Name a better way to work your forearms
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Name a better way to work your forearms
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Heavy compounds.
Fuck you, FBI. I know you're watching my house and tapping my phone. FUCK YOU.
what is this contraption?
Ivanko grip trainer.
Well pornhub premium is free for a week
Based, schizo, and checked.
hard to do properly and safely, doesn't isolate the forearm.
indoor bouldering/rock climbing works very well also. the forearm pump you get after climbing compares to nothing else
you'll get much better grip strength outdoors. Holds are very basic indoors and the setting is much more "athletic" than fingery in 90% gyms.
Hangboarding isn't really an ideal forearm workout, it's mostly used to improve finger strength and joint strength in your hands.
Real climbing or bouldering is where you will see the most forearm gains.
hangboarding is already much more specific than a full-body exercise that require skills to even operate near physical limit.
>Not crescent
For grip strength, there’s a ton of specificity at play. Crush, pinch, static, levers, open hand, blah blah blah are all their own thing. For hypertrophy, wrist rollers shit on everything else.
indoor rock climbing is only cool for young teenagers. end of story
pic related how i got joocy forearms