I'm heading to the gym bros.
I'm heading to the gym bros
have a good time bro, let us know how it went when you're back
Good luck!
Thanks guys
I think I have elbow tendonitis bros but I wanna swim and lift more fucking hell why is this happening
Have fun and be safe
Do legs and use the kick board for extra ham glute and quad development. Or you can take a couple of days off and be careful
please hit a p.r. for us
Have a good work out user.
just when I decided to up my days to 6 from 4 this shits happening ffs. I found this weird bar shit to fix my elbows though might give it a try.
Lift the heavy things and try not to put them down too fast.
Tbh man, take it easy. Maybe bring it up to 5 days and then bring it up to 6 even though it's just 2 days that's a fuck ton of volume and a lot of stress on your body for it to adapt to so quckly.
Maybe you are right. I was thinking about grip work then swim sesh for 1 hour.
Have fun bud, stay safe and enjoy the rest of your day.
Don't forget your stuff!
I am going swimming and then to the gym, we're all gonna make it
Hope you hit a PR fren
hi pupper
i asked a girl out today bros. she said no
She was probably a roasty anyway
onto the next one
I know that feel man, it sucks but it makes us stronger somehow I think people say that
Try again bro, plenty of fish in the sea
literally billions of girls on the world man, now go ask out a hotter girl than her
we can all make it together :)
Have a good time and hit some PRs. :)
based and redpilled. keep trying!
why not find an innocent fat girl and get her into working out?
Go on without me op. I'm not feeling it today, it was a shitty day at work I just want to end it all.