We can change how we view ugliness

because we change how we're over time (as the self and society). Assuming we take the stance that the "mind" can influence "matter" (in other words, assuming you believe psychology is real, kinda), and assuming beauty isn't absolutely coded in nature (you believe it's subjective), we do have the power to go past our "wiring". I've seen countless of people who deemed as ugly and not given even a chance, those people turn ugly "inside" because of the same treatment. Treat those people as equal, keep that mantra in your head, and this will create a society that exude more "goodness" which will in turn create more beautiful things. Even if you can't see them as physically appealing, associating it with moral good will change the way you judge the person, just like the cliche of "looks doesn't matter when in love", it's all a game of associations and relations. Yes, i'm saying you need to have the right minimal set of morals in order to operate like that, it's necessary when talking about interpersonal relationships.

Attached: ugly.jpg (498x600, 41K)

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We could also just kill them

You don't seem to understand survival of the fittest. It's good for society that the strongest, smartest and most attractive people pass on their genes

lol this meme is excuse for sociopaths and edgy teenagers.

Beauty isn't subjective, attractiveness is arguably subjective.

So you're saying ugliness is definite if it's about the sex you aren't attracted to?

Beauty has almost nothing to do with society.
We see as beutiful whats best healthy for survival.
This is not going to change so fast but its going to change....
If you are ugly or fat.... well just kys or cope with it, there are plenty of ugly or fat girl to fuck

sure but why? ugly people are garbage genetically and are, on average, less intelligent

>natural selection is a meme

Survival of the fittest and alpha males aren’t real

>t. coping

Society built on empathy you seething faggots, your way would've kept us fighting over a cave.

no man, you are the faggot, bc of pussies like you are jews and other fags, the Bank, well indeed big brains reing supreme and we are modern slaves.

Indeed i wish we were still in the cave time, where i could fuck your wife and you and then watch happy how you rise my childrens.

Yes we are here, where we are bc of or brains, but is this good... is this the best we can faggot?

Imagine the monetery & bank system wouldn't exist the way it is and humans could canalize all their energy and might to evolve and do good and not to earn money and be slaves to the bank.

Pussy now go do what females want you to do and be a slave to jews

I hope this is bait.

I mean, healthy racism/lookism/nationalism etc. is okay, but this is some Jow Forums levels of lunatism.

i just believe that we can do way better than this, are you really sitisfied being a slave to the bank.
Yes even if you have a good life.

No joking, im making 3.000€ net/monthly, the system is good to me, but there is not only me and we can do better, we can have more and get way more out of technology.... but we are slave to the bank and lose our time for money

Sorry, obviously is my english not so good and i can not explain myself right...

Just wanted to say, we can do better and that without being slaves to the bank.

This is so untrue its comical. Natural Selection and dominance hierarchies are as old as life itself.

But beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If we killed off all the ugly people, after a bit, the people just above the line will be considered ugly. Rinse and repeat until everyone is dead or looks exactly the same.

What this guy said.

Seriously, OP, you're retarded. You're trying to ignore literally the entirety of human history, everything that has ever been done, and everyone who has ever lived, their motivations, their desires and narratives, and reject ALL of that in favor of a personal ideal that matters to you. You're even arguing that ideal against an entire thread of people trying gently to tell you that shit does not work this way in the real world.

Ignore that fact if you want, but being contrarian doesn't make you right. Human society is based, right down to its core, on tribalism and the idea of "Us" and "Them". Its very deeply rooted in human psychology. We recoil from things that are Other, things that are too different, people that are ugly or diseased - if our ancestors hadn't learned to do these things, we would have all died to smallpox or cholera or something centuries ago.

You're speaking of these things from the perspective of someone living in hygenic conditions, where people wash their hands, shit in toilets instead of the street (Which was common even in London or Paris or any other civilized nation well into the 1800s) and know not to touch diseased people and then go hug their loved ones, or something. You'd be surprised how far these things have gone towards taking your point of view from "A stark raving mad idea that would certainly kill all of us" to just "Extremely retarded". It won't kill all of us anymore to
>Just all get along guise lol
But its still a dumb fucking idea about which I have no end of questions. Why do we all have to pretend ugly people are equals? Who's going to force it to happen? And what was your tax policy?

who the fuck cares, just lift and go ogremode

What the fuck? Unless US education is even worse than I thought it was, it's drilled into you constantly if you do Biology in school. Most of the criteria involving genetics and especially Zoology boils down to survival of the fittest.

No, I'm saying things can be objectively beautiful, even if you don't find them attractive. And vice versa.
Usually people find beautiful things attractive though.

Attached: 1554020934551.jpg (552x307, 20K)

Fuck you, it's my cave.

Attached: 1549173657715.png (446x649, 221K)

>Things can be objectively beautiful, even if you don't find them attractive

Objectively. From Websters: in a way that is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.
How is a point of view entirely influenced by how you feel about ugly people, or how you don't feel about ugly people, objective? We've been talking about emotions and judgements this entire time, there's absolutely nothing objective about it. Its not rooted in the physical, or in black and white, and there are a lot of reasons and motivations for why people avoid the ugly in society. Self interest is just the tip of the iceberg.

You're saying that YOUR PERSONAL OPINION, that goes against the behavior of most people on the planet at this time, is somehow objective fact, even though its a subjective opinion by its very definition. It isn't. You also need to re-examine what objective means.

>Cross-cultural agreement on attractiveness is evidence against the notion that attractiveness ideals are slowly absorbed by those growing up within a particular culture and this suggests that there is something universal about attractive faces (and unattractive faces) that is recognized both across individuals and cultures...While some traits are proposed to be on average preferred across individuals, an adaptive view of preference suggests that individuals will indeed vary in what they prefer and we examine differences in more detail in §3.
I think I phrased my statements poorly. I meant more that things can be beautiful without necessarilg appealing strongly to you. One could recognise an actress to be beautiful, but prefer women with a heavier bodytype, for example. Certain things (not just people things either) are aesthetically pleasing, regardless of whether they're your favourite thing or not, whilst other things are on a more personal level of preference. What I was trying to get at is that there is objective beauty in the world, but it's also mixed up (most, if not all, of the time) with subjective beauty.

I entertained this subject 2 weeks ago here, take a look: yuki.la/fit/51282595#p51283617.


Mostly agree with

Only if you can keep it, motherfucker.

Sounds like something an ugly person would say