22% body fat and I still look like a skinnyfat bean bag what the FUCK dude
22% body fat and I still look like a skinnyfat bean bag what the FUCK dude
Because you have no muscle mass
>falling for cut meme
Eat shitton and lift. If you will gain fat it just means you are not lifting enought.
22 is pretty fat. I still dont look quite skinny at 15.
Just go sub 10 like me. It's easy, bro. Become a cardio animal.
>22 % body fat
what did you expect to look like? you are fucking fat
Hey Anonymous,
Try not being 22% body fat.
Protip: the closer to 0 you get, the less amount of fat you need to lose to make a more noticeable amount of difference. You should use this as motivation.
you a weak and fat bitch
post body
I’ve been doing 5km runs 3x a week and powersquats, jack shit in difference. How do I drop down to like 15?
eat no more than 300 calories per day
Just keep cutting and exercising, friend. You will get there in time.
Increase the intensity, frequency or volume of your training while continuously staying in a caloric deficit.
22 is terrible.I feel and look like a greasy fat pig at 18%
imagine having an extra 3 of these on your body because you think 22% is low
I don’t even look like a hamplanet though do I need to buy creatine or some shit?
If you look like a fat pig at 18% you just have no muscle
Fuck this is big thinking. This is what seperates the NPC's from the go-getters. This is incredible.
It's all a mindset.
the number you were looking for is '12'
try 8:16 fasting windows or 4:20 fasting (eat only between 11am and 3pm). experiment with your diet and see what kind of foods slim you down. if your exercise is good look to your sleep or diet patterns and see if there's room for improvement
Anything above 20% is fat
nigger you what
I don't know if I'm 12 or 22 and its really disorienting help
Thats more like 13 percent bodyfat OP, you will seriously need to roid if you don't want to lose all your muscles when you go lower