Bang Energy Drinks

Anybody who drinks these are Gen Z lanklet fags who dont even put the goddamn creatine to use.

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It’s mostly caffeine addict girls flexing these on Snapchat like a personality trait. The flavors are decent but it’s a metric FUCKTON of caffeine

I drink them because taurine and stuff started giving me a headache. And it's way easier to quit for a minute when it's basically just caffeine

It’s a good preworkout, but I mainly use it for the 300mg you get that monster /sips/ don’t have

they're actually getting sued because aside from the caffeine they are super under-dosed

I've never seen a product so suddenly omnipresently advertised and available out of nowhere. Very suspicious. Not that I would ever buy this shit but it seems spooky how it instantaneously appeared in every store and on so many ads.

literally tried this exact same flavor today as my first bang. spooky. they're okay but i felt way too jittery after one squat session and not in a good way. coffee still the best pre-workout.

What a fag. Who gets jittery off one bang

It's not even mono which is the most studied form of creatine. Mono breaks down in water so this shit is probably trash tier for getting creatine

I haven't tried their energy drinks but if it's like their diet rootbeer then it's gotta be good!

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Did you know that dosages of ANYTHING vary by weight? This is why your fat ass has a TDEE of 4000 calories and I have to eat 2700 to gain weight. You are so fucking stupid. I get jittery off of maybe 3/4 of a bang but I would fucking destroy your fat neet ass. I am 145lb of pure muscle and would kill you with my index fingers

They don't have much more caffeine than regular energy drinks,

However 0 cal 0 sugar and they have some great flavours
Black Cherry, Lemon, ans Pina colada are the best


nothing like a bangs rootbeer to wash down some kidney stones BANGARANG

Best bang flavours

>1. Star Blast
>2. Cotton Candy (very close second)
>eveything else doesnt matter
>9001. The homosexual flavors

this guy doesnt even know that the amount of creatine in them is so low that its just a label inflator. that being said these give me no acid reflux and are the only preworkout/caffeine drink that dont for some reason so i love them

user, i....

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>that one lemonade one with the word blade in it
>black cherry vanilla
>star blast
>some kinda mango or somethiung
>everything else
>pina colada (the most horrifying thing ive ever tasted)

Why is Bang’s so good? Pro-tip: it’s the aged thyme.

They dont give doses on the can

Damn right! Best root beer in rum and in whiskey if you're up to it! Also I hate mugs and a&w
>also best flavor for bang energy drink is citrus twist. Star blast taste like you're drinking nigger piss

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not the dude your replying to but damn bro 145 pounds your fucking huge i bet you can squat like 750 and bench 400 or something like that I mean why you must be so big and strong dude your internet language is making me quake in my pantaloons

>samefagging this hard

haha you're so cool and observant!
fuck you.

you dont know me nigger. never in my life would i ever use "your" instead of "you're". god i just want to rip your weak throat out. i swear you ever even look at me and ill end you. whats your discord or whatever you pussy niggers use nowadays? im definitely willing to meet up and destroy you in hand to hand combat as long as you dont bring tyrone and jamal with you to 3v1 me. actually go for it cause ill just shoot all of you niggers anyways

it's spelled Barqs, retard

>Not a single person posting the superior energy drink in its superior flavour.
Too bad they're being discontinued soon.

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This shit gets me fuckin pumped for super sets but I’ve had to take a break from them so I don’t die of kidney failure.

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Love it. Cotton candy best flavour.

You're not supposed to take creatine with caffeine anyway. I just use it as a preworkout.

what..i'm 112lbs and i only start to feel jittery halfway through my third bang, i think you're just a lightweight when it comes to caffeine.

Post body

1. Lemon drop
2. Cherryblade limeade
3. Purple pear guava
4. Cotton candy
5. Blue razz
>Everything else
9000. sour heads
9001. Pina colada

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Fuck you cocksucker. I use that shit to the best effect

Goddamnit you fucking boomer its barqs rootbeer