Anyone else try to get their gf fit? It's a fucking nightmare

Anyone else try to get their gf fit? It's a fucking nightmare.

>completely ignores my advice and goes with youtube "experts" trying to sell you shit
>constantly late to work out sessions
>buys dumb shit she doesn't even need
>spends half of the work out session staring at herself in the mirror
>spends days "researching" meme diet tips yet still doesn't even have a set routine down (see first point)
>even after researching she doesn't even cook the fucking meals she liked

Guys, I hate all of the women in my life. They're all the same. Please take my advice and just get fit as fuck and stay single.

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>get fit as fuck and stay single.

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I got my bf into lifting and he's starting to look much better and kissing his tummy is becoming more fun.

Just get a female gym buddy and talk to your gf about how much you like that she's consistent with her workouts and nutrition and how she tells you she has seen insane progress thanks to your advice.

No homo right?

We are using the home gym I built so that won't work

>gf enters the home gym and sees you working out with your new female gym buddy
>oh hi babe, why don't you join us

>goes with youtube "experts" trying to sell you shit
>spends half of the work out session staring at herself in the mirror
>spends days "researching" meme diet tips
>buys dumb shit she doesn't even need
This is not particularly specific to women.

I have this problem too, except my gf won't do ANY exercise - on the rare chance she does it's a few hundred metres of "interval" running then walking home.

I've accepted that the best way to deal with this is just keep exercising and bettering myself, and eventually she will clue in that she needs to get on board of this lifestyle train if she wants to stay part of my lifestyle, and if she doesn't, well, eventually I'll be Jow Forums and able to find someone else

you only hate women because you're trying to have sexual or romantic relationships with them. i only associate with lesbos or women in happy relationships or family. it's way better.

Just keep doing what you're doing

That's not advice, that's blowjob directions.

Not trying to be the "have sex" guy but that's bullshit. Almost every girl within my social circle follows the same formula:
1. Be attractive
2. Get married
3. Get fat and be lazy
4. Sometimes, get divorced

My cousin is in the process of getting a divorce and my best friend's wife ballooned up after marriage even though he's in great shape.

just date a climber girl man

oh no I believe that for sure. don't blame them either, especially if they have to blow their shit up to have kids. just responding to
>I hate all of the women in my life
it doesn't have to be that way. just don't engage with women like you're their boyfriend or dad or protector.

Bad idea, she'll hop right off his branch once she finds a taller tree.

>completely ignores my advice and goes with youtube "experts" trying to sell you shit

that is EVERY woman, OP

based and alphapilled


I don't know what you think you posted, but this is all just evidence that you are DYEL

Exact same situation here. I think I’m a little further down the road than you though.
>heartbroken at 20 turns into best shape of my life at 22, I’m fuckin Zyzz brah
>met my fiancé out of state, turns out we both live in same state just 2.5 hours away
>long distance relationship for 2 years while she finishes school
>finally move in together, she says she’s willing to train with me
>does nothing but complain and half ass everything, will not even stick to nutrition
>makes going to the gym absolutely no fun anymore
>try this for a month or so, I give up on trying to help her, she gives up completely
>I stop going even by myself for almost a year because lifestyles were incompatible
>make several bad decisions that affect quality of life, quit job with no plan, car breaks down and I sell it
>realize I’m not happy, unemployed, with no car
>what the fuck is happening to me
>won’t let it end like this
>get a new really good job
>we move into a new/better place
>buy new (to me) car
>start lifting/eating right again
>do nothing but read now
>sold PS4, cancelled Netflix, deleted Steam and Microsoft accounts, deleted (not deactivated) Facebook, etc.
>life is so much better for me now, I’m growing as a person
>she hasn’t changed except for getting fatter
>I guess she noticed and started getting wise
>she tells me she signed up for classes at a different gym than I go to
>think she’s actually self motivated this time, we’re gonna make it together
>less than a week
>”the classes are hard, I don’t wanna eat that, etc.”
What will be, will be. I’ve had my first interview yesterday for a brokerage position at the bank I just started at, second interview is next week. I’ve been here less than 6 months. Gonna trade stocks and securities professionally. No degree either, fuck (((college))).
Anyway, point being, they either grow with you, or you find someone who can. They know the scales, whether they’ll admit it to themselves or not.

>Please take my advice and just get fit as fuck and stay single.
Thanks for the advise bro but I've got some good news for you. As a high level intellectual thinker and an enlightened high IQ individual I've already seen the light and am currently single as fuck. You don't even need to give me that advise because I'm already following it right now

i thought white knights say this to woman haters, not vice versa.

What do you do for fun now? Besides smell my penis of course.

I read. Journal. Get together with my friends to jam or go to the lake. I don’t drink or smoke weed anymore so there’s a bit of disconnect there when they want to do that, but we don’t hold it against each other. Mutual respect for life choices n shit. I still play magic with them and I have dnd on Saturday mornings. They might be games but they’re still social engagements and those are necessary. I’d like to start a book club but I’m still working on a book list. I’ve been spending a lot more time with my grandparents too. Also inb4 post body. Here it is.

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>user I'm so glad we decided to get fit
>I know all the tricks to getting in shape
Women lmao

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Reasons I broke up with my annoying ex thread