to me.

>Not taking Modafinil

Not really both are drugs dont fool urself. Ps i drink coffee

Can’t believe that i fell for the Modafinil/Armodafini meme.
It doesn’t work btw

False equivalence, back to r*ddit brainlet

Do not use words you do not know the definition of.

Works for me!

>caffeine id not a drug
>there are no side effects
the absolute state of druggies

>another strawman
post your body or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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Same here it also gives me confidence somehow.

Doesn't coffee reduce mortality?

It does work, it's not adderall/ritilin if that's what you think. I find it works likes blinders, it forces you to narrow your concentration on what you are doing in that moment. Great for running or cycling, you don't notice the fatigue as much and can push yourself longer

bet u think ppl who drink caffeine are "degenerates" cuz its a "drug", lmfao

>My brain doesn't work if I'm not on caffeine

There, found the problem for you. Now put the drugs down and start working on building a functioning frontal lobe that doesn't require stimulants to work well.

>he does not rely on his hormones to produce the engery he needs
Ask me how I know you’re a low test dyel

ya bro lemme just FORCE my hormones to make me not tired in the morning, like a tru alpha maile

Daily reminder

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If speed is so bad then why do I feel so good on it?
It feels like a fuel to my brain and without it I feel like a mess and my brain doesn't work. Also it gives me confidence for some reason.

Yes, by eating the correct foods, exercising consistently and having a proper sleep schedule that will increase your hormone production. Making it more easy to wake up and have a productive day.

Thanks for outing yourself as a dyel brainlet. Here’s a tip to increase energy.
>place a loaded .22 on your chin
>point it at a diagonal angle
>pull trigger

>eating the correct foods, exercising consistently and having a proper sleep schedule
my nigga believes this will significantly alter hormone levels lmfao

>he thinks it’s only dependent on hormones and hasn’t even ventured into the realm of neurotransmitters yet

>my nigga
Ask me how I know you are a skeleton or a nigger with tits. And obligatory
Post body

How long will it take before I stop depending on coffee to function normally again?