No /fph/? I'll start

No /fph/? I'll start.

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Jow Forums, let's say you could wake up in a month and have the perfect physique of your dreams. You're as lean as you want, you're strong as fuck, you have perfect proportions and aesthetics.

HOWEVER, you have to eat that girl out every day for that entire month. You have to bring her to climax or it doesn't count.

Do you do it or nah?

You can drown somewhere in between her second and fourth ass, so no, not worth the risk.

how the fuck is this possible


>Towel For Decency


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As long as I keep my gains afterwards, yeah.

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So this is the infamous Jow Forums.

I look around and all I see are sad, lonely young men that are angry because strong, mentally sound women won't talk to you. Ever pause to wonder why that is?

Even as a plus sized woman of color, I am not the least bit offended, but morbidly dismayed by your lack of self-reflection and basic humility toward yourself and peoplekind. Pathetic, really.

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Getting gains normally is easier.

>2 cups of special k
>1 banana
>4 tbsp jam
>.85 cups cream

Fuck that's scarily easy to get to. I guess dont use cream fatty


She looks like the elephants foot at chernobyl

she's probably gonna die within 4 months or so so sure

no one gives a fuck have a nice day

You should be, you're an abomination first, a fat piece of shit, second. Welcome to Jow Forums

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I'm not that vain breh.. Only once and you have a deal.

>exercise requires gym membership
>eating less is expensive
she should prioritize quality over quantity or just eat plain rice. stupid cunt. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

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that looks like a nice place wheres it at


now get your trolling elsewhere

don't forget she's basically on NEETbucks

Poor nutrition.

Just a month and not forever? Sure.

Jesus user, that has to be one of the funniest and original things I've ever heard on a chan website ever

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it's a comfy spa in poland that specialises on nutrition and motivation

>Can only afford to buy junk food and takeaways.

This is always the line that pisses me off the most because it is just factually untrue. First of all, junk food is completely unnecessary. You can just not buy junk food. Money saved. Secondly, cooking your own meals is cheaper than takeaways by FAR. Especially if you eat a lot. And cooking your own very healthy meals is about as costly and still less expensive in general.

I know from experience. But unlike her I've never been on "benefits".

thanks i thought it up myself

This is why I dont believe in welfar of any form

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Not worth it. I’d rather roid

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you're a retard then

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I'm glad we agree they're only kinda people.

I'd do it once but give me a snorkel and formaldehyde

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>not naming the file

The greatest body in the world isn't worth the infection you are bound to get rooting around in that pig stye.

Poor parenting/enabling behavior in those around her
The dude standing next to her must be a feeder.

At this point, taking them out back and putting one between the eyes has to be the most humane option for everyone.


do i get to keep the bod forever?
if so then yea boi.

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kek. nice copypasta

Those toenails

Dude 4 tablespoons of jam is 60ml, that's like half a jar. Also cream, what was he thinking.

this website has a rich history of celebrating that word, newfriend

what the fuck. 3 stones is 42 fucking pounds. That dog needs to lose 42 POUNDS. Fuckkkk that lady so fucking hard. what the fuck

Half of the ingredients for jam is typically sugar, so that's the main killer right there.
Although 2,500 calories sounds like an off the wall estimation, as ridiculous as that meal is.

Nah. I'm okay with being slightly less than perfect

if you watch the episode he says that in a self deprecating way when he sees the playback, this image is misleading

does she even have a month left? do i have an insurance policy if she dies after two weeks of my hard work? can i just give her a heart attack after signing the contract and receive the gains? can you check these digits?

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image is weird because her pantry contains things i can only get when im home in aus (cadbury, maggi) and things i can only get while in the us (poptarts, marshmallow fluff)
britland is cursed


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Based ausbro do you miss vegemite when you're overseas

i'll do it for free

She had surgery and is fine now
was a massive transformation

nah, fuck you and i hope you commit an hero, unless by idea body you mean you can give me something otherwise extremely unnatainable (like gaining godzilla height)

Fuck that pic made me kek


>tfw weighted 310lbs in 2014
>lost it all, been 185~ for past few years

My body is a deflated wreck of loose skin. My face looks about 15 years older, but fuck was it worth it.

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>mentally sound women

Ok lol

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Awesome. We no longer hate you. Congratulations

Trying to hard to make copypasta. Be funnier.

Hahahaha and faggots will defend free healthcare. Have fun paying for fat fucks like this

Nah. My body isnt perfect but I'll take being scrawny over exposing myself to that biohazard any day

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Id rather be around the elephants foot id take radiation over extreme fat stank any day


Prime fucking rage. Clearly a brit. Its creatures like this that are fucking over our NHS, ruining for those who need it and giving ammo to the anti-NHS nutjobs, not to mention fucking over our benifit system too. She is clearly mobile enough to be able to clean her fucking house and lose weight without surgery.

10/10 fucking lost it mate.

yeah but kids can't choose their parents, i dont think the kids should have to suffer any more than they already will with low iq waste of space parents

There are pros and cons to every system user. UK has been pushing hard against these freeloading fat fucks for a while now, its why you see so many of them REEEEing on the news, because they think media attention will help them. Only positive is knowing the Gov don't give a fuck about paying for their fat shit life. These people will all be kicked off benifits in five years.

Theres unironically nothing better than a recovering fat.
>Owned their problems that caused them to become a drain
>Actively working to fix it
>Don't believe in HAES bullshit
>Doing it on their own and not burdening the health care system
God speed fatty.

only in the States.
I love this country. Even me lowself esteem guy feels good with these idiots around.

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Unironically no
I think I'd blind myself upon the sight of such a foul bastardization of nature, I unironically don't think I could live with the accursed knowledge of that creature's cunt and orgasm

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>Pantry full of fucking snacks
>"I can't afford healthy food"
This is because to fatties, healthy food is "healthy" snacks
I'm unironically seething at this image

I know mate, even when I was not lifting I had never this amount of snacks at home.
this is fantastic

Why does every single fucking person in this photo we can see clearly look awful?

Fuck... I need a fucking minute after that one.

This fills me with hate

Because it's a ren fair.

this especially if u lucky like me and live in a place where eggs and chicken is cheap, i spent 20 bucks today for a pound of bacon, 2.6 pounds of chicken breast boneless skinless, a big ass bottle of siracha, 18 eggs, and a couple bags of frozen mixed veggies. but i know in canada it would ahve been like 40 dollars

jesus christ its more like 50CAD actually rip

I like how it is an unwritten yet almost universal rule that showing morbidly obese people in the nude is okay for TV and other forms of non-18+ media. Consciously or not, they are not recognized as human.

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This thread is a nightnare fuel.

God, how can people destroy themselves this much?

Hell yes what kind of hypothetical is this


If she is cleaned to the highest possible standard and there are hooks that keep her flesh from covering up her unrecognizable vagina.
Breathing is an issue when eating out in general. If I have to dive in under those meat chunks, I'm gonna need some sort of air supply.
Honestly don't think I could do it.

spiderman looks pretty cool

>Average daily calorie intake in auschwitz was about -1600kcal
> Hard labour on daily basis
Literally the best what fattie can get. Lean in no time

Uncle mengeles summercamp
you should checked it out only 14.88 dollars a week

For anyone wondering, the Fatty in OP's pic is Mayra, she was at one point the worlds fattest woman.

>table salt on the sofa

it's actually very dangerous for dogs to be that overweight

I think this pasta is fresh, but the flavor is definitely lacking.

Haven't seen this pic in a while.