/fast/ - #463 - "I've just been drinking more water" edition

What is /fast/?
>Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.

What’s the difference between intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, etc.?
>Intermittent fasting: Fasting for a certain amount of time with a short eating window. 16:8 (16 hours fasting, 8 hour eating window) is the bare minimum.
>Water fasting: Fasting with only water.
>Dry fasting: Fasting with no water. Dangerous, use with caution.

Why should I fast?

How do I safely do an extended fast?
>Take snake juice, or just supplement electrolytes.
>Potassium chloride =1 tsp (No Salt)
>Sodium chloride = 1/2 tsp (Himalayan Pink Salt)
>Sodium Bicarbonate = 1 tsp (Baking Soda)
>Magnesium Sulphate = 1/2 tsp (Food Grade Epsom Salts)
>Mix these in 2L of water and sip it throughout the day.
>[OPTIONAL] 2 tbsp Apple cider vinegar and 4 tbsp lemon juice. DO NOT MIX with snake juice, drink separately.
>You can also do this if you feel lightheaded, weak, dizzy, nauseous, etc., on shorter water fasts. Don’t do this while intermittent fasting.

Won’t I go into starvation mode?
>No. The mainstream definition of starvation mode is a myth. Read the FAQ linked below for more information.

Will (something with calories) break my fast?

Can I drink coffee, tea, and diet soda? Or anything with artificial sweeteners?
>You can do whatever the fuck you want. We recommend avoiding those, sweeteners especially.

Do I need a multivitamin?

this is the community discord: discord.gg/qqtQFDQ
its SFW

Prolonged fast FAQ: fast.fandom.com/wiki/FAST_FAQ


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9 days, down 7kg so far, going for 12 days (got social shit this weekend), expecting around 5kg total weight loss after refeed

how long can I go before I need to worry about snake juice?

can I bike every day for 1-2 hours on a wet fast, or should I be taking some electrolytes or something

Okay boys, tryna get lean here. Looking to lose ahout 15 pounds. Do you think i could do a 48 hour fast weekly, and eat normally the other 5 days, while retaining most of my gains?

I love how light I feel every time I fast. I love the progress boost and how clean I look after fasting. But I really hate the snake juice. Is there any way to give it some sort of flavor? I don't think there is. I'd rather dry fast than drink that shit.

different from person to person, but as a general rule, and to stay safe i'd recommend not going more than 3 days without snake juice

snake juice replenishes electrolytes, you can try fasting on only water, but you'll feel like shit and risk fainting all over the place and fainting while driving a car for example is... not ideal.

i'm only speaking from experience and from what i've read, i've done a 2 day dry fast leading into a 30 day total snake juice fast, i have no nutrition education.

when i did my 30 day i followed snake juice recipe in OP, except i didn't add magnesium before around 20 days into it and i never used ACV + lemon juice. broke the fast with keto chicken salad with no negative side effects like shitstorms etc. slowly reintroduced carbs in the following days.

height: 176cm / 5'9
weight loss from day 1-30 was 18.5kg, from 103.5kg to 85kg
actual weight loss after a week of refeed (filling up intestines, bowel, muscles, glycogen etc) was 13.5kg, from 103.5kg to 90kg where my weight stabilized

remember that your TDEE and required macros changes as you lose weight so adjust your new diet accordingly

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for a wet fast i'd recommend no exercise at all, do an intense fast, then go back to whatever diet works for you and continue your exercise routine

just do an extended fast until you've lost around 25 lbs on the weight, after refeed you should have lost around 15 lbs and stabilize. doing 48's isn't bad either, but it will be slower, and it will take you to the height of hunger pangs every time, once you're past the 2-3 day stage it's smooth sailing with little hunger

it's salt water, gonna taste like shit no matter what, just deal with it, or chase it with some 0 calorie flavoured drink if you're into that, the jury is still out on artificial sweeteners though, doesn't take me out of fast/keto, but may be different from person to person

Based gif, I always loved that interview, also great advice and info man. I really appreciate it.

Thanks a lot, I'll be careful and you have a good day.

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Fucking hate salt water. I'm on that dry fasting / alternate day fasting eating fucking pickles and light stuff for replenishing salts. I've been getting results but I understand it's going to be slower than if I was straight up snake fasting for 30 days.

honestly i only do long extended fasts to boost weight loss, i prefer losing weight with a mix of intermittent, OMAD and exercise, that way i can have a social life, visit family, exercise etc. without seeming like a total sperg

i make my snake juice in a thermos and throw a bunch of ice cubes in there to make it stay cool for hours, goes down smoother ice cold, and suppresses some of the taste, i'm not fixated on drinking 2L per day or anything, i just zip occasionally or do a few big gulps if i start feeling light headed

Really dig your setup, how is your weight loss with intermittent and OMAD?

you must be very shot or skinny already

still experimenting, don't have numbers on it yet, trying to find what works best for me that i can sustain as a weekly routine for the rest of my life

once i'm done with my current 12 day fast the plan is as such:

monday to friday: 16:8, two meals, big lunch with carbs, smaller keto dinner, weight lifting every day (PPL), not trying to stay keto, but still wanna regulate blood sugar

saturday: one meal only in the afternoon, big dinner with whatever i want

sunday: fast

i'll start with that, see how weight loss is, how maintenance is and adjust accordingly, i wanna have some flexibility for random social events and shit

5'9, currently 88kg, long term goal is 75kg, short term is getting back to 90kg then do the aforementioned shit, my previous attitude was to have a 5kg buffer and if i got close to it i'd fast more, but i want more discipline and routine this time around

can i do cardio if i take snake juice

>weight going up on fast

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stop eating in your sleep

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>drinking snake juice
feels like i'm turning into a fish person

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How to stop the urge of eating shit after a 3 day fast?

realise you dont want to eat, you're just being tricked by dumb brain chemicals

do a fast so long that refeeding with shit will risk killing you, next time you fast you'll crave the healthy option instead

Just don’t eat haha

limit your eating window to like 30 mins max on the refeed

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will fasting cure my depression? i always eat snacks throughout the day telling myself that it's okay because i am so bored of everything else that I need it to get through the day, but would I function better without?

how the fuck should we know what cures your "i'm so sad" feelings, go see a therapist for that or figure out what makes your life meaningful on your own and follow that path

i haven't had a shit for one week

do you exercise?
Just after 1 day of fasting and intense exercise I feel headaches and weakness and I just need salt
if I dont work out I dont need salt for at least 3 days

just eat the salt bro, its more tasty that way
also snake juice electrolytes are way overdosed you dont need that much shit

check out this gayass reddit video with good info

Does cocaine break a fast?

No it’s also p good suppressing your appetite, so does Acid

i switched from cigarettes to vaping last week for better running endurance, now im wondering if it breaks my fast if i hit to much on sweet liquids.

pls prove me wrong

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Does modafinil break a fast? I take 200mg daily for ADD

Fasting working, but it’s sapping my gains even fasting. What do?
I hit the gym up regularly but it doesn’t change it much. Drops lower but not a significant change

on day 2 of my first intentional fast, and this isn't even that hard
should i just never eat again
[spoiler]thinking about doing two weeks, but i'm home from college and that will probably freak out my mom[/spoiler]

same here, food doesn’t even seem appetizing at this point lmao

if fasting is so great why isn't every fatass told to fast by their doctor?
does our society just lack the willpower?

>start a new job that actually requires me to move all day
>2 pm to 10pm
>get used to not eating dinners
>lost 8 kilos without even goin to the gym

I love it


should i tell my type 2 diabetic dad to fast or will it kill him

lol because they’ll end up fasting for like 24 hours then cave in and binge eat. Also there is no money to be made in fasting. You literally just don’t eat. What incentives would doctors have to recommend something that is free and doesn’t require a dietician or pills.

for a 24 hour fast is it ok if i just drink normal water

doctors are trained to prescribe meds and other dumb shit
fasting is also not very well researched, studied, tested and promoted because you cant make money from it

My depression gets significantly better when I am in ketosis, and weighing less makes you feel better about yourself.

So I overshot my caloric needs significantly and I ballooned about 10 lbs in a month. Getting to the point where my jaw looks rounded and I don't want that. What's the benefit to dry fasting over intermittent fasting? Just a time difference?

Dry fasting is 3X faster

just woke up from a nightmare where i broke my fast accidentally :|

i managed to do my first fast for 30 days with my parents knowing about it, if they are rational, you are able to explain fasting to them logically and rationally and you do maybe some bloodwork or some shit at your doctor halfway (unless you're in the land of the free and can't afford health care), they should be fine with it i reckon, push as far a you can go

I just completed my first 48 hour fast. Holy shit. I feel great!
OMAD for the rest of the week. Next week I'll do 72 hours.

both you and your dad should look up Jason Fung, he's a doctor in Canada that's been treating type 2 diabetics very successfully with fasting/keto for years, start with youtube to wet your feet


i think dry fasting can get you into ketosis faster(?), and it's speculated that it boosts autophagy a bit, just be careful with it

gz man, gj

There's other powdered zero-cal sports drink stuff out there to help you out on the electrolyte front if you really cant stand the taste of salt-water. I find its most effective to just mix a little in with the snake juice to help fix the flavor. Then again I kinda like the taste of salt water, or at least Im just used to it growing up near the ocean and all.

Finally, I have one [1] week where I'm not likely to be offered free food. Having a social life sucks for fasting. Hopefully I can lose ten pounds this week.

Im not sure if its the fasting that is doing it but Ive been very depressed for the last year and a half. Started fasting 5 days ago and it was significantly decreased. Idk if its body chemistry, or just having a very acheivable (DONT PUT SHIT IN YOUR MOUTH THAT ISNT WATER) set in stone purpose that I wont allow myself to break.

I now Im not out of the woods, but over the 4th of July I really came to terms with that Im not going to get anywhere if I never start walking, and fasting is free and about as easy as it gets for physical requirements, all I needed was the willpower to not put shit in my mouth and a handful of salts.

maybe it's because you've set your mind to a goal and working towards it and making successful steps towards that goal makes you feel accomplished

Anyone here ever used yohimbine with an extended fast?

Well, you... you might be right. Consuming snake juice should be no different than drinking plain water and then licking salt off of a tablespoon right? It's the same ingredients just in different form.

Can anyone please chime in? I would really really like to be able to fast for longer periods of time. Do you guys think drinking water and consuming potassion chloride and the whole recipe ON THE SIDE would still be ok? Or would it fuck me up somehow? I think I might try it and tell u guys about it

will smoking affect my fasting?

trying to restore my fit lifestyle after several months off due to injurys/uni - ideally id like to quit cigs and cut weight but feel doing both is too much and might make me relapse back into slothfull ways.

my plan is to get into a fasting routine for about a month, then focus on quiting the cigs. thoughts?

anyone got a %bf calculator


Idk how much i trust these tho. But better than nothing

Back in 2017, i gave up drinking/smoking and started getting fit, and for me it was easier to do it one thing at a time

You wont be able to consume potassium chloride directly its taste is revolting
And you dont need it in the first place unless you're going for long fasts

If you dont like salt water I cant imagine youll prefer 3 tsp of salt on its own. Just mix in some sugarfree/0-cal sports drink powder mix with the standard snake juice stuff.

>do OMAD
>moment eating window begins start gorging on everything I see, fatty bread, donuts, snacks
>once hour is over, go back to fasting but probably consumed like 3000 calories in that eating window
fuck, I don't know why this is happening, I get so hungry once I break my fast that I just keep eating more and more. Fuck this

dont use artificial sweeteners you little faggots
insuling rise WILL block your fat burning and you'll also have massive cravings

It may be easier to just go whole hog. because there's only one rule. The only thing you're allowed to put in your mouth during the fast is water. Throw out any smokes and tell yourself that rule over and over. Might be easier if theres no exceptions.

day 10 of fast, diet soda every day, dropping mad weight and zero cravings, come at me and my rotting teeth bro

It may not be ideal, but you dont have to dump a pound of the stuff in there. Just enough to give it a flavor other than SALT

where do you eat where you are surrounded by bread and snacks

Yeet yohimbine is my shit. I've gotten to the point where I kinda enjoy the feeling of being on it. I do ~1hr a day LIGHT cardio after taking 20ish mg (got a tolerance at this point lol). Not sure about the efficacy at higher bf% but for losing extra water/fat towards the end I deffo recommend.
I do about 1/8tsp lite salt in a shot of water as needed. Haven't mixed up a batch of snake juice in over a year.
Getting the discipline of fasting will help with quitting. IMO trying too many psychologically difficult things at once tends to lead to failure on a fronts. If you think you can do both do it but yeah tackle one at a time. However I've used cigs as an appetite suppressant spit could help fasting in thag regard.

My turn: any opinions/input on how to approach fasting with low bf%? Did a little under 96 this weekend and felt pretty good about it but also pretty beat up. Is the general recommendation to just shorten duration? Currently doing OMAD during the week with a 72-96 on the weekends. I'm thinking of switching it up to OMAD MT TF with a 48 between Tues/Thurs and Fri/Mon.
>pic related, trying to lose the last few pounds

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dude you're already as lean as you can get natty
anything more you need to dehydrate yourself

wouldnt recommend

It's good lighting plus I just got back from the gym lol I'm not as shredded as it looks

is there any reason that a dadbod dyel shouldn't just fast down to goal weight in a single long ass fast

no, as long as you have fat to burn the body can sustain itself, just drink snake juice so you don't faint all over the place

2:30 am here
cant sleep
mild stomach ache
mind thinking about dumb shit.
This after only 25 hrs of fast. What do?

keep going

power through

24-36 is the worst of it

One word. BROTH.

Your meal should be good protein and good lower carb veggies AND A HUGE BOWL OF SEASONED BROTH

The broth will fill you the fuck up. And it's great for you.

Whatever you do, don't binge on breads and sugary crap. Stuff yourself with protein/veggies/broth that's it

approaching 48 hours, i'm not hungry anymore, but all I can fucking think about is that I am fasting

usually around the point where i start watching masterchef australia and cooking shows on youtube while planning my first refeed meal

it's better to plan your first meals so you don't end up buying a bunch of crap and ruin all your progress

Not him but watching cooking shit makes me so hungry when I'm fasting

I'ma do a 3 day water fast. I want to workout during it though. So if I start getting light headed should I just get some salt in me?
I've got a decent amount of body fat on me, if that matters.




either be a fatty or stop eating, if you can't stop eating you've already made your choice, now accept it




Well then I guess you're just going to be fat.

I'm 5'7 150, pretty muscular but with a layer of fat. I'd like to do a 48 or 72 hour fast just to see what I would look like shredded. Could I expect to see visible results from a single 48 or 72? Is it safe for someone's who's not a fatass?

Low willpower.

just started OMAD after a month of doing 16:8 fasts and I'm having serious fatigue issues with daily 4 mile cardio run. Do I cut back or just power through it until it gets better?

I'm this guy I wasn't fat to begin with, definitely had a layer but more as a side effect from bulking than from being a general fat piece of shit. I did mostly ~72s on the weekends and trimmed down nicely. Totally safe. You'll lose some strength, but I'd say it's about equivalent to the amount you'd lose over a longer, slower cut.
Try a 72 and see how it goes. Depends on how much fat you are but I'd say you would at least notice a touch more definition and maybe a little smaller around the waist. Might take two or more to see good results.

water fast when you can and settle for IF when you can't
fasting is great and all, but in the end it's just optimized cico
you can still be social and have a (smaller) net loss
you're gonna make it

so I gained 2.2lbs from day 2 of fasting to day 3, is it normal with weight fluctuations big as this?
I've been drinking snake juice

weigh yourself at the same time every day, preferably after waking up and taking a piss

it will fluctuate with the amount of fluids you're currently holding

ok thank you

Is there a verdict of coffee yet?

Lunch is cancelled due to lack of hustle, deal with it.

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Boys I need to drop 30 full kilos, can it be done in 6 weeks? 6ft 120kg here.

>can it be done in 6 weeks


She did it though