How do you cure fast food cravings? I've never been a fatty, but recently I've been trying to lose excess fat so I've improved my diet, and every day I eat something healthy over this trash I feel defeated and depressed.
How do you cure fast food cravings? I've never been a fatty...
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Get the Hot'n'Spicy. It's way better.
Isn't that discontinued?
Keep making the right choices and you'll eventually forget about it
Eat more protein.
We have them in Houston.
So far I've been alternating between grilled chicken, beef, and on occasion fish, but the stuff's getting stale for me. I've considered ordering Chinese or Indian to spice things up, but I don't trust either with how much oil and msg is in those foods.
You need to eat good food. You've probably been eating shit. Good food tastes way better than fast food crap, though I still understand the craving. Mostly because fast food is easy, you just sling money at them and you get hot food made basically just as you would expect, you can take it right home and eat while watching anime.
Literally just man up.
Yeah, I’m thinking it’s based
Unironically why? Give yourself a cheat day every now and then if you really want. They'll make a negligible difference on your overall calorie intake spread out over a weekly/biweekly/monthly/etc schedule unless you're downing like five of those things. Maybe get better taste than that though...
nothing have some but don't go over board with it, moderation in everything
Your intestines actually influence the way you feel and what you think during the day. Some bacteria love trash fake food and they thrive on it, some don't. This is just your bacteria dying off and screaming at you. Eat real protein and fats. Also the more they have to try to sell you something the worse it's going to be.
they are no longer a dollar though, those bastards.
Cook them in different ways like with spice. Or add different sides like pasta or potatoes.
Is taco bell Jow Forums approved? I usually only go for the chicken burritos with no cheese, though I worry about the sauce they use.
I have started eating healthy(?) recently, and it was kinda based on associations
>been eating lots of carbs and fast food, white bread as a snack, pasta all the time, tons of sweets
>stopped doing it
>eggs, chicken, sausages, vegetables
>first week or two were pretty bad
>then started realizing i'm feeling much, much better with my current diet
>stopped liking bad stuff because i associate it with being fat and headaches and whatever kind of issues i had (lost 7kg in a month, pretty much back to "normal" bmi range, so i can see the difference in a mirror, feels good)
tldr, you might want to try noticing positive stuff about your new way of living. associate good food with good feels, try to remember bad stuff from your old ways, then your mind will come to the right conclusions on its own. well, maybe
Not sure what your life situation is, but I'm a traveling sales guy with a huge territory and I literally eat a single serving (one sandwich) of either a McChicken, McDouble, or Jack in the Box burger maybe 3x a week for lunch. They're cheap as fuck, 450 calories, usually like 23g of protein, like you can do a lot worse for lunch. If you are truly busy with life and unable to cook your own lunches or meal prep, then keep your portions low and learn to only drink water (sodas imo are a lot worse for people than fast food, more addictive). Then cook dinner at night, drink a shake in the morning, whatever. Don't get down on yourself for wanting something, just make sure you keep it single servings.
Imo this only applies to if you are cutting and trying to keep things around 1800 cals per day. If you're bulking then you'd be fucking stupid to do it eating fast food every day, because at the end of the day it is still processed shit and should not be consumed in large quantities. 3000 calories of McDicks is going to give you a way shittier bulk vs 3000 calories of homemade meals if you're trying to maintain any semblance of aesthetic
You need to transition into a diet based on actual food. fast food is mostly filler garbage and your body can get adjusted to eating it regularly. What you need to do is completely forget about cutting for one or two weeks. make subsitutes of your favorite fast food items as well as good healthy food and more rich cheat recipes like pad thai or whatever you like and prepare tons of it to eat over two weeks and resign yourself to not eating fast food, and if you have cravings to meet them through cooking yourself food instead of fast food. once you get used to this, cutting will be easy and you will be used to making yourself food and shopping regularly. Dont get caught in the fast food addict retard trap where you eat a ton of it once a day and nothing else. you will feel like shit and lift like shit i promise. if you want rich food, make rich caloricly dense food at home out of fresh ingredients. just dont give in and say youll do better tomorrow, and then next week, and next week.... dont be like me.
Slow down your thoughts, it's the anxiety pushing you to make bad decisions. First stop coffee, it puts you in a state of constant fight-or-flight and fear and that's how they control you. Caffeine is the perfect mind control substance.
>cure fast food cravings
Self-discipline. I dont know what to say. Dont fucking eat it?
Your new diet is shit but better than the previous one.
i dunno, feels pretty good. what's a good diet then?
Salt water. I prefer concentrated (1/3 teaspoon in small cup of warm water)
Definitely not sausages. You should go moderate on meat, it's expansive and very long to digest which allows excess bacteria growth. We have to stop thinking that a meal absolutely requires meat, but I guess IF and OMAD counteracts some of its negatives since you won't be digesting meat all day.
Carbs are important, the best ones are probably sweet potatoes like the long-lived Okinawans ate and some traditionally-soaked (which removes most anti-nutrients) legumes like Adzuki Beans and Lentils (after research and experimentation, those are by far the most beneficial and easiest to digest). A bit of fruits like pineapple, raspberries, blackberries. Not too many veggies but good ones are green peas, broccoli, carrot and its juice. White basmati rice is fine, it is one of the easiest food to digest (beware of brown which is routinely high in lead, and the brain has an anti-androgenic effect) but adzuki beans/lentils are superior since they are nutritionally dense. Testosterone positively correlate with dietary carbs/protein ratio.
The best fats are coconut oil and butter, but not in excess either. Dopamine is negatively correlated with dietary fats (which isn't a linear correlation but only problematic when people eat a lot of fat).
You could just live of fast food and be healthy you moron
The only thing that matters is fasting as long as possible
Anybody on fit eaten this yet? I kind of want to go get one just for the meme, like when they did the double down which was actually based as fuck
I eat 5 mcchiken no mayo every day and this is how I look now.
have $1 hot'n'spicy's here in phoenix, the normal ones are what's discontinued here.
if you learn to cook well for yourself your cravings will stop. if you're a competent cook it's difficult to make food as bad as fast food.
Just keep at it, even if you relapse and cave every once in a while. I was a Taco Bell junkie until last year when I got my diet in order and now I literally can't eat it. It was tough at first and I'd still grab a Quesarito and a couple of Cheesy Gordons Crunches (best Taco Bell item ever imo) once a week. But then I got it down to every couple of weeks and finally I had gone more than a month. I felt good, was going to reward myself so I got my normal setup while our doing errands, then on to the grocery store. By the time I was done getting groceries I felt like shit, my stomach was so upset. I didn't puke but all the grease and garbage fat, it was so bad I had to stop twice on the way home cause I thought I might. Now just going by one I get repulsed. Keep at it, you'll make it and then you won't look back except in disgust.
I don't understand the no-hair aesthetic.
or did it all fall off from the mcchicken?
i'm eating meat mostly because it's easy to eat it. that's the thing i dislike about diets online, it's always
>traditionally soaked legumes azuki beans lentins in whatever sauce simmered for three hours straight
and never
>boil eggs for 5 minutes lol
which is kinda difficult for me since i'm not very enthusiastic about eating "interesting" stuff. i guess i'm having lots of fruits though
rice is fine even if you want to lose weight? i love rice, but i'm kinda avoiding it for now
i actually stopped fapping so often after i swtiched to this food. then again, first weeks were pretty much no carbs at all. is this related?
Thanks for the advices, it's an interesting read.
What about quinoa? I stopped eating jasmine rice after reading about insulin spiking and empty-carbs.
I started eating quinoa recently because I hate brown rice, but I understand the two are supposed to be almost equally nutrient dense.
I've never been a big fan of fruit, but eat a decent amount of steamed veggies. Should I be eating fruit?
Also I eat chicken with almost every meal, it's cheap and easy to bulk prep. I'm a pretty busy person so I don't have a lot of time to really cook. Are there any problems with it? I worry about a lack of variety in my diet.
Just like anything else,
be 60 days without eating that shit and it becomes literally easy and effortless.
I havent even think about sugar or salty food in 4 years, even thou it was once only thing I would eat first 24 years of my life.
Same with porn, internet addiction and not approaching women or learning any skill.
You only need to use Willpower for 2 first months and then you you have escaped to new parallel universe where life is so fking good and effortless.
But only if you really want it and can belief in yourself to do it. If you lack Passion/Desire or Faith you will fail.
Im dying laughter that people actually still eat this. No offence.
the mcchicken is the best food creation ever
you're also on gear
Wont work on food addiction or biggest trigger foods.
Beer is no problem for me, but if I eat candy, ice cream, chips or french fries I will destroy years of mental gains in seconds.
Test foods that trigger full relapse and eliminate them all. Not worth it.
Nowdays I dont need to eat candy or poison myself to be social or feeling fucking happy and alive all the time. Its not even worth it. Just because everyone else is miserable and need it to numb the pain and escape negative emotions (that it also causes), doesnt mean I have to do so and fall into the same trap and trade long lasting fullfilment into short term pleasure and life time of pain, sickness and addiction.
Whenever I do eat sugar, I get massive headache for 4 days, my teeth start to ache and I will shit liquid for couple days. And still begin to crave it even more :D
I got it the other day. It's cheeto sauce is good but lacks chicken.
Quinoa is great.
No arsenic.
Spikes blood sugar 2 times less than brown rice.
>Quinoa is great
Quinoa contains saponins in the pericarp which give a bitter taste. The amount of saponin in the pericarp can vary in different cultivars. There are two ways of removing the saponin – washing with water or peeling by friction. Mechanical abrasion systems usually fail to remove all saponin, mainly due to the disc-like shape of the seeds. On the other hand, the efficiency of washing with water to remove saponin depends on factors such as seed:water ratio, duration of washing, and temperature of the water.
Saponins and phytic acid (see Antinutrients) can also reduce the availability of some minerals in the quinoa seeds.
never even had it, well maybe when i was a kid, but fast food literally tastes like sugary carbage to me, everything is either too sweet or tasteless
this, doing zero carb for a week or two can help you get over the hump while candida and other shit is dying off. alternatively, get some probiotics, both oral and intestinal, they helped me so much in controling cravings it's unreal, after 2 days of taking them cravings were down to 20%~, after a week I was actually disgusted by trash food
It's not great, although the crunchy chips and crisp fried chicken make for good texture the cheetos don't like to stay between the buns and the sauces don't add too much extra zing to the (typically mediocre and fairly small) KFC chicken patty.
Ultimately it's almost more enjoyable as a "ha ha I can't believe they made this" than being downright delicious (and I say this as a maniac who loved the BK Mac & Cheetos).
>eat fast food every fucking day because I'm too lazy to shop or cook
>lose 60 lbs and counting
>even easier to keep track of calories because it's more or less the same exact meal every single time
Unless you have a specific macro goal that you cannot somehow meet with fast food, there's nothing wrong with eating it every day for every meal(except the price). The people who are scared of muh "processed food" are ignorant, and the people who scoff at food that is literally engineered to appeal to almost everyone in the country because it's doesn't taste as good as their own farts, are douches bags.