Stopped wearing deodorant since a year ago

>stopped wearing deodorant since a year ago
>Shower using plain unscented soap once a day
>Body odour hasn't been a problem

Take the redpill

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you smell like shit %100 and you are a schizo.

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>dont shower every single day
>notice my mood has improved
>my skin is less dry
Here is the real red pill.

It’s true
Why is that anyway?
Obviously it’s gross but I do feel way better and my skin is better after not showering for a few days

what do you do of note here besides not using deodorant for some reason

if you wash your body with soap it dissolves your body's oil barrier to an extent which dries it out. but obviously this is the nature of bathing because dirt gets stuck in there and bacteria subsist on it.

>still showering
lmao, dumbfucks

>not shaving
>not cutting my hair
>not showering
>not wearing clothes
>not brushing my teeth
>not wipping my ass
take the homeless pill with me, fellow dipshits

Im currently at

>shower once a week
>no shave
>cut hair once in 2 months
>not brushing teeth
>sleeping on the floor
>cold showers
>water fasting

How do you think Adam and Eve lived in Garden of Eden? Lord obviously set a perfect way for humans to live by

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I don't even use soap. I just scrub my body with hot water then put deodorant on my pits.

I hope this thread is ironic, I knew a guy in the military who stopped showering and holy fuck running behind that man was painful. He smelled sour and everyone started calling him on it, you might be able to smell your stench but I assure you, others do. Also >not keeping a well kept appearance with haircuts and shaving
>literally fuck my teeth up lol
>and I'll starve myself while I'm at it!
How in the fuck do you think you're any sort of fit after doing all that to yourself.

>caring what others think

>not brushing your teeth fucks them up
only if you eat shit food

>implying fasting is starving
Also people who smell most of the time have shit diet, body odor has nothing to do with showering

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what if I told you the life expectancy of humans was a third of what it is now and it wasnt an issue back then to maintain myour body because you'd die before any affects started being obvious.

Own smell is always seems too illusive to be a problem, but for others you smell like shit.

>be my fat autistic brother
>weight 470 pounds (213kg)
>never shower
>have tiny dick so can't aim piss stream, ends up just hitting fat sagging stomach
>collect disability and foodstamps
>play ps4 all day
>go to store
>cashier literally has to hold her nose because of the piss and shit smell
>all because I refuse to shower
please shower every day and go to the gym so you don't end up like my brother

>ice bath 15min everyday
>no bo

>not caring about what others think of you
you say this but I know you care user
>not brushing your teeth fucks them up
it's called plaque dumb nigger and it's the leading cause of tooth decay. No matter what you eat you're going to get plaque buildup if you don't brush which will yellow your teeth and cause tooth decay and halitosis
>implying fasting is starving
I actually fast regularly (weekend water fasts) and I'm not sure what the actual health benefits of it are but I do it anyway.

If you don't bath though I guarantee that you will start to smell bad. Bacteria builds up on your body and causes body odor. Showering rids your skin of the majority of the bacteria and waste. No diet will prevent body odor from not showering regularly.

>How do you think Adam and Eve lived in Garden of Eden? Lord obviously set a perfect way for humans to live by
But the story ends with God explicitly saying we don't get to live like they did anymore.

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I havent used soap period in 6 years unless Ive had sex and i have fluids in my pubes. I scrub my asshole with water after every bowel movement,no toilet paper. I also havent used toothpaste in 8 years, only manual brushing. Never had a cavity and my breath only stinks if I dont eat. Not using deodorant is a given,that stuff is toxic and i am traumatized from witnessing my grandfather deal with deodorant-induced cysts

Stay mad showercucks. Remember how swarthy Spanish kicked aztec and incan shit in? Thats because conquistadors didnt bath while human-sacrifing injun retards lived in muh civilisation and bathed on the regular. You will pass your weak genes and mine will prosper.

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You smell like shit, you're just desensitized to it.



Chad conquistadors vs virgin aztecs

I can't even skip a day. How do you nerds do it? I just feel off and gross if I don't shower. Also while sick or in the process of getting sick a shower will make me feel better. I can understand some people who are allergic to deodorant but why skip showering? Who cares if your skin gets a little dry, just use some lotion. Fucking people worrying about drying their skin out while not maintaining even the minimal effort of grooming.

So don't use soap everyday?

Use better soft soap (don't use hard) and use one of the moisturizers designed to be applied while your skin is still wet after the shower.

what if I told you the life expectancy of humans was a third of what it is now because of infant mortality and people actually regularly lived into their 60s, 70s, and 80s

Deod is like make up. The more you use it the more you need it, it turns your pits into rottong flesh that compound the smell of sweat. I have never worn deodorant and have never been called out on it i just shower regularly.

this, I've only used deodorant once a week for a period of 3 years (14/17). Im 24 now and I've never been called out on BO, not by friends, gf, nor family.
Companies depend on your long term dependence, its no wonder their products will cause dependency.

2 months of prostate inflamation and house rest. Never again.