
Are you going to reclaim your manhood today?

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Nofap/noporn won't cure your autism.
Growing to beyond whatever you think is the arbitrary Manlet cutoff won't cure your autism.
Roids won't cure your autism.
PUA won't cure your autism.
Yohimbine/creatine/Maca root/other snake oil won't cure your autism.
Looksmaxing won't cure your autism.
Mewing won't cure your autism.
Lifting won't cure your autism.
Dopamine fasting won't cure your autism.
Face-pulls won't cure your autism.
Cold showers won't cure your autism.
Quitting caffeine won't cure your autism.

If you suck as a person, you need to identify real problems and come up with real goals that will bring you closer to the person you want to be. None of these magic pills will solve your life problems, you need to work on yourself in an honest way, and understand that it takes time and dedication to build habits that form a lifestyle that will help you reach your goals. Nofap, and all the other snake oil to which Jow Forums clings desperately are just more examples of how you refuse to do the actual work required to improve your situation.

>If you suck as a person, you need to identify real problems and come up with real goals
Masturbating: real problem
NoFap: real goal

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4 days in
chatted up a qt 19yo redhead with ease
have gf or would have made her mine.

Basically this

Nobody wants their autism cured, I couldn’t care less if I die a Virgin. I just want to increase my testosterone by retaining my semen, which for some reason (((you))) seem strongly opposed to

Big ups user. You're doing the right thing.

Im 20 days nofap and semen retention and holy shit. Im getting this pleasurable feeling through my body and a feeling of wellbeing extremely similar to a LSD trip. I also have unbelievable energy and alertness, Ifeel like im on a really strong stimulant.
I just got back from a heavy work out in the gym and I still dont know if i can sleep.
Basically to describe what I'm feeling it's basically like doing a big line of coke and then microdosing LSD.

Ive been taking maca as well which has kicked it all up to another level. God damn guys.


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I haven't been counting but it must be atleast a month since my last fap.
Last night a girl I used to mess with sent me a whole bunch of lewd shit and I almost failed.
Almost came in my sleep last weekend after some girl in my friend group couldn't keep her hands off me on a night out.
I have to be honest, I have not noticed much of a difference but it feels good to conquer this demon. Maybe this weekend I get my dick wet idk.

Also, although I barely ever have the urge to fap or watch porn, I have been talking to women much more in hopes of blowing my wad.

2 days, 12 hours, 38 minutes and 40 seconds guys

>I have not noticed much of a difference but it feels good to conquer this demon
Based self-aware nofapper.

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Tried nofap for the first time, got to 7 days then relapsed today. Now I feel like a used whore, tired lethargic, ashamed, immasculated.

The memes were all true. Everyone lapses the first time right?

You just posted cringe bro

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Porn and fapping affects the brain similar to drugs, triggering a dopamine response. Just like drugs, it's a hard habit to kick and you're gonna relapse a few times. Don't sweat it user, just keep trying.

And whatever you do, don't buy into the anti-nofap memes. They're made by people who are too weak to break the habit.

im addicted to masturbate a it greatly impact my ability to live my life the way i want to and relate to other person.

Jesus Christ this is accurate.

>Tfw dont even get a boner from looking at naked slut pics anymore
How long do I need to detox from porn

keep going

Can yall quit the shit nofap is legit just a test in discipline and yall know it yall just are too attached to pleasure, but the same way yall gave up the fast food yall can give up cumming

Indefinitely. Porn is a substitute. Substitutes are for quitters.

If you spend 30 mins a day jerking off, and you stop jerking off, you now have 30 extra mins to devote to something else, maybe even something productive. You may even use that time to improve yourself in other areas of life.

I think i've blocked nearly all pornsites on the internet at this point. I cave in, start waking it, feel ashamed, add site to blocked list. The cycle repeats itself.

Pray for me guys, in this hour of need.

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>yall x3


You're gonna slip sometimes user. Just make sure you pick yourself back up and keep fighting.

Who else /stoic/

Day 26

I've already slipped countless times. I can't even make it past 10 fucking days. I've beaten depression before, but this is unironically harder.

>tfw catholic since easter
>didn't go to confession or mass for 4 weeks
>gave in and fapped a lot, also used contraception and generally was a jackass
>was afraid to go to confession so put it off
>finally went to confession
>expect the priest to tear me a new one
>instead he says
>"My son, never be afraid to come here, for God's love for you never decreases but only increases, and he wants you to come here and to receive his graces so that you may live in His love. Today you have won a victory over sin, and should you stumble you should always come back. You are always, always welcome here. Three Hail Mary's.

he managed to be extremely kind, helpful, and fast- i was only in there for like 2 minutes lol. I was so nervous to go but his words had me tearing up. I feel like a new man. GO TO CONFESSION YOU DEGENERATES

Six months and 6 days here, adds up to 187 days. We're all going to make it, stay strong.

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Believe me user I've been there. My PTSD medication made me feel like a drone so I stopped taking it. Quit doing cocaine and smoking cigarettes cold turkey. But NoFap was a fucking hell for me for 8 months. At one point I went two full months and then slipped.

Just keep treating every slip-up as a learning experience. Retrace your steps and figure out how you got there. Blacklisting websites is a good first step, but looking at why you went to a site in the first place is key to finding the root of the problem.

lmao stoic gang with parts of self aware

God is an infinite well of unfathomable mercy. He gave us the sacraments to help us be in communion with him. He is always willing to frogive if only we repent and are truly sorry.