So, the doctor just told me I have a varicocele, but it's a small one and it currently doesn't need to be operated on...

So, the doctor just told me I have a varicocele, but it's a small one and it currently doesn't need to be operated on. It never bothered me and it hurts only sometimes. Does this affect my gains in any way or do my gains affect it(make it worse, because it is definitely most prominent after training)?

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My doc said I didn't have it, when I clearly have it. I hate american """""health care"""""

how bad does it hurt and where exactly? does the pain reach the groin area?

asking for a friend

Yeah a lot of people have it apparently but they don't even know about it

It barely hurts, more like a slight inconvenience, in the left area above my penis

Doctors don't know shit about men's health because all the time and resources are spent on roastie's health


I just delivered a sperm sample to see if mine (very minor) has affected my sperm quality.
If yes I get it fixed for free, if no I have to pay it myself.

As far as I know lifting heavy shit makes it worse. Stuff like squats, deadlifts, and just legwork im general makes it worse.

Swimming supposedly releaves it a bit.
No way I'm letting that shit fuck up my testicle and make my ballsack huge an flappy!

Yeah same story here, left nut. Doctor said I'm worrying too much since it's a tiny one and doesn't affect

Nowadays, maybe. But almost all of the research that medical textbooks are based on was carried out in men. In fact women are much more likely to be misdiagnosed in certain specialties (most notably cardiology)

What I don't get is why they say this, while knowing that it is a progressive issue, which only gets worse with time. Why not fix it now when hasn't done any harm instead of waiting until it does?

I did the ultrasound in around 2012 and one 6 months ago, about the same results. I only went the second time because I started doing pull ups and felt slight pain in the area for a small while but its gone

Based. I don’t trust doctors at all for my health, because they don’t know shit. The only reliable source of information is on certain websites and forums, such as Jow Forums

is it on the left or right? If its the left just ask to get your kidneys checked out its associated with renal cell carcinoma. (any masses on your left flank)

how do you know if u have it?

You have just scared the shit out of me.

I have it, had it about a year or 2 now. Started mid LSD trip and was very painful so as you can imagine it was quite scary. They do nothing for mine however I can get optional surgery to fix one of my balls in place to stop the risk of it twisting

Feel the veins running from your testicle in your ballsack. If you feel something resembling a cluster of worms, you probably have it.

Ive read guys with varicolele has lower conversion of testosterone to DHT.

Welcome to the 2019 Bitter Virgin Mental Gymnastics Competition, sponsored by this guys inadequacy as a man

This. Even if you go to a specialist they don't know shit usually

Stop wasting your time on the internet and spend some quality time with your wife's son

Doctors are more often than not pretty inept inept

He's not wrong but keep proving how women are all thots by going LE INCEL XDD at everything

Semi related, what's an ache in my ball/groin area that hurts a bit but usually isn't present

The surgery is difficult and if there's a complication you'll lose the nut, which will become extremely painfully necrotic until it's removed. This won't affect your fertility but will decrease your test levels, especially as you age.

>hurts a bit but usually isn't present
go to a doctor if it becomes frequently present

got that shit 6months ago around the time my aunt died of cancer.
I literally thought I had ball cancer for 4 months. Thought about chemo and losing my job and stuff like that. Shit got REALLY real until I just visited several docs.
Literally varicocele, I pushed around that thing for months because I always wanted to know if my "cancer" grew. So no wonder it never healed.

Switched from boxers to slips and stopped touching that ball of veins got atleast rid of the pain.

tl;dr Iam retarded, thanks for listening.

i have a very large varicocele. if i remember correctly its the largest possible (stage 3) and barely notice it on a daily basis. it causes me no pain when i work out and you should be fine. i was worried chicks would notice it but when ur laying down its almost as if its not there. i remember going to the urologist as a kid thinking i had ball cancer but it ended up being nothing

Vasoconstriction is pretty common when taking LSD, so it probably got too constricted or something and it fucked the blood valves up. Have varicocele myself, never bothered me but I do want it removed.

I swore I had this but multiple doctors told me I didn't, turns out I had super tight groin/hip flexors. Try stretching out

do kegels

Shit, I'm hipo as fuck so shit like this is everyday for me. Can't even sleep because of it sometimes.

yeah, it really fucked me up. co-worker and friend also died mysteriously from day to the next, that didnt help with the thought of ball cancer.
I regret wasting literally 1/2 year by living in fear. I feared that once I go to the doc and he actually diagnoses me with cancer that my life would be over, like the last bit of hope dies in you with the diagnoses. Fuck that shit.

The worst part is that you start to see simptoms everywhere and the internet really doesn't help.

yeah lol.
I literally looked up pictures of balls with cancer at work.

Not him, but i feel a tanigble mass, although not sizeable, abovd my left testicle. The size does not run all the way up,. Is this variocele or paranoia?

I have one nut that retracts when I get an erection.
Anyone else have this/advice?

>renal cell carcinoma

Thought I had it but two doctors did ultra and didn't have it

I have read that sometime if can affect your testosterone. It would be worth checking your total and free testosterone, then recheck in a few months

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>not pinning with a 27 gauge slim pin insulin syringe.
>not wasting precious test in the syringe dead space.