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Fitness #515
Tfw you're 60 kilos overweight
Who is the greatest weightlifter of all time?
Frank Yang
Why do left leaning individuals tend to be physically inferior?
Oh, you… You're no Roider, eh?
This guy is kind of a loser
How much protein do I need?
Do you eat the same thing everyday? If so, what is it?
Where to go after SS?
Is this what veganism does to you?
Since i don't have a gf than this won't matter...
There are "people" on this board who consider this little guy an idol and inspiration
Why aren't you drinking raw milk user
This Body
*defends a rapist*
Diabetic mom's toe has me worried sick, please help
You will never receive the ultimate Jow Forums power boost: a kiss from a girl
A reminder to disregard pussy and acquire gains
Have you ever gotten into a fight with parents or others over food, for killing progress?
Why doesnt he cut ?
Half asian girls are the best looking girls on the planet
Where does fit do OHP? I use the squat rack
Body shape desirability in women
Jow Forumshumor time boys, let's go
If you're not stronger than the strongest female in your gym, you're a DYEL and should unironically quit lifting
Only fitness icon redpilled on the tranny agenda
What peanut butter do you use Jow Forums?
Motivation Thead
Fasting cures cancer
ITT we try and make Starting Strength better
How to into Omega male mode?
Would a modern day powerlifter or strongman have a chance against an ancient Spartan in hand-to-hand combat...
How bad have I let my self go ?
Tfw you realize no amount of lifting will fix these shit brown eyes
I'm a genetic freak. I have a barrel chest, like a legitimately medically classified case...
I've literally lost all sensitivity on my dick, literally ALL sensitivity...
How can I get in shape within a year with 0 equipment?
Been doing 5/3/1 for a month, feeling good about myself
STATUS > face frame height
Guy from gym havent seen in 2 years just met him now again
How is my body so skinny yet my muscles look fat and undeveloped? Is it my diet or workout regiment?
Would pic related be good for 220$? Any good quality cheaper bars with weights...
I had an Orbera balloon inserted a week ago because I have no consistent self control when it comes to food, AMA
I'm probably not going to last much longer, been nice knowing you guys I've had some laughs here. Bye Jow Forums
If i eliminate all other drugs but just keep it to 3 dip pouches a day can I still live a healthy life?
Let's see if you're actually Jow Forums
Is there an exercise I can do to make my tits perkier?
I’m a powerlifter
Mfw successfully went through a 100 days without masturbating
So when are we fucking? Tomorrow or next Tuesday?
Okay it's time to put this to rest
How do you avoid hitting the wall as a male?
Just started drinking whey shakes for the first time
Do you look bigger of smaller than your weight?
Body fat % estimate - webm edition
/SIG/ - absolutely fitness related edition
Strength = size or strength =/= size
I'm going to get on low dose accutane (20mg, most likely) soon. I can live with dryness and joint pain...
Tfw mogged by dad
What does Jow Forums think about the last natural and his program?
Post your genetic lottery
Who is your Jow Forumsspiration?
/fat/ - intergalactic roundbois edition
That guy who showers in swim shorts
/fraud/ - general
How do I get to 0% body fat??
Stop it with all these retarded abbreviations. "5/3/1", "1/2/3/4", "PPL", GOMAD, SS, etc...
The gym acolyte is haunting the squat racks again
Is lsd bad¿
How do nba players do so much cardio and look like this at the same time?
Metal is the best genre for liftin-
Why is there no keto talk here...
So guys. I started an argument with my gf last night and she got somewhat angry at me
How do I make my arms bigger? I'm just a little bigger than the pic on the left but I want to fill out my shirts more...
Weekly Asceticism Challenge
How you swallowed the shoulderpill, Jow Forums?
Today I reached six pull ups bro
How to get fit as a salaryman? i work 80 hours a week
Objectively incorrect
80 treadmills
Feels thread
Does masturbation hinder gains?
Hey fit
Chad points
Are there any advantages to doing upper/lower vs PPL?
What went wrong bros
Earbud Reccomendations
Yes, of course I eat apples
Workout music thread please thanks
Mogging thread
Cutting from skinnyfat is HELL
I'm looking to start a calisthenics sort of thing and I was wondering if I should do push ups, break, push ups, break...
Someone please help
Fucking hard habit to quit
What does Jow Forums think of Clarence Kennedy?
I want to go full self-improvement mode. I already do nofap, lifts weights and low carb diet? What else should I do?
Him Wof method
What Is cheaper? Mass gainer or normal foods?
Sneaking someone into anytime fitness
Hey Faggots
This is one of the few real rape allegations to come out in recent years
He doesn't eat breakfast like a Mexican for maximum sodium gains
What is a substitute for the bench press?
What is your final set song Jow Forums?
Redpill me on shitting Jow Forums
What happens if you've never fapped?
He hasn't taken the horsepill
Who here trains to fight leopards?
You can not retain this and be healthy
Hi guys my name is Testify. Please come and see me in /fraud/
What is Jow Forums opinion about this program?
These four all have girlfriends or wives
Homicidal thoughts and loner mode
Face gains. How can I improve my looks? Haircut and beard tips, jaw line gains etc
Post girls who's butthole you want to lick
Lift for aesthetics
I think we can all agree that the worst type of gym goer is the super setter...
I don't want my little brother to miss the prime years of starting to lift (the way I did)...
He doesn't drink semen for the protein
Have I made it guys!? 42yo btw
Special brews and lifting
Is deadlifitng really a meme?
So I am about to take steroids. What are your recommendations?
Who went from fat to abs?
This Angers the Gymcel
Hey user, you go to the gym a lot. Why don't you take off your shirt and show us your abs?
Girl sending questions like "should i cute my hair"
/plg/ powerbloating general
Would you ever do a 10,000 calorie challenge?
Yes, of course I eat breakfast!
Not stroking your cock up and down til completion while watching porn like a fucking monkey
I worked out for a year and then went to a festival. Only ONE girl looked at me during the course of several hours...
Why does veganism offend Jow Forums so much...
How come MMA people rarely look big or ripped?
Alright, so is minoxidil a fucking meme or does it work for beard growing...
BBC made a documentary on you guys
Tfw seeing anyone do any of the 1/2/3/4 milestones is an extremely rare occurrence
5/3/1 or PPL?
Day 1 nofap
How the fuck should (We) dress when we've made it, bros? I don't want to look ridiculous
Daily reminder that status in the real world trumps gym aesthetics every day of the week
Fuck you guys I got memed into fasting
Lose weight
Routine Rate Thread
What is the most Jow Forums haircut you can get to maximize gains?
Who do you lift for Jow Forums?
Where did it all go so wrong?
Tfw i cut too hard
Got punched in the face at work by some guy on drugs
How do i make friends in college...
Any natural ways of getting fit and strong...
Why is it I can curl 45lb dumbbells with ease while using plates on lower weight its a pain in the ass?
Alright, just tell me the truth. Is this for fucking real?
Anyone else recently discover citrulline malate pills? Helps with lifting and pumps...
People prefer right to left
Alright Jow Forums if zinc boosts testosterone and my acne is hormonal, wouldn't zinc make my hormonal acne worse...
Luke Lesnar, Brock Lesnars son, 6'4 and 17 years old
/fast/ - #465 - fasting buddha edition
No matter how much you lift, you cant recover the years you lost being alone locked in your room
What's up Jow Forums bros
Heya user, its been a while. I know all those burgers, pizzas and chips taste really yummy...
/fph/ - Fat People Hate - CIC... What's next? Edition
What does Jow Forums think about the world's strongest gay, rob kearney?
That guy at the gym that still pulls conventional
Aside from eating healthy and exercising, what are some skin care tips for people dealing with craterface?
I'm on the verge of tears by the time we arrive at Planet Fitness, since I'm positive we won't have a decent squat rack...
Can tatoos ever look aesthethic?
Injuries general
/owg/ olympic weightlifting general
Just ate a big ass bowl of crunch berries with while whole milk. Now my tummy hurts...
How do you cook your sweet potatoes? Im tired of nuking mine
What are some Jow Forums anime you've watched?
Does Tom seriously wonder why people ignore him when he’s with Juji...
Is fasting the quickest way to lose weight?
Avoid: Fruits
Natty cutting and abs
No matter how much you lift in life, you will end up being an old senile in a wheelchair...
No ideals thread?
Does anyone do deadlifts for aesthetic gains rather than strength gains?
Would feel insecure dating a girl who's more muscular than you?
Lifting doesn't fix the real problems
What do you wear to the gym each day? post outfit
Grip is the governor of overall body development
About to make a grocery trip boys, give me your best meals I can make for the week
Does any one here also have to deal with crab mentality in their surroundings , or had to?
Just closed a #2.5 working on a #3
Is Murph the final boss for bro-fits?
A year into lifting and I gotta say, there is no better feeling than benching 1pl8
How badly are the anti-nutrients in vegetables, fruits, ans grains affecting my performance in the gym?
Can one achieved thicc toned thighs with weightless squats?
Bald feels
Played vidya
This is how my ideal husband looks like. Your thoughts?
What motivates you every day to hit the gym?
Just paying my respects
How the fuck am I supposed to make gains
What does your ideal gf looks like Jow Forums ?
2020...i am...reborn
David Laid's leaked sex tape made me feel insecure about my glutes, what do I do now?
Women like built gu-
ITT: we design new gym equipment
Could you last a minute in the ring with Floyd “Money” Mayweather?
Last rep face
/fat/ - Dummy Thicc Edition
Fapping reduces stress, elevates mood, enhances sleep quality and prevents prostate cancer...
Oliver Forslin: natty or not?
It’s lunch time
Which pets are Jow Forums-approved?
Redpill me on carbs. Recently (yes, RECENTLY) everyone has been talking about carbs as if they are the devil itself...
Ok guys major fuck up
Best fighting style to learn?
Hello Jow Forums I got gyno, looks just like pic related. Do chicks notice that shit? Should i get surgery?
Anyone here give up drinking for a period of time? Did you feel better? Was it hard/easy?
Have crippling social anxiety
How do I get to this mode?
I still cant do a single pull up after months of bodyweight routine
Chimps are known to be from twice to thrice times stronger the average male
This device is pure fucking kino lads, rate my smoothie
Push-up thread for Aniki's birthday!
Your favorite muscle group to train ?
How do you prevent tendonitis? It it ruining my life
Does dermarolling actually work or is it another scam?
Gentleman, I think it's time we vote for something essential to this community
Looking for a good strength routine. Not doing SS, I’m way past that...
What are good cheatmeals that won’t bloat me into oblivion?
Its his birthday today
This kills the meateater
Does anybody follow scooby on Instagram? It’s really gay
Have you ever shaved the hair on your arm?
Has the incel meme gone too far? I've seen these guys ruin many communities with their blackpilled bullshit...
Mornin, what’s for breakfast?
Do you abstain from alcohol
How will you know when you made it?
Has anyone tried this stuff...
I lift for myself, but diet for women
Would you consider joining this gym?
As a 31 year old guy i feel as if a lot of you guys dont realize this is the cold hard truth
Having an average body feels pretty shitty
Is it true that slavs build muscle faster than others?
What’s the deal with people only lifting weights but not having other hobbies?
Skellington here
Had a dream I had a friend last night bros, he wanted to play football
How low can you drop calories for three weeks to lose fat while preserving muscle?
How much will I regret bloatmaxximg to 2/3/4/5?
How JUSTED are you Jow Forums?
First amateur boxing match in 2 hours, any advise is appreciated
Could you survive on the prison yard?
Is this thing based and good for crunches?
Crunches or Situps?
I hope those chips were worth it bro, I stole your bloodline's gains for 10000 years...
Eat exactly as much as your TDEE (setting the field to no excercise)
Is it okay to train legs just once a week?
Miring vs Staring
Is this look achievable naturally?
Women’s only area
Be me
How to grow glutes? bonus points for exercises that can be done without a gym
Daily reminder to not only tell people you don't lift, but also to demonize lifting and healthy eating
How is your summer Jow Forums?
Judging by this pic do i have more fat to lose?
Wait, you only lift? No sports? Thats kinda weird user
Is CICO a meme?
We can't blame dumb people/normies for lack of empathy
Be me
Does nofap actually work?
What’s your motivation to lift?
Reminder that unless you look like the guys from Love Island you are regarded by girls as DYEL
How the hell do you guys manage to eat so much...
When do males peak? according to various incel sites the average is around 25 but some also say 20-22...
Would you have a marine gf
Has anyone else become insanely horny at all times since changing to the lifting lifestyle?
Does openly displaying your fitness essentially make you a male thot?
Does anyone else think BJJ is just super gay?
Smol penorse
What effect does kratom have on gains?
Real talk. If I replaced my squats with box squats would that fuck over my gains...
Walk into boomer gym
Which one of you was this?
How many drinks do you typically have a day? How many is too many to stay Jow Forums?
Why am I not losing weight?
Damn it feels good to make it!
Why were people of past decades in so much better shape?
Bulk tips
Beginner Calisthenics
Carb and sugar consumption is going down in the US yet people are getting fatter. What's making people fat...
I'm a 5'2'' 160cm filipino man, how does Jow Forums feel about short people and height?
Whats the best way to cook sweet potatoes? Im tired of the microwave
Imagine The Smell
He lifts for strength
Lipstick on a Pig
Who else here /fitneet/?
/fat/ - chafed thighs edition
Gym couples
Is whey a meme if natty?
I literally live for nothing else but the gym at this point, honestly nothing else to do with myself anymore
How does it feel to be weaker than a girl?
Been abusing stimulants on and off for years and overtraining as a result...
Are you Jow Forums enough to wrestle a woman?
*flexes on u*
What are your guys thoughts on chest,tri/shoulders+traps/back,bi/legs 2x split...
What are we eating tonight, Jow Forums?
But you dream Crateros! Your simplicity long ended when you took Whey protein and Creatine and you thickened your Quads...
Push up thread!
That Instagram guy
First time in the gym
What are your thoughts on rowing?
Spend all of your free time lifting
Were you staring at at the girl or Mac during his interpreative dance?
1/2/3/4, is inherently not balanced and should be 1/2/2.5/3
Just went through my girlfriend's phone and apparently she's cheating on me with pic related. What the fuck Jow Forums...
Draw thread: Jow Forums edition
Thoughts on them?
Post ur non fap arm flex
No memes. Why does he look so bad/goofy?
Mfw this shit is just teaching a bunch of losers how to become DYELs
There will never be a champion as great as this man
Just imagine taking this guy seriously
Why yes, I only do CICO as my diet instead of autistic keto or intermittent fasting, how did you know?
Is PPL 6x a week the optimal natty program?
Should you bother getting fit if your face isn’t attractive? Serious question
How to glutemax?
No matter what I try I can't hit parallel
What the fuck is going on with this dude
How built do you have to be to pull pic related?
Kinochads report in
ITT: Post songs/albums that make you lose your mind at the gym
Let's list some downsides of making it
Do you guys shower at the gym?
How to make protein shakes taste good bros...
What's even the point...
Girl appears next to me in gym
Great, now the weebs are gonna get fit
Did nofap November last year
I lift for girls
Is this transformation achievable naturally?
He made it... what's your excuse?
Are mussels based? My local river is full of them
If you could talk to your former self, the time you first started working out seriously...
American chads
/natty deer thread/
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Why do we lift again?
What happened to society
Don't tell me you guys drink whey protein concentrate shakes versus whey protein isolate...
/fph/ where
He does cardio
Any good exercises to fire a rifle more accurately? Which muscles would I need to work on...
ITT: Your gainz kryptonite
How do I get a body like Doomguy?
A friend of mine started injecting roids
How tall is Johnny Bravo?
Grunting during lifting
While you were out partying, I was studying the blade
What are some good exercises and goals to measure athleticism? Running/jumping/quick cuts/ etc
You’re about to bench press a new pr when this faggot walks in your gym and tells you to stop lifting because it’s...
God tier foods
Lifting Abroad- Norway
Vegan meal plan?
Most of y'all are so delusional
Nofap aura is real
Is Chris Heria natty?
Do ya'll drink a protein shake every day? What brand do you get?
Femanon here
Expired protein bar farts
That guy who makes eye contact with everyone else in the gym
BlackOps2cell made it
Jow Forums btfo
What's Jow Forums eating for gains?
Is it seen as autistic if you wear anime/cartoon stuff to the gym?
Anybody tried lifting like bugez? one max two compounds every day heavy as fuck?
I Hate Chris Evans
Friendly reminder to eat food, lads. Eat more food. Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT disappear in your t-shirt...
Do boxers lift weights?
Spend years of your life slaving away in the gym to get ripped so you can finally "make it"
Faggot thread
Ive always heard that girls get wet for a dominant male who doesnt give a shit about them e.g. treats them like shit
Natty obtainable?
You need to lift to get a girlf-
There is never any need to use steroids for a normal person
Friendly reminder that Brad Pitt is vegan
/fat/ - cheesy fingers edition
You guys told me Boogie would never lose the weight, but look at him now. He looks so good and is absolutely thriving...
How much do you have to lift until you can unironically wear this
Whats the purpose of being an "elite athlete" if you will look like this ?
My BMI is 19.4 but I'm still way fatter than Instagram thots and the porn stars my bf likes
Why are manlets always treated so badly?
Why do crossfitters have such awful thick waists? And how do I avoid getting it myself?
Post backs
Could lifting have saved him?
When did you grow out of this defeatist mindset?
I will be travelling to Pisa, Italy for a week and I just noticed that literally all gyms there close at 8 pm
Reminder to eat a balanced, high protien diet that includes meat, vegetables, eggs, dairy, whole grains, nuts...
How many years did it take between you starting ‘lifting’ and ACTUALLY lifting (I...
Why yes, i lift for strength, how did you know?
Do you walk or drive to the gym?
There will be no excuse to be a manlet in few yrs
Ripped woman = healthy?
MAG/Martial Arts General
/owg/ olympic weightlifting general
Oneitis just posted this pic of her bf
If steroids are bad, then how come most of the OG bodybuilders are still alive and well?
*intimidates Americans, vegans and shitskins*
Do gymcels really think they are more fit than pic related?
Zercher squat, yay or nay?
How much did you bench the first time?
What do you generally drink besides coffee and water? I obviously skipped on soda, alcohol, energy drinks and alike
Hello, how are you?
Redpill me on coffee
Friendly Reminder there are no Jow Forums Leafs
ITT: meme gym equipment/gear
"E-everyone starts somewhere!"
Why do my knees always hurt like fuck when I run?
How do I quit drinking bros?
Being big is disgusting
3 months no gym
Fat autist still living at home
What is the first thing you do morning Jow Forums?
I was on Jow Forums because I was depressed then I randomly decided to start lifting and now I'm less depressed...
Hes OHPing 1pl8
What's the best way to get thick pecs?
Jennifer Lopez turns 50 in eleven days
Cardio before or after
Thoughts on Penguinz0's legs?
Fapping to solo women pics/masturbating vs fapping to women being fucked by men. what are the pros and cons...
"Post body" is a fucking childish argument...
What do you think about on the last set? Sexy anime girls for a test boost? Dying family?
Is Whey Isolate a waste of money?
5k Times
This is 1 month of stronglifts
Legit question. I want a power bottom ass like this. is it possible or is this ass not natty?
How to correct forward head posture?
What the best workout split?
Going out with a coworker
Why waste hours at the gym building unnatural bulges when you could make clay pots in the forest and achieve a cool...
Jow Forums i need you to tell me this constant training and eatng and not drinking or going out on fridays and putting...
Females becoming increasingly desperate
5'9 186.8
Is this the ideal squatting position?
Jow Forums Friday Night Feels
How would you know once you've made it?
That guy at the gym Benching less that 1plate
How to acquire a stronger jaw?
How much do you guys sleep on a daily basis? if you sleep too much will you gain weight?
What fem mode is this?
What is the science behind men not hitting the wall? Pic related is obviously David Beckham...
Jow Forums person posts their workout routine
What does the Christian faith say about fitness and exercise?
Hobbies that don’t keep you inside
Holy fuck, his DNA was found in the victim. This is fucked. $750,000 bail
I've had enough. I used to be handsome, not Jow Forums but good looking...
Jow Forums accomplishments thread
Hi. I'm better than you
How do my fellow coffee drinkers on Jow Forums keep their teeth from looking like pic related?
Advice on dating a fit girl?
Does it just come down to willpower?
How unhealthy is coke before weight training?
I'm on the pill
/plg/ powerlifting general
I have finally found the holy grail of protein bars. I’m jizzing as I type
What is GYNO?
Next routine?
Itt: myths
So who's going to be Mr. Olympia now?
Veganism confirmed Satan's diet to try and weaken us
What does a real calisthenics body look like? No roids or lifting
MFW I'm more cut than 90% of Jow Forums
What's for dinner tonight, Jow Forums? I've got rice, black beans, and baked Steelhead trout
Is this true?
How long after a lower arm tattoo before I can start lifting again? Artist said a few days but he was dyel...
Pay membership fees
Exercising for fencing?
Do you think people in your gym hate you?
Area codes thread
How can anyone take anything said on Jow Forums seriously when jason fucking blaha looks better than 90% of the...
Drawthread (?)
Am I allowed to eat any chocolate at all while fasting/cutting?
From this day forward I solemnly swear not to lie down in bed unless I intend to go to sleep for the night
Do you think I'm too skinny?
What’s his name again?
You guys are a new kind of special
Don't mind me, I'm just being fit and healthy while running
Pushup thread
I saw this there any truth to this?
Can you take her Jow Forums?
Shoulder Impingement
What makes you look young?
Does having sex in the evening affect my lifts the next day?
Scooby Semen Gains
What's his name again bros?
Why do you come to this place? It's barely a fitness board at this point...
Kegel exercises
I can’t hit the gym because it’s raining and my car is broken
What motivates you to exercise and stay Jow Forums?
Sup Jow Forums
I thought this dude was a meme, hes fucking real?? Its over
Jow Forums needs to get "aesthetic" to even have a girl talk to them
Walk into gym
What is the most Jow Forums hamburger?
Yep im on creatine and whey protein
/fat/ Overheating Operator Edition
I really need help
R8 my setup
Buy protein cereal
How do we bring him back?
Special Forces Fitness
What’s the best way to solve the incel problem...
Can I get the Superhero body by only doing calisthenics and weighted calisthenics?
Caveman Diet
Is this the cheapest bulking food?
Thanks for everything Jow Forums
What music do you listen to in the gym?
I'm a complete noob to this. I heard running was a good exercise...
Jow Forums-Related Anime and Manga
Just ate 7 pieces of kfc original recipe chicken totalling 2750 calories. How do I burn 1000 calories?
What is the best lift to help me forget that I'm a lonely weirdo?
Post your last rep face
Keep deadlifting
Tried blue cheese to increase healthy gut bacteria
Browsing Jow Forums has made me
How to improve height?
So how does your girlfriend feel about all the time you spend at the gym?
I have gotten my bench up to 5x5 185lbs but seem to be stuck at this spot. How can I get past the plateau...
What the fuck is wrong with people?
Hello i am not a fitbro just some dumb hippie acid head weirdo that likes being outside with my dogs
10 Years
Anons I... I eat a shitton and can't gain weight. Pizzas for breakfast. Chips for break. Rice and sausages for lunch...
The fat boy delusion
Lift/bw. Where are you guys at?
What do during muscle sore
Le strongman said we shouldn’t deadlift. We should listen to him I matter what!
How come there's so much negativity and cynical people on here...
When Stacy turns into Chad
Best routine for normies with an office work type of life?
/Injury&Recovery General/
Guy at my gym unironically weighted dips. Should I say something to him...
Have your tastes and fetishes changed, either due to lifting or the new diet?
I keep waking up at night and change bed and feel tired at fuck in the morning...
Stop eating carbs
This is how easy you can defeat a bulker
What is worse, sugar or fapping?
Pic related is my current physique, what kind of life do you imagine me to have?
This guy at my gym claims he is natural
Masturbation causes varicoceles
Are girlfriends really gains goblins, or is it just an epic meme?
I got fit and now this girl wants me to take her virginity, wat do?
And that
What sauce do you use for your chicken broccoli rice?
Is weight loss surgery the only effective way for one to lose weight permanently?
How do i stop being a manlet
Bulk or Cut? Give me the fitpill
Name a more based piece of equipment
I'm 300lbs 30% bodyfat. How long will it take to get to 20% bodyfat if I eat on a 500 calorie deficit...
Carnivore Diet
Protein sparing modified fast (PSMF)
Vegan = aging?
Go ahead bro, one chip isn't gonna ruin your gains you incel haha
Be european
Dumbbell press
I fell for the cuck meme...
That guy who leaves the gym without showering
Walking down the streets alone
Faggots lifting for years here
This makes the vegan cry. Hahahaha
Is this true?
10 days nofap
Check resting heart rate
This was me in march weighing 65kg 190cm
5/3/1 Boring But Big. Is it a good program?
How Jow Forums do you need to be to attract older women?
Mire Thread
My gf literally uploaded this pic of her to her social media as some kind of "protest against censorship of the human...
Do I squat/deadlift at the start or the end of the session ?
Cilmate Change causes the skinny fat epidemic
Why don't americans eat quark? Much better macros than greek yogurt
Is there any way that this can ever be fixed?
In a 1on1 fight
Does deadhanging for 10 minutes a day really make you taller?
He doesn't skip leg day
This is tom, the person single handedly behind the success of the Juji & Tom youtube channel (formerly jujimufu)...
This is what I've been doing in the gym the last 5 years (find a flaw, protip: you can't):
Im 24 and i literally have all these except hair loss. Is there any point for me to try anymore?
Do you use a preworkout? If so which one?
Why do girls smell so nice?
So........ THIS.... is the power... of natural bodybuilding
Got these in the mail today. What am I in for?
What is your favorite stretch?
This is the kind that guy who follows and uses instathots as the thumbnail
Why haven't you asked that girl out?
What pseudoscientific supplements do you use Jow Forums? Currently am taking ginseng, 5htp, piracetam
10 days NOFAP and NOPORN
Redpill me on metabolism, I heard chilis and spicy food boost it
Navy SEAL Fitness
How do I lose weight when my babushka keeps making delicious food?
What makes him so repulsive?
I just failed my Computer Science finals with 5 back logs
Fit Manlet thread
What's your biggest weakness?
ITT: post body and squat max
Is doing crunches a meme?
Ask a former Mcdonalds employee anything
Seriously, what’s the best protein powder?
/fast/ - #463 Are you feeling it yet? edition
Is this the king of the manlets
Rate me
Lifting for jesus/god
Post body faggot
Go $15 a month gym
It’s all so pointless
How do I make liver taste good? I tried it once when I was like 15 y/o and almost puked...
How do you go from this
Is he unstoppable?
Sleeveless shirts in the gym
Post this image on /co/
This is all you need to get women and turn heads from ages 18-45
Manlets, Rise Up!
Double Quarter Pounder®* with Cheese good for body bulking?
"you can't build any meaningful muscle mass on a vegan diet"
Ctrl + f
Why can I do a hypertrophy routine 24/7? Is strength training really needed if I just want to body build?
Is this much protein a meme?
What's the best workout to get a build like pic related?
/fat/ - Weigh In Day Edition
Legs. Post them
Is a 275 max squat bad at 155lbs 5'5 (pic related)
Can you get this big naturally?
Is fapping to loli high test, Jow Forums?
Eight scoops of serious mass a day
Am I dyel
Are Jow Forumsizens effay? What do you guys wear day to day? Pic related
Started reading jordan peterson book he explains that in nature every creature that is defeated in some way...
Honestly what's the most alpha way to carry a barbell and move it across the gym...
What strength level is the maximum SAFE level for a natty. I'm not trying to be a cripple by 50 like powerliftfags
How do i improve my NECK? I've been working out for 1 year
I dead lifted for the first time today and I did 3pl8s. Is this good? I weigh 175lbs. How long until 4pl8s?
Tfw self-improvement and fitness has cured my depression
No matter how much you lift, no matter how much you looksmaxx, no matter how much money you make...
Am i /fit enough to put this pic on my hinge profile
Be me
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
What can I expect from a cycle with Ligandrol + Ostarine + Cardarine?
Repent and you shall make it Jow Forums
The Jow Forums mentality
Do girls actually know what "6 feet tall" looks like?
You need to lift to look g-
What body part do you get the most compliments on?
Friendly reminder that no amount of alcohol is healthy for you
Optimal training regiment for this bodytype Jow Forumschads?
Wake up. Take 30mg Iohimbine, 320mg caffeine and 20mg ephedrine
How to curb hunger while cutting? Also general tips for lowering BF%
Does BJJ make gains?
Are the benches at my gym too short?
I've neglected my abs for too long now
Ultimate Gains Goblin
Jow Forums meals and recipes
How to cope
Back acne
NoFap Is Like having Unlimited Energy
Does fruit tea break fasting?
Girl's Gym plan
What muscles improve my swinging strength?
Damn, this is ki d of inspirational
Before your eyes
Holy shit brehs caffeine is AWESOME
I'm a skelly who started his first cycle ever today and my first cycle is 15mg mk677 + 6mg LGD + 20mg Osta
Can you get to typical ottermode with a bodyweight routine?
Hungry and tired all the time
Hey Jow Forums do you think you can win a 1v1 fight to the death with a chimpanzee?
Can you touch your toes and hold it for 1 minute Jow Forums?
Is it ok to do OHP with wrists turned towards myself
What's the worst mogging you've received?
Before you started lifting, what was your lowest point?
Is there anything worse than balding at 18?
Gym Cringe Thread
These chicks are all roiding, right? I mean, it’s probably a safer bet to assume they are to assume they’re not...
Tfw Phimosis
Fit recommends losing 1lb a week
Are there really no other bicep exercises that aren't just chinups or some variation of curls...
Low carb diets associated with lower life expectancy
Fruit juice = increased risk of cancer
What is it like being able to attract women regularly and to be a charasmatic person with tons of friends?
Any Jow Forumsizens with PE here? Has liftin fixed your chest?
How much do I need to lift for a girlfriend like this?
Can i have huge forearms without heavy dls or farmer walks...
The preachy, dark-haired bitch claimed stretching before workouts increases risk of injury, and lower performance...
Brown vs White Rice: The Great Debate
What to do when you reach this point?
What are the best exercises for getting broad shoulders?
As a lanklet how bad is it to be a manlet?
How long did you guys wait to get back in the gym after snapping your collar bone...
Why yes I do use a belt on all of my warm up sets and normal working sets, for my safety of course!
Monthly remainder
I don't have fun at the gym anymore. Wat do?
Do stronger people find this light to lift? This is a woman and I never lifted one...
Genetic Engineering
ITT: best ways to suppress appetite on a cut, I'll start:
Dental hygiene is just as important as mindlessly slamming weights all day when it comes to your health
Dont eat too many carrots
How cure my hemorrhoids?
Is sleeping good or bad for gains?
Wich one of you is this?
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that keto is the GOAT cutting diet?
Does practicing combat sports help you get fit as well?
What the FUCK Jow Forums
Had the carb binging dream again
Does it count as 1/2/3/4 if I have 20kg plates instead of 45 lbs plates?
Should i put in my CV that i lift weights?
day 2 of NoFap
Why haven't you joined the military reserves yet, Jow Forums?
How long did it take you to achieve 1/2/3/4?
Every fucking morning I wake up with a huge thick amount of discipline, maintain the cut, run, workout, cook for myself
Is hiking the most enjoyable cardio?
WTF why didn't you tell me about Golden Time, Jow Forums? I could've been maximizing my gains all this time
Thoughts about body hair?
Do you take a pre workout?
How do I deal with being viewed as a failure
Is there anything more Chad than smoking while lifting, Jow Forums?
Explain yourself, weebs
Any protein rich low calorie snacks like pic related
I'm a 5'2'' filipino man, how does Jow Forums feel about short people?
How do I be low inhibition?
Red meat increases probability of cancer by 18%
How the fuck to stop drinking
Stick a fork in me boys
Yo is this shit legit or is it a meme? And do you suggest taking Horny Goat Weed to increase libido...
Is being strongfat the comfiest way to live?
Anybody here been able to achieve voice gains?
Cardio General
I have actual diagnosed autism and have issues with many environmental factors...
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship