Ordered this from Custom Ink to lift in a few days ago. Just got an email that said they won’t print it...

Ordered this from Custom Ink to lift in a few days ago. Just got an email that said they won’t print it. I asked for a refund and to cancel the order and they complied. They’re a private company and have the right to refuse anyone service, and I respect that, but on a personal note it’s bullshit. What does Jow Forums think?
Also why does Jow Forums lift in?
Bonus: Anyone know where to get something similar somewhere? I tried several searches before I ordered that one and couldn’t find anything.

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Other urls found in this thread:


What* does fit lift in?

Just use an eBay shirt printing service. No questions asked. They only care about your money.

Ask them why they refused to print flash shirt

At least they gave you your money back. I can see why they denied it, knowing what it is, but it still sucks you couldn't get it. I would go with what says and go eBay.

Am I retarded? What is this

Lmao, very unbased and bluepilled of them. Go Ebay instead

A super hero symbol
White lightning

Murdoch murdoch sells a tee with a lightning bolt logo on it


Logo of the English Electricians Union

Symbol of the British Union of Fascists

Didn’t think of that. Thanks user.

fucking Nazi, id beat your scrawny ass if I saw you wearing that in my gym, go fuck yourself little incel Nazi.

want a milkshake thrown on your ass?

I think edgy graphic tees with political nonsense on them is really childish and you need to really grow up.

That being said, by all means make one yourself, walk through Birmingham and get your head caved in

Lol wut?

I’ll bet all the pakis aren’t too keen, eh?

Are you coming on to me?

Seething. You wouldn't do a single thing, pussyhole

Are you really larping as Derek Vinyard on an internrt fitness board

Based and Mosleypilled

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See, that’s the thing about it, is that it only seems childish and edgy because that’s your impression, and likely a projected impression. For me it’s not that I’m trying to make a statement or anything, I just genuinely respect what I’ve read and heard Oswald Mosley say. The sentiment would be the same if I made a shirt with Tolkien or LOTR images on it, or, probably more appropriately for the board we’re on, if someone made a shirt with an anime character on it from an anime they really liked. I’m not trying to elicit response from anyone, it just makes me feel good.

Mosley's flash fan club

Flash in the pan, Ozzy M's knockoff swastika. Not that well known though so I'm kinda surprised OP got caught out.

Attached: BEADY.jpg (490x313, 25K)

Don't be dumb, it's a fasicst symbol for actual fascists, like or not by "liking" it you know exactly what you're doing.
Just use a different colour scheme or something.

Attached: greek_logo.png (128x128, 28K)

I wish I could agree with you but that’s exactly the mode of thinking I’m attempting to get away from. I won’t pretend to be so naive that I don’t recognize people’s impressions though, I agree with you in part there.

Sad fact of life that we're all ultimately one big herd and if the herd doesn't like it it's conform to some extent or... get funny looks I guess.
Be careful you don't go too far the other way or you'll end up cutting yourself off with the edge, being above the petty sentiments of others is nice and all but it's not worth it if the price is being unpersoned.

Also I am *sigh* -unironically- a fascist, whether you understand the term legitimately or your impression is that of the common narrative.

Noted, user. I’ll bear that in mind.

Well I suppose most people who don't die at birth have to go through being 12 at some point these days.
You actually read the shit or you just like the idea of tight leather jackets?

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That “pol phase” meme is getting worn out. Asserting that someone is a child for not agreeing with your political perspective is in itself childish, a grown man would have the wherewithal to respect a contrary viewpoint without baseless rhetoric or name calling. I actually do read, yes. It’s a relatively recent development, only in the past few years and only the last year or so with conviction and genuine thirst for understanding.


Attached: 6.jpg (1200x491, 56K)

Inability to handle the bants is a telltale sign of some sort of immaturity.
If you drink from the fountain of knowledge you'd hope to at least realize that metaphorically painting yourself to look like a toilet and then being surprised when anuses shit on you is in fact the true childishness.

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Whats the harm?
Looks like a comic book hero's suit

Alternatively you can workout in a black turtle neck

Muh fee fees.
Also if he's in Bongistan he'd be fined for attempted suicide for wearing that in public.

Nice Bowie shirt man

Ok man. I suppose the fault would lay with me in attempting to hold an earnest conversation on Jow Forums.

You wouldn't do shit

Attached: 1560706104059.jpg (1281x1773, 851K)

I think you should start working out and graduate high school.

Post body and city

>crickets chirping


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Come on faggot


Posted it you stupid faggot. Open your eyes next time.

>muscle dystrophy

Perfect. You're the swoleleft posterboy

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Top kek
That flex and everything
So...do you even lift?

Still bigger than you manlet

Not where it counts gayboi

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Perhaps in a non-visible way.
Why on earth would you post that pic?

Bruh the door jamb is at your shoulders are you 5 ft?

You challenged me and I challenged right back, I’m not a coward no matter how shit I may look.

I would want one too but I'm not sure where to get one. On a different note what's some of the stuff that attracts you to moseley's ideology in particular?

Door jamb? There is no door jamb in my picture

Bruh that door jamb is against the wall, are you retarded? Also wrong poster, I’m one up.

Attached: D5DDD5C4-044E-483B-BA33-527BE5049D76.jpg (220x277, 21K)

What’s that clasp looking thing to the right of your shoulder? At the entryway?

The original concept of fascism. Strength through unity. I’m American but what he had to say about British nationalism, love for your people and for the land you’re a part of, resonates with me. He and Enoch Powell are recent heros of mine.

That's a different user. I'm the one with the red and white wall.
I don't know how tall that other dude is, but by comparing his physique to yours he could literally make you his girlfriwnd and you wouldn't be able tp do anything about it.

>t. 6'0"
Cutoff is 6'2" pussyboy. A 6'3" dyel could kill you with his bare hands.

It's okay, if you lift weights you will one day stop being a faggot and turn rightwing like any male with a trace of test and self-worth.

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I’m 6’3, I had to hunch over to fit in the mirror.

He could try and I would fight and it wouldn’t be fun for either of us. I bounced bars in college (was a wrestler) so I don’t think either of us would have fun.

Final thoughts Nazis were incels and absolute faggots. Their philosophy and historiography were complete trash. They we wuzzed harder than modern kangs. Evola and the early Italians were pretty based, Mussolini and De Rivera were based.

I was right wing until they became to slaves to gold spoon New York socialite and Russian stooge. If he gave a shit about people why have the blue collar gotten poorer? Why have the rich grown richer? Why do people in my community need to chose between medicine and food? Plus he’s a pedophile who was best buds with Epstein and rewarded the guy who protected him. And no making libs mad isn’t all that important. The people and nation are.

That's what began to attract me, I love the idea of national unity and strong leadership. I used to be full moseley but I started to become attracted to other economic systems, that's nit to say his economic system or ideology is bad it's certainly better than anything today but I prefer more radical economic changes. At the moment I'm more monarchal fascist and I prefer an economic system that uses the market and command systems to maximize efficiency and minimize exploitation without sacrificing individuality, so an economy that takes portions from strasserism, corporatism, mutualism, technocracy and a little bit from bakunin's collectivism

Dubs of truth.
I said god damn.

Real talk though I was a liberal until I grew up, started lifting and learned personal responsibility and discipline.

try spreadshirt? they printed my azov-bataillon t-shirt

Ok let's put politics aside and genocide all the manlets.

but that was some time ago. Might be cucked now...

don't believe either of these tbqh

Mosley wasn't a nazi. He was a fascist. What difference is there between hitler and Mussolini that isn't between hitler and mosley?

In my gym there is this dude with that fucking star tattooed on his chest.

It's the black sun. Technically it's a star but you're a faggot for calling it one.

I think you’ve got the right idea. Of course Mosley lived in a different time so any economic notions he had would be largely outdated especially with the digitization of fiscal transactions and the relative nuances therein. Heros are great to have a role model but eventually you must carve your own path, so not agreeing with absolutely everything he or any other great man you look up to is healthy. Myself I favor unregulated capitalism and the consumer’s power in a free market. You seem more well read than I on this subject, though.

Reverse image search then

Nice freshman undergraduate-level Maxism 101 thoughts there faggot, and a whole lot of cope for not taking your own side.
But I think there's hope for you. You seem to know very little about all this, so as you find out more there's a chance that you'll figure shit out.
Trump (unlike Hitler) has indeed failed to uplift his nation, but I walk around in picrelated SPECIFICALLY to trigger and bait the brainwashed zombies.

do you think reverse image search searches through all the pictures in the world user?


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Definitely, I used to like laissez-faire but then I started to realize that companies are the main drivers of degeneracy if it makes them money, the overall idea of economic individualism is better in proprietism or distributism in my opinion but I don't really care what economic system you support even if it's communism as long as you care about the nation, its people, and culture

Well, fuck communism. But aside from that do you have any literature to point me towards? Or economists who’s lectures I can listen to? I’ve recently really liked what Thomas Sowell has to say, but I’m always looking for more. Hit me with a link, user.

It's like a band logo or a sport team symbol but for "adults"

I can practically smell the onions emanating from your post

Read evola and nietzsche, germany tomorrow by otto strasser (specifically part 3), the works of proudhon and bakunin. Those are good starting places. I personally have read the works of marx, in all honesty I think it's the most lied about and least understood ideology, it's not inherently anti culture, I personally believe (((they))) hated how much marx went against them that they screwed his name and ideology for almost 200 years, the degenerate post marxists we see today are nothing more than SPD poster boys

It's exactly like a che shirt but for le redpilled team.


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going cryptorightwing instead if revealing your powerlevel

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Le "I don't want my race to disappear and become trannies" team. What a cringe meme
Also, different context. Takes spine to go against the zombified crown of self-hating faggots and hostile outsiders.


I’m actually currently reading ride the tiger and just bought the birth of tragedy, and I intend to acquire more of their works. I’ve heard of Otto Strasser but I haven’t looked into him. I’ll put that one on my list. I read the communist manifesto back in high school, but i haven’t read any Marx specifically. But if you say so I’ll keep an open mind and try it out. Thanks user.

That's very based, but not "crypto" at all

I dig it. Where can I get one? Also sleeveless? I hate sweaty sleeves sticking to me when I’m lifting. Even short ones.

lol i've never known anyone to go from actual fascist to left wing/moderate. once you get woke on the JQ there's no going back.
>inb4 that guy who says contrapoints "deradicalized" him
that guy says that he was into "radicals like Jordan Peterson", he wasn't even close to far right

No problem man, I will say marxism is still completely inferior to fascism or absolutism but it's not pure evil in my opinion. Hans herman hoppe has a great introduction into monarchism from a libertarian perspective if you are interested


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>le meme swazisun front and center

>Claims anti-Fascist
>Professes to inflict violence on someone based merely on their clothing


Based Ricky

>Revealing you are a brainlet without comprehension

That's cringe

Legio gloria. legiogloria.com

Can't believe there are people who don't know about this.

Adhere to the teachings, truefriends.