Lifting for 6 years

>lifting for 6 years
>havent hit 2 pl8 bench yet

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are you a girl?

Unironically yes

get a real program and adjust volume/intensity

post tits or gtfo

5rm or 1rm? Not hitting 1rm 2pl8 in 6 years is basically kys territory.

for me it's 4.5 years and i've never benched my bodyweight haha


Did you even try?

>lifting for 21 years
>havent hit 2 pl8 bench yet
>can't even squat that

fuck my chicken legs

How? Did you even try to push yourself? The only way you will ever improve is if you risk failure.

I don't believe you at all.

I do 2 sets with 1 pl8 and my lower back kill's me for 1 week, same with dead lifts.

I'm 6ft, 146lb

look up scot mendelson on youtube and study how he bench presses. he doesnt bench from his chest. he uses his hips and his entire body. it takes a long time to get used to how he does it but it is very effective

>I'm 6ft, 146lb

How many reps per set? And you either have bad form or the pain is caused by you exercising muscles you never use. In either case it's important for you to go to the gym in the days following to both work on form and for you to get used to using those muscles.

Gotta eat big to get big

>How many reps per set?
8 to 10

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Why are you doing this? Eat more please you will fuck your spine or something

This scares me. Also do more sets

Damn. I'm 128lbs and even I can't put my hand around my ankle like that

I cant

>Eat more please
Imagine eating so much that your body starts storing fat in your ankles.
For me eating only gives me a huge gut, I still look like spooky

Whatever dude stay small

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that's more than above my knee

Fix your mobility. Probably tight hamstrings/hips. Once you can squat without lower back pain, start working your way up.

>Probably tight hamstrings/hips
that might be it

Post ankle

Have you tried reading the sticky?

Post tummy

DB press til you get stronger. Seriously.

please eat user, what if someone bullied you and you couldn't push them because you're so thin?