Fitness redpills

ITT: fitness tips and tricks
Psyllium Seed Husk is pretty cheap and if you blend it with water and drink it it will swell up inside of you and fill you up like crazy, also it has pretty much no calories

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Get the organic shit unless you like paying for roundup(tm)

It's also what faggots use to keep their buttholes clean so they can have more degenerate sex and catch AIDS. I'd rather be hungry than a fag so no thanks


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Who tf wants to eat less you overweight trannie

People who are on a cut you fat cunt

People who don't want to permabulk

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cringiest image to be ever posted on this site

Found the stoic.

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more like the level-headed person
hating degeneracy doesnt make me cool, but people being degenerates sure is fucking disgusting


yet you posted this image off yourself nigger

Lol sad virgin.

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>guy defending another degenerate is not a degenerate
woah you sure got me boyo, come back when you grow up
dont @ me

Then simply don't eat that much, no need to stuff your stomach with stuff you don't need retard.

Shut up fatty

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>look mom I called them degenerates again am I aryan now
Lol at virgin stormnigger.

You do realize that the seeds are to help you eat less right?

There are people out there who struggle with being hungry during their cuts, and this is a simple but effective trick to help them suppress their appetite. Why do you fatties get upset over it again?

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>tfw The Impotent
>tfw when literally rejected a threesome cause afraid of not getting an erection

You realize, that you can just eat less by not putting snicker bars in your fat face every 5 minutes right ?
Fasting makes eating at a deficit so much more efficient that only a brainlet wouldn't concider it

Do you have morning wood?

You mistake me as one of yours, i have no problem with not eating if i want to cut

Or you could just eat some fucking lettuce and get actual nutrition.

Ok good for you, but I wasn't talking to you directly now was I? Someone else will probably find this helpful, retard

You know what else faggots do? Go to the gym.

That's pretty cringe bro.

That picture is accurate as hell.

I wanted to, but I bought psyllium seed on accident because apparently no one sells the husks in my country