/fitfeels/ thread

Keep it Jow Forums related.

>back injury
>doc sends me to rehab
>one of the physiotherapist is a cute grill in his early 20s
>autism barely lets me speak with her, just answer the dumb shit she asks me to make me speak
>as the days go by, I manage to say more than two words, sound like a normal person and make her laugh (I know they do that shit with literally everybody but it still feels good)
>seriously consider asking her out, maybe the last day
>last day
>too much of a pussy to ask her out, just said "goodbye"
>feel like a complete idiot
>doc says I need more rehab, gonna start 2 weeks later
>"stop being a faggot, just do it"
>first day, she isn't there
>"ok maybe she is ill"
>next day
>qt nowhere to be found
>ask one of the others if she is ill
>"oh, X doesn't work here anymore"
>hello darkness my old friend...

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Other urls found in this thread:


Elaborate on source of back injury

So I’ve deleted all social media (except fb) which is under used
I’ve deleted dating apps and my sex life
I’m seeing my friends less
I sit alone a lot.
All I do is train and eat, read, clean and play frisbee golf.
Also I volunteer.
No more drinking and partying
I feel like I have to sacrifice everything I used to enjoy to fix my life which is shit right now
How did you guys go about fixing your life? Did you have to cut out all distractions as I am?
Will I burn out on this?

I stopped being so hard on myself, made small changes over time and stuck with them. Tried to do things that made me feel happy and enriched, and things that make others feel happy.

I try very hard not to be judgemental; being generous with my attention without having ulterior motives helps.

In just over two years I've gone from;
>vidya at least six hours a day
>usually stoned


>not those things

I think if I would of done it like you I'd of burnt out hard. It's like dieting right? You do some bullshit diet that puts you in a deficit and you can't maintain that shit forever, so eventually you slip and end up back where you started.

Maybe go out and drink a little, party every couple of weeks. Try and make an effort to see other people. Just cause your life is shit doesn't mean you should treat yourself like shit. You're worth way more than you want to give yourself credit for, so take some time off once in a while.

Keep training, keep reading, keep cleaning and keep doing weird Frisbee Golf? But don't turn into a joyless monk. You don't deserve that bro.

>casual life, no gf ever
>been to thailand
>fuck some girls
>near end of trip
>fuck the last girl, we cuddle for the whole night, she sleeps in my clothes
>get strong urge for a gf
our interaction was hollow but it lit a fire that will only spread from now on
i always wanted a gf but after experiencing somewhat of an emotional night, im on the hunt now

there are two new shy qts in my workplace now, im gonna go hard on em til i get a date, this is unbearable

>Social life non existent since coming home 9 months ago
>LDR gf is currently a long distance away
>all compounds are going up
>looking better every day
>can finally start saving money again now that military bros that are still in went back already

Pick one. Otherwise people will just think youre a flirt and not take you serious unless you got real game

>been talking to the qt receptionist for a few months
>lately she's been casually mentioning going to a weekly show with local bands
>tell her I've been wanting to go to it but been too tied up with school to go out that night
>today she says to me "user, we should go to that show together"
>say I want to but muh school
>she says it's okay since I'll be done in a couple months
>tell her I'll figure out a day soon and let her know
>start lifting
>trying to figure out how to squeeze that show into my schedule
>it can't be done
>see her walk by and sit down for her lunch
>say fuck it
>walk up to her, tell her I'm too tied up for the show until school's over
>stutter like a retard as I ask if she wants to hang out another night in the meantime
>break eye contact and glance over at her lunch as I internally cringe
>mfw she's literally eating spaghetti
>she actually says yes
>we exchange numbers
>I somehow manage to make her laugh with with an autistic joke before I virgin walk away
We're all gonna make it, bros.

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Based and bloomer-pilled. we're all gonna make it bra

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reading these stories makes me feel I am the unluckiest loser on Jow Forums

>at a wedding yesterday
>bullshitting with friend and some new guy
>friend has 2 kids, dad bod and a sjw wife
>strangers a chemist so i make a joke about getting steroids
>friend jumps in and says I only work out cuz I have body dysmorphia because my ex of 11 yrs left after a month of marriage to fuck guys with better bodies
>say "oh shit ya true"
>stranger turns to me and says "a month?"
>smile and say "6 weeks actually" ,shrug and look through the garage wall
>friend says don't worry one day you'll find someone who loves you for you and you won't have to workout all the time
>just say "yea don't know about that one" and look at birds that aren't there
>Friend walks off, stranger is weirded out. Shrug and go grab some raw oysters

Kinda hate wedding but im getting over it

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It’ll be okay Ben

Shit friend man. I can't speak to your reason for working out but as long as you don't take it to extremes, it'll be good for you my man.

>just finished my first day at a full time job
>already sick and tired of every single aspect of it
>still 4 more days in this week
>still tens and tens of weeks left to go in this year
>decades of life remaining

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>gf dumped me a week ago out of nowhere
>been dealing with it ever since
>feeling like shit, eating bad, not being able to concentrate on anything, etc
>couldnt even sleep on the first two nights
What hurts the most is how she used me, threw me away like a piece of garbage and walked away into another happy relashionship with a new guy with no consequences.
Karma isnt real.

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so basically you saw a cute girl and did not ask her out. Oh wow your life is so bad feeeels

>>friend jumps in and says I only work out cuz I have body dysmorphia because my ex of 11 yrs left after a month of marriage to fuck guys with better bodies

LMAO your friend is a savage

Maybe hang out with that friend less. Was he drunk? That’s a mean thing to say and to put you on blast in front of a stranger is childish and really showing off his insecurities. I would have left to if I was the stranger cause that dude just made it awkward as fucj

People can be really shitty sometimes and not get payback for that. That is life.

That being said, you should continue to give yourself time to grieve. This shit hurts, but you'll be okay. The best thing you can do is figure out what you can learn from it, rather than focusing on what happened, and better yourself.

yeah I'm sure you were the perfect boyfriend

>the only friends i had were my sister's boyfriend and some guys i met through him
>just found out that they broke up
Welp, there goes my social life. Back to being a friendless loser again

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>walked away into another happy relashionship with a new guy with no consequences.
I know this feel, bro. My ex also turned her family against me in the process and I lost one of my best friends

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>be me
>always been 'side guy'
>get off on cucking guys that are none the wiser
>terrified of commitment
>keeps things simple
>go out with girls in relationships a lot
>Hanging out at apartments, running errands, netflix, etc.
>always on the DL
>watch girls get ready for meeting their boyfriends
>helping them pick out clothes
>helping them cleaning up their apartments
>helping them pick out gifts
>genuinely excited to go out with their so's
>mfw no girl has ever gotten dolled up for me
>mfw I've never had a valentines date
>mfw no girl has ever been that excited to see me

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>side guy
>running errands
>no mention of sex

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I thought that was implied lol

i can kinda relate to this. i always see beautiful girls in public and idk how to go up and talk to them without being a weirdo. for example i was at a restaurant with a bunch of friends and there was this really cute girl sitting in a booth with her friend and she made eye contact with me a few times and anyway what do you even do in that situation. if i got up and talked to her and things got awkward or if she had a boyfriend literally all my friends would never let me hear the end of it and it so what would Jow Forums do?

>Gf of 2 years broke my heart seven months ago in worst way possible
>Told me her life went unchanged after the initial shock of our breakup was over
>Drove home how worthless I was to her by dating/fucking this guy from her work less than a week after
>Try to stop wallowing after three months
>Get a haircut, clean up diet and take lifting more seriously, give casual sex a try for the first time
>Four girls in four months, working on 5 rn
>Doesn't take away how much I miss sharing my bed and watching her play Zelda, dancing with her in my kitchen, seeing her cheeks explode when she laughed
>Have to remember that she's a wicked bitch and to move on, but can't
>Still cry every few days during a good week
>Fwb of the last few months tells me she has feelings for me, and respects I'm not ready for a relationship, but has to look out for herself. She still talks to me and wants to be friends says the sex is causing her to develop feelings
>Want to feel the same so bad but I don't because combo of not having enough in common (to my standards)/ I'm too scared to trust women romantically/ I don't know how to stop missing the girl I thought I'd start a family with
mfw a girl likes me and I can't even move on if I wanted to because I miss her so much
>Now lonely again in this college town until I'm done with school in two years

I'll tough it out. But I wish I could say I enjoyed my college years. I have too many bad memories associated with this place. I just want out but honestly I don't know if it will even be better at the next place.

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>going to the beach tomorrow with my gf
>first time I've seen her in two months, we've both been looking forward to this for a while now
>tfw suddenly overcome with terrible insecurity about my body
Bros how do I shake this fast? I know my body's fine, I'm not as lean as I want to be but my fucking abs are still visible and my lifts back to what they were before my injury at the end of the school year. Yet here I am fearing that I'm somehow not going to be hot enough for the first time she sees me on a beach

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>in this college town until I'm done with school in two years
You will have the best 2 years of your life and will always look back on it. You don't know now but you're lucky to be in the position you're in.

Fuck, just one of those days.

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I'm not even trying to be a pessimist but I don't know how to make the best of it. It's a town shy of 20k population, only thing holding the town together economically is the university. We have 4 "okay" bars, two antique shops, a bowling alley and the rest are subpar restaurants/residential areas. My roommate is a guy I went to high school with but we don't have enough in common to really hang out with each other. My two friends moved across the state a few months ago and my department is mostly agricultural students (I'm wildlife conservation) and genuine hicks. There's no place to engage in any of my hobbies (Bouldering, hiking, camping, fishing, no gaming scene, etc) or meet people through those hobbies without having to travel at least an hour one way. The only remote hobby I can engage around here is a small local shooting range 25 minutes outside of town.

A few times a year I feel like I'm just rotting here. I did genuinely try to befriend people in my department but I didn't feel that "click" and I'm not going to force a friendship.

What makes you say that?

ask both of them out and tell them you like to keep your private life a secret from work people hopefully they dont talk to eachother.

>You will have the best 2 years of your life and will always look back on it.

>tfw all college did was cement that im going to be a worthless incel for the rest of my life

how many ladyboys did you fuck?

you sound like a fag and your shit's all fucked up

The woman I loved is now having her second child is ballooning. Jesus Christ I could have been stuck with all that. I would have knocked her up like the nerd that did. Fuck. These feels are complicated.

sorry to hear that

I work with a millionaire to build a cash flow asset, so it's not all bad.

all women are the same

>July 4 off work for holiday
>take off July 5 to have a 4 day weekend
>never take vacation times because i'm a worthless friendless incel but figure this would be a decent one
>literally don't leave my house at all the entire time

>only people I talk to are people at work
>come back today and sounds like a handful of them went to some food truck festival or something on saturday
>feel like if i had gone in on friday when they were all working, i might have/probably would have gotten invited and could have at least left my house
>angry the entire day today

imagine being this much of a worthless waste of resources. why are people like me even allowed to live.

maybe if you weren't only getting with girls who have boyfriends things would be different, dummy.


Incel larp

One day at a time my guy. The key is to just get stupid and dont think about it. Or you could strive for better. Im striving for better.

Same bro. Not that it's a rare story. All women are whores and cannot love. Every last one.

>>Drove home how worthless I was to her by dating/fucking this guy from her work less than a week after

always notice this with relationships, and seems like whether the guy or the girl breaks up. the guy is the one upset for a while while the girl seemingly immediately within a week of two is onto the next guy. lol.

The deletion of social media is seriously based

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Just got back from ICU after almost dying from a gut infection lads.
All my blood tests are fucked and I lost all my weight that I had gained. I can barely stand and support myself.
It only took 3 days to go from 135 pounds to 121 and I love cavaderic.
All gone.

>So I’ve deleted all social media (except fb) which is under used
>I’ve deleted dating apps
This is unironically good. Social media and the apps are a soul sucking cancer that causes people to become extremely insular. There was a time long long ago when walking up to somebody to say hi didn't get you a look like you're some kind of psychopath.
You'll do a lot better now that you're free to go out to places where people congregate and actually meet people and not their fabricated online persona.

I've started going to a bouldering gym for abt 6 ish months and steadily hating myself less in the mirror so that's the good news.

Bad news is that my life feels like it's stalled out during this 8 month student internship program. I'm hoping I can have a bit of a re-do of university life come this September but I'm worried it'll be more of the same nothingness like it was last time around.

I'm just getting so god damned tired of waking up alone in my bed every single morning.

Based. I made all these changes years ago (frolf too) and I am very content now.

>Broke up with her a year ago
>3 days ago after nothing for a year she texted me saying she misses me
Not sure what I am going to do. She wants to get together Friday.

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I hate to use the term "sexual market". But that's what it is. Girls have sex more readily available to them and they're fully aware of it. Typically why girls that have guy friends capitalize on that post-break-up move. It's right there.

Block number now

What caused you two to split, user?

She was clingy and she generally annoyed me. For example she'd send me one word texts, I'd tell her it'd annoy me, and she'd keep doing it purposely. And other stuff like that.

shes ridden the cock carousel and now wants you to take care of her.


>be me
>6'2, 185lbs, decently lifting for the last 2 months
>broke up with gf end of march 2019 because she was a total bitch
>go on a Hinge date with a cute (based on her pics) white girl
>walk for 40 mins to the bar because I think it'll be a nice walk in the summertime
>40 degree humidity and sweating buckets
>finally get there, retards leave the windows open with no AC
>she arrives, im sweating on my face but shirt is somehow dry
>excuse myself twice to go to the bathroom, to wipe sweat off my forehead
>somehow she doesnt notice im sweaty
>we spend hours talking and eating tasty foods
>she's casually racist
>super chill
>same life views on everything
>super nice to me
>we're making eyes at each other the whole time, she is stunning and i cant look away
>we leave the restaurant to check out another place
>walking down the street and she holds my by my arm, feel her gently squeezing my bicep
>asks me what my first impression was of her and i say "super stylish"
>ask her what she thought of me "very cute, tall, handsome"
>we're waiting at a cross walk and she starts massaging my traps/shoulders
>we hang out a while more and we share a nice kiss goodbye before she walks up to her condo
>legit feeling butterflies and love her already
>remember im flying out to europe at the end of the month and going to a different town for school in september
>in love and heart broken at the same time

just when things start looking up, it all returns to nothing....fuck me bros, i need some advice on what to do with this one, I know i may sound like im exaggerating but I've never had a better first date.....she was so sincere and genuine and also realistic and submissive and cute and introverted

im in love

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They always seem to forget to tell me. Sometimes actively try to hide it at first. The first time it happened I hooked up with a chick at a party, the next morning we went out to breakfast and she said 'you're the best person I've met all year', I looked her up on social media and she had a boyfriend, but I couldn't bring myself to ghost her. The latest one was trying to hide it, but I caught a glimpse of her facebook chats and she closed her macbook really quickly. I guess I've always in the back of my mind hoped that they would choose me or something, idk. Single girls are hard to come by these days.

lol I had a similar date with a Hinge cutie

No second date

if they're willing to cheat on someone else that they are with they will be willing to cheat on you.
no matter how much you might not want to believe that, its completely true. don't waste your time on people like that.

hinge is unreal for me man lmao, i get so many dates that I just stopped responding to girls...thankfully this one texts me all day every day cause we actually like each other and we're seeing each other later this week....hoping I can make her my gf and get her to come to europe with me, if not ill just bail on europe and spend the summer loving her

why would you get on hinge if you were planning on leaving soon man?
keep trying at it with this girl and if things workout maybe change your plans.

I thought hinge was just liek tinder but apparently the girls on it are mostly looking for relationships....it was probably not the best decision but its brought a super cool girl into my life so I guess it was a "happy mistake", i'm gonna keep trying with her and if it goes well ill just cancel my ticket and pay the 250$ fee because im not poor and shes worth it

lol man, hinge is literally for people to find long term relationships.

lmao ya, guess I didn't realize that/ im 28 so im kinda out of the know when it comes to what apps are used for primarily by zoomers.....that being said man, id fucking long term date her into my grave

This exact same thing happened to me wtf. Are you referring to that large food truck fest in Seattle?

Oneitis is a bitch.

>Karma isnt real
Hopefully age will hit her like a wrecking ball.

Take the initiative and stay friends with them.

You're just missing God in your life, but besides that getting a nice wife wouldn't hurt

brehs i just want a girl that i will be attracted to that will be happy to see me, and spend time with me, we will lift and go to concerts togheter and have a dog and in future if we trust eachother enough children

why its so complicated
i wish i wasnt born so fucking ugly that would make getting laid at least easier

im 26khhv incel
i dont think i will ever make it

maybe its just my boring personality

He apologised later profusely in front of everyone claiming he was really high and stupid

>waiting for wages to go through to renew gym
>haven't been in a little less than a year so DOMS are gonna fuck me up

>was with girl for 6 years
>deep down I knew she settled for me but I did my best to make her happy and she made me happy as well
>friends knew she wasn't really too good for me
>she started messing around with some guy from work
>told me nothing happened (and that is supposedly true) and we broke up because she didn't really feel anything for me anymore
>her family loved me because I was ambitious, have a career, am pretty well spoken and a likeable dude
>her dad even met up with me after we broke up just to have a beer and tell me he will miss me and wished me good luck (he was a fucking bro)
>heard from mutual friends that she didn't handle it too well, had a major mental breakdown and issues
>is on some meds right now apparently
>year after the breakup when she saw me at a party with my current gf I saw her crying

>fast forward 5 months from the breakup
>meet girl
>she's sexy, ambitious , mature (4 years older than me), intelligent as hell
>we fall in love
>she wants to have my babies
>we move in together
>she's so good to me I had trouble believing someone can be this interested and in love with me, my body, personality
>took me a good while to really open up
>we're now going strong, 3 years so far, I want to propose next year when I get a raise
>she doesn't care about money or anything, just wants to be with me and start a family
>sweetest person in the whole world and my best friend

>FF to yesterday
>riding my bike back from work
>stop at a red light
>car next to me is ex's dad
>wave to him, say hi, gives me the biggest smile and I can see it in his eyes
>still thinking about it now, really fucking hit me
>summer is here and all I can think about is that one teenage feeling I had those years ago

sorry if this is incoherent
anything for this feel?

I've had a LOT of revelations that really blew my mind. I've gotten better over my ex. I've realized missing her isn't my problem. While she was wonderful during that time, I have come to realize that I miss genuine companionship. I miss when someone is visibly excited to spend time with me, and looks forward to me getting off work. Learning all of these issues I have and facing them head on is the first step, and I feel confident I can correct them and make that kind of intimate connection with someone else.
If you're beating yourself up over something, true self reflection can be the key. Even if you have to spend a weekend bawling your eyes out on your floor in the dark like I did. You can do this. You can change for the better. I'm rooting for you.

of course ill pick 1, im no player. i want a good long term relationship.
again, i want only 1 gf
none lmao

>meet girl
>girl likes me
>I like her
>go on date
>first date since 2016
>fuck it up
>she regrets the date and tells her friends

>le sad :(

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how did you fuck it up exactly?

If she’s over 5.5/10...
She’s a thot

its not the 'guy' or 'girl' problem, its just that the loyal or the one who cared more stays single and deals with the damage until its healed, but the one who cared less in the first place already went trough that phase. My bf broke up with me and 2 weeks later he was with the girl he told me not to worry about while we were dating. So yea, its not a girl/guy problem, we all fucked up.

if we'll be honest, it has become a stigma by now that girls move on faster than guys. and if theres one thing i learned in life is that stigmas are always based on some truth. there are studies on why it happens as well, its an evolutionary tool women developed to deal with the recurring loss of children to nature and loss of husbands and close ones to war.

i dont hate women but your nature is vicious, though for a good reason.

Makes sense, almost everything we do can be explained with evolution but it still saddens me when i see guys (and girls) who got hurt and end up with this mentality

>losing fat
>getting bigger
>getting stronger
>starting to turn heads

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we live in a terrible unstable world, its sad but what can we do.

> girl was for one year as an intern abroad
> couple months left and she breaks up with me out of the blue; this was three months ago
> we were in a relationship for eight years
> just says she doesn't love me anymore; I think it wasn't another guy but who the fuck cares
> breaks up contact, block me wherever she can
> it hits me like a fucking truck
> I just cry and lift for three months
> lost a shitton of weight then gained some of it back
> dyel motherfuckwr but my grief and anger have been pushing me to prs on my shit lifts
> she came back this weekend
> didn't even bother telling me or something
> I'm still broken inside
> Friends offer to show me qts, don't want to
> meet new girls at parties, below zero drive to do anything
> I promised myself I'll never love anyone again and I've been keeping at it

>tfw can't do sit-up more than 15 reps x 3 sets

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Give this a shot, lad.


> I promised myself I'll never love anyone again and I've been keeping at it
Why would you promise yourself such a thing? You have to let go, and after some time you'll find some one, trust me. it's incredibly painful for now I know, but it will pass. You're closed for now but time will help you open up again, just don't keep yourself closed forcibly.

Thanks, I'll do it after finishing 5k couch programme.

Can't argue with that

I'm really trying but it's all so tiresome. Eight years, man. We had plans together and everything. I don't feel like risking throwing away years of my life again.

It really intrigues me how bible besters can be so sexually restrictove but turn around and try to whore out the bitches in church for the possibility of another dummy dropping a tithe just to keep his bait quiet.

>karma isn't real
Dating isn't a moral issue. Suck it up and go find another pet whore, 'cause that's what all this relationship bullshit amounts to for a man.

>been dating a girl for 6 months, starting to fall in love
>every lift is to get better for her, every PR is only achieved because of her
>she's a school teacher and her kids are always in awe at the size of me
>they like to swing from my bicep
>can tell she loves it, can tell she wants to have my kids
>resting between sets one day, get a text from her
>have a ringtone set for each person so I know who texts
>puts a smile on my face when it chimes, finish my set and check it
>"this isn't working, I'm sorry"
>doesn't answer my calls or texts
>don't bother finishing my workout, head to hers
>housemates say she doesn't want to see me and to leave her alone

That was on Saturday, missed two workouts and I'm probably missing today's workout.

>So I’ve deleted all social media (except fb)
>except fb

So you haven't deleted social media then.

What the actual shit?

Go get swole, get pissed up in some vacation place like palm beach or vegas, screw a bunch of hoors, and stop hanging out with that cunt.

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Never check your phone during a workout or before bed.

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Tfw my long distance gf who says she loves me never texts me first. I didn't text her first yesterday so we didn't speak and she posted on Instagram twice and changed her WhatsApp photo. Should I continue to not text her and wait for her to text me? Or is ignoring her the alpha thing to do in this situation?

>summer is here and all I can think about is that one teenage feeling I had those years ago

Is this some kind of monster mash bait post or something?

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