What does “making it” mean to you?

what does “making it” mean to you?

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losing the v card

having friends, gf, a enjoyable job.
i have none

Being validated by females - sexually, romantically, etc.

That is objectively what "making it" means for a man.

>losing v card

Fattys lose vCard everyday? What’s stopping you?

To me is fucking your mother, sisters, grandmothers, cousins, aunts, and daughters that are in legal age

Making it is individual, I think. For me, it's
>finish nursing school, pass NCLEX, start making money finally
>move out of commiefornia and into slightly less commie Oregon to be with my friends
>own a house with a huge green yard
>nice garden, trees
>not sure on kids yet
>2 dogs
>1 catbro
>1/2/3/4 but will of course strive to go even further beyond
>work in a hospital, do hospice care per diem, get my MSN and be a nursing instructor eventually
All things I'm on track to achieve. Less than two months of nursing school left, and just got the number of the qt receptionist at my gym. Wish me luck, bros.

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You’re gonna make it user

Raising my BMI to 18 or higher. Having a girl talk to me

Finally liking myself.

to become my own ideal

tfw you made it as a 5’6”, 130lb 16 year old

I just want a gf. I lift in the meantime to kill time.

Not hating my body when I look in the mirror

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Having a massively powerful body that looks good as well

It's easier as a teen; not much is expected of you. Once you reach adulthood, impressing women requires a house, car and a good career. Statistically speaking, I think 22-26 year olds trying to "establish" their lives after school have the hardest time getting sex. You're probably cash-poor, drowning in debt, desperate for work experience, and renting a studio or living with mom and dad.

Addendum: After school your social life is over. Your only friends become your co-workers. Good luck if you work in tech. Everyone you knew or loved went to a different city for work. You're starting over in a new city with no friends or social network.

For me it's being gay with my dad

My first two benchmarks, before I go for more rep capacity, harder variants: being able to complete a pullup and a flat-ground pushup
t. 6'4" @ 185lbs

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I have all that and still don't feel like I've made it :(. That's the problem with making it once you do your definition of it changes.

beating anorexia and being able to run/lift again

The line at your mom's place is too long thats what's stopping him.

Health (physical and mental)

Surpass my own, self-inflicted pain and depression and reach the maximum state of [spoiler]Jesus, and tranquility[/spoiler]

When someone would finally 'based and redpilled'd my post

There's no such thing as making it when we all decay and die.

I don't know.

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>not sure on kids yet
Here’s the test:
Are you white?
If yes then yes
If no then no

It’s less about the destination for me. More about the journey

Making it = leaving green bean mode in clothes

This guy knows. Try dropping out too if you want to play on Hard Mode.