Post FPH, please try to avoid the shitslinging from the previous thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


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I read that as "philly terrorist" and did a double take

Why not just leave?


I heard Dr. Now posts in these threads..

it's so sad that these hippopotamuses have resorted to writing fictional short stories to try and create a world where they will ever be seen as human

This story is fugazi as shit.

Anyone got the "whats your excuse?"
With the Jow Forums milf on top and the fatty piece of garbage copping on the bottom?

No, but I do have this.

Attached: Excuses.png (685x1208, 738K)

lol she btfo herself

Daily reminder you fat fucks are ruined forever.

Attached: dist.jpg (367x380, 39K)

ive rarely been so proud of an absolute stranger

>"you fat fucks always stick together"
thats just because they're sticky from the sweat and grease


Attached: tenor.gif (480x494, 1.69M)

Someone should do an image comic for that like the one about the fatass at the bookstore

I love how the ham wrote this to shame girls who are vain, only to win the prize of a muscled mustache-chad in the end.

I read it as "philly the rapist"

Important to note that fat ugly women are still women, and women judge their entire self worth on their ability to get male attention. The idea of a fat ifly woman lowering her standards to fat ugly men is inconceivable. Read all their HAES stuff between the lines and it comes down to the fact that Chad won’t show them the attention they desperately want and need. So “the system” has to be changed in a way that makes them the prettiest and most desirable. This is what a good 98% of feminist screeching is about.

Aristophanes wrote a whole fucking play about women 2500 years ago. Nothing has changed.

Yet she still looks better than 99.8% of today’s women.

>Aristophanes wrote a whole fucking play about women 2500 years ago. Nothing has changed.

sure, but nothing has changed for men either. we're still just humans. aside from the fatties, that is.

Attached: ecdubya.gif (264x180, 898K)

Bitch looks like the photographer dangled a corn dog over the camera to get her to smile

>dismantle western civilization
at last something we can agree on

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holy shit a 5k in over two hours? how is that even possible

I can go twice that far in less than half the time, even if I was carrying an additional 150 pounds.

that's the same person that has the instagram that gets posted here that i always read as "fat sex the rapist"

Starvation would surely end fatphobia

Where the fuck did we go wrong. I can't even tell how much faggotry is going on

>feminine benis

Attached: 1558714817362.jpg (473x1022, 58K)

Sorry to burst peoples bubbles but I'm somewhat certain this is fake
FtM transgenders don't get their periods after their transition. At least that's what my FtM rootmmate explained to me.

Important to note that fat ugly men are still men, and men judge their entire self worth on their ability to get female attention. The idea of an unattractive man lowering his standards to fat ugly women is inconceivable. Read all their stuff between the lines and it comes down to the fact that Stacy won’t show them the attention they desperately want and need. So “the system” has to be changed in a way that makes them handsome and most desirable. This is what a good 98% of incel screeching is about.

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Not saying it can't be fake but it's possible that she hadn't made a transition yet, she said that her MtF boyfriend was on hormones but I don't think she said she was on hormones too, unless I'm just a complete idiot and missed that somehow.

Who would have thought two people with personality disorders in a relationship would have such skewed ideas about basic things?

No your definitely correct, but since the poster said "I'm a trans guy" I just thought they implied they have already transitioned.
Might be wrong tho.

This reminds me of the one post that claims the Nazis were super fit and their manuels were burned afterwords so that a army of super strong soldiers wouldn't arise again making a cult of fitness like the greeks. Any one else remeber or have that?

she still has abs tho

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This isn’t true at all. A man’s self-worth is tied to how other men view him, and men are far more willing to date women of the same or lower level of attractiveness to themselves.

Incels aren’t men, which is the reason why they are incels. Bratty children with no values in life who never grow up.

>this still obviously healthy and fit woman gained like 10 lbs so clearly it's no problem that I weigh 350

This is how land whales really think

Holy based. Why does this belong in /fph/?

There's an older photo of her completely deluded into thinking she's some Olympic skater while unable to leave the ground due to her weight. Good on her for turning it around though

seconding this

>Where the fuck did we go wrong.

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What's with the fixation on reps?

>man’s self-worth is tied to how other men view him
Woman’s self-worth is tied to how other women view her. Mist anything you say can be fliped for the other gender and still makes sense. Women try to make themselves look good and pretty so they can look better than the other girl. So they can show off to other women. There's a comepetive nature between them similar to men just in a different way. "Look at how hot my body is and look at this Chad I scored." is same as "Look at how hot my body is and look at this trophy wife I scored." of varying degrees.
>Incels aren't men
You can't pick and choose lad just because something doesn't fit your ideals. Incels are men just as much as Chad is. Several of you ahte to admit it and like to seperate yourselves so you're "not like them" but you are just as much a man as the nigger down the street or the man that you look up to.


It’s proper form to link to the previous thread OP

Based if true, if you're really out there dr now hello

Men's self worth is more tied to their ability to work and provide.

St. Now give us oc

I really hate that term. I'm not afraid of fat people, I just hate them.

say what you want but the fat fuck in this image
>says no to carbs
>denies "just genetics bro"
>doesn't lift for a partner
might she be /ourfatty/?


of course not because the story in the image is
>entirely fictional

>Where the fuck did we go wrong
August 1914.

It's one thing to compete for the best looking partner. It's another thing to put little to no effort into self-improvement and still demand the best end results for yourself. Unfortunately, there are a lot of women who practice the latter.

>It's one thing to compete for the best looking partner. It's another thing to put little to no effort into self-improvement and still demand the best end results for yourself. Unfortunately, there are a lot of women who practice the latter.
Well it's really tempting for a fatty to have her cake and eat it too you know.

Attached: stacey puts fatty in her place.webm (608x1080, 2.87M)

mirin that aggression


>Dem legs
R. Crumb is nutting

>anything you say can be fliped for the other gender and still makes sense
yes men and women are exactly alike, Professor Goldblatt said so so it must be true

her leg too big for her gotdamn feet

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There are a million statues of cut as fuark men chillin around Europe and the U.S. so I don't know what your point is besides that you are a Nazi POS

Also Hitler was a manlet vegetarian with a small penis

That was a rollercoaster ride from start to finish.

Attached: Dakini bait.png (286x487, 154K)

She mistook the mic for cotton candy

>they didnt have superior equipment
i thought it was the germans had armored cars and shit vs polish horse cavalry and it was no contest

>fat acceptance making it's way to Serbia
REEEEEE fuck off we're full.

Attached: 1558534378890.jpg (750x685, 355K)

Oh yeah, she's a total fucking porker now, obviously, completely invalidating her earlier point that you can have kids and not turn into a five tonne blob.

It's a reminder most of them can do something about their situation, but choose not to.

Shes hot asf in the weight in the pic lol

They're willing to do everything except eat less food its fucking bizarre

>you are a Nazi POS
And then comes the moment this poster finds out how hilariously outnumbered he is.

I think reading this has given me an aneurysm. Not even joking. I'm going to be passing out now. I hope I don't die.

I mean, she's not wrong. If western civilization ends, they'll be too starving to be fat.

Holy mutually abusive relationship, Batman!
Trannies are fucked in the head.

>allies destroyed every single fucking book

Nice larp faggot. You have leaks from Area 51 and Apple yet you’re telling me one copy out of millions doesn’t exist anymore?

>All this cope
Men judge their self worth on their achievements. The fact that you judge yours by female attention tells me you don't have many achievements at all.

The First World War and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

I'm as much of a Wheraboo as the next guy but this is straight up wrong

Based Chad jr

How horrifying.

She wouldn’t be good looking even if she’s thin. How do we get rid of “people” like this?

low effort bait

Someone plees make a comic out of this.


This is grossly insensitive, to say the least. This thread in itself is appalling but that little "joke" is the same sort of dehumanization tactic that literal Nazi right-wing bigots have been carrying out on Twitter and Facebook, trying to paint those who are not like themselves as somehow less than human. Guess what, your little cheeto-in-chief would belong in this hateful thread and no one would bat an eye if he wasn't famous. Just let it go. There is enough right-wing hate on this site, and it's demoralizing enough to those who face weight challenges and body image problems (read: NOT obesity, or any sign of actual health issues) to have the alt-right take over fitness like they have taken over media and politics as well. You think you can decide what is and isn't beautiful, then you think you can decide what is and isn't healthy, and now you incels think you can decide what is and isn't an actual person. From the bottom of my soul, go to heck, because every one of the people you lampoon in these threads is every bit as human as you are. And you're no one to decide you can take it from them.

>REEEEEE fuck off we're full.
You may be but they aren't, they never are
>Don't call it a grave, it's the future you chose


This belongs in a motivation thread, not fph. Or did you misunderstand the point somehow?

> Mist anything you say can be fliped for the other gender and still makes sense.
No it can't you fucking retard, because the two genders are obviously not equivalent in their psychology and behavior. Simple observation will tell you this, even children know it. Fucking brainwashed moron lmao

>he's motivated by fat motherfuckers turning into disgusting slightly less fat motherfuckers
How much do you weigh, faggot?