Is it possible to bulk indefinitely while staying at 15% bf?
Is it possible to bulk indefinitely while staying at 15% bf?
She has broader shoulders than me
U wut m8
I love her so much, brehs.
>not wanting to wife this
Not gonna make it
>Is it possible to bulk indefinitely while staying at 15% bf?
No, you'll die eventually.
>posts a stupid fucking question
>followed by a steroid tranny
Ask me how I know you’re dye
You too, faggot
I want her to peg me
>steroid tranny
>takes male hormones
Redditor Samefagging
Her clit-dick size is increasing, wew lad
>turtle-shell abs
>disgusting clit/dick combo
>bigger than 99% of men
If you actually find this "thing" attractive, you are a fucking homo.
>bigger than 99% of men
Natasha is 5'6 136lbs you fucking retard
Maybe I just don't associate with Manlet twinks but I'm the smallest of my mates at 6'1, 210lbs. We'd spit roast this broad no problem
Git gud
i want her to violently rub her clit on my face while smashing my head with her thighs and keep yelling how many scoops? and not giving me a chance to answer due go asphixiation
>Natasha is 5'6 136lbs you fucking retard
Oh god, you know his name and his stats.
Fucking LOL incel.
I dont love natasha's abs, but god damnit if i would look past them for her ass
>gets proven wrong
Her abs are the best part
Beta male orbiter is the better term for fags like you
Obviously you will hit a limit and then only gain fat, typically around 25ffmi
I'll give it to you Natty Aughey is not my type, but if she bigger than you and you a dude, you need to put down that tendie and hit some volume.
>inb4 you're a duel
1/2/3/4 for greater than 5 reps. I ain't even strong and I can lift more than 90% of Jow Forums
same lid, same
Dude, if you want my FUCKING tendie, you can pry it out of my cold dead MOUTH.
I want her to punch me in the face and choke me unconcious with her legs
Why are her arms so small?
Compound lift meme