SS has two posterior chain exercises every day (back squat and deadlift) with the rest of the body only getting one...

>SS has two posterior chain exercises every day (back squat and deadlift) with the rest of the body only getting one exercise (press/bench)

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>its not like your posterior chain makes up a large portion of your body or anything

Doesn't mean that upper and lower body shouldn't be at least equal

SS is a prank. People still haven't realized this.
The (((fitness industry))) is pushing a false dichotomy which is either gymbro roided isolation workouts or fatass t-rex barbell-only workout.
They don't want you to be athletic and actually strong in activities other than moving barbells around, with their nice handles and all.
Mark Rippetoe, and the whole squatting cult, is just controlled opposition.

Never read the program

Everyone, including powerlifters, should train high volume like bodybuilders. It's the optimal way to build muscle. Powerlifters just add the addition of 1-3rms to their training.
Rippetoe just wants you to get fat and call that strength, when what it really is is improved leverages.

What am I missing?

how does getting fat improve leverages?

Literally the only thing you're missing is that you add in pullups on one day in the last phase of the program.
It's still trash amount of upper body volume.

Everything beyond phase 1

When you squat, the fat in your hip crease and between your hamstring/calf squishes together, so the ROM is lessened, and the mechanical efficiency is improved.
That's literally what Rippetoe calls strength.

The third/fourth phases are the longest parts of the program. Phase 1 & 2 last 1-1.5 months

Chin ups are a back exercise, dips for shoulders. Still missing a lot

You realise starting strength is for literal beginner lifters when higher volume is less efficient? You're only meant to run it for like 6-12 months to get a strength base then move to higher volume if you want.
Starting strength isn't for powerlifter or bodybuilders. It's for beginners. It's a simple effective linear progressive overload program. It isn't meant for high volume bodybuilding training, or strength mesocycle and periodisation.
Why do you retards never seem to understand this?

Higher volume is never, ever less efficient. Every trainee should be doing as much volume as they can recover from.
Rippetoe's theories are literal broscience and personal anecdote. He has admitted that he never experimented with any other methods aside from his own on his athletes.

What do you consider high volume?

That's shorter ROM. It doesn't change your leverages. Leverages are determined by your bone lengths. And Rippetoe advocates full ROM squats.
Your post is painfully retarded.

Thanks for dropping by, Reddit.

Hasn't read the book

Hasn't read the book

Hasn't read the book

beginners should train with volume because it let's them get more reps in to practice the lifts, and it improves their conditioning. 3x5 with 5 minutes rest is just shit programming
>no back except deadlift until phase 3
literally dogshit

Mechanical efficiency is improved when there is fat to support your joint at its end ROM.
Your post is painfully retarded.

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The point of SS is to use weights that 3x5 is the maximum recoverable volume and keep progressing until that stops being the case...
It terms of progressing weight on the bar for beginners sets >8 is inefficient and limits linear progression.

Nice cult behavior.
I've read both of his books from cover to cover.

Reminder if you don't do at least two dedicated back days you're never gonna make it

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>6-12 months
more like 2 months until you get the form down and leave that shit
Another SS cultist. Nobody is gonna read your stupid book.

>It terms of progressing weight on the bar for beginners sets >8 is inefficient and limits linear progression.
There is no reason for a beginner to put as much weight on the bar as possible. Doing more reps is a safer way to train for someone who doesn't have much muscle memory, and adding reps from workout to workout is a superior way to progress when it comes to adding muscle mass.
3x5 isn't gonna be nearly enough. 3x8-12 and adding some weight when you reach 12 is better.

I don't think you understand mechanical efficiency or leverages. They are completely independent of fat and ROM.

you're never going to plateau on 3x5 because you hit your max recoverable volume lol. that's not why your lifts stall. if anything you should add more volume and frequency at that point

Arguing semantics. Irrelevant.

>muh 6 week beginner program is bad!

Its designed to get newfags into the gym and to stick to the gym.

I started doing SL5x5 because I'm an idiot. it took me a few months to realize it was retarded, but by then lifting became part of my life instead of another intolerable chore.

>Admits he doesn’t know what he’s talking about
>Dude trust me

Adding more volume and frequency is when you are done with starting strength. That's the whole point of the program. You definitely can plateau on any linear progression, even 3x5.

SS is honestly only a good program for novices if they already have a solid strength and athletic base from other shit like sports. which is the context for which it was created, teenage football players. for real noobs with no athletic experience and horrible proprioception it's straight up garbage

It's hardly semantics when you are saying fat and ROM impact mechanical efficiency and leverages when they aren't remotely related and literally have no impact.

yes but you plateau for other reasons, like shit form because you get so little practice with the lifts because of low volume and low frequency. you never plateau because you can't recover from the volume on that program, it's just not happening

>read my cult's book bro you'll understand what I'm saying

>fat makes no impact on strength

You don’t need to read the book unless you want to understand what SS is.

Here’s the cliff notes dummy

I'm swapped power cleans with rows 3x5, and added chin ups on row day and dips on deadlift day for 3x10
Is that good?

>the rest of the body only getting one exercise (press/bench)
>one exercise

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I didn't say that. I said it doesn't change your mechanical efficiency or leverages, which it doesn't.
Of course it improves strength.

If you make a change to a mechanical system in which less force is required in order to achieve the same output, you have increased its mechanical efficiency.

>Rippetoe just wants you to get fat and call that strength, when what it really is is improved leverages.
Agreed 100%. The problem is that most of the fitness world has come to associate the entire concept of "strength" with "maximal lifts on specific exercises with barbells".
I once trained with a professional powerlifter, supervised by Sheiko himself, who told me
>in powerlifting, it's not necessarily the strongest guy who wins. it's the one who lifts the most weight
Most likely he wasn't the first one to say it, but hearing it in person from a professional made a different impact.
It soon became obvious how right he was: sumo deadlifts, low bar squats... are all just mechanically advantageous positions for those movements (and that's why SS, unsurprisingly, promotes low bar).
To be honest, unless you are competing in a strength sport such ad strongman, olympic weightlifting or powerlifting, you have no real reason to care about the exact amount of weight you lift.
>tfw fatasses squatting 2xbw can't do a single one legged squat

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That's also why so many people hate front squats. They can no longer rely on that fat, despite being in many ways a superior exercise, actually performed by athletes for a variety of sports.

>barbell lifts are useless
how to spot the dyel's that never joined any competitive sports team

Why do think everyone's endgame is building big muscles?

Literally no one made that argument. The problem is Rippetoe's programming.

I'm not gonna read your stupid book dude.
Your stupid cliffs suck and offer no explanation on your stupid program
>Many young healthy athletes want to gain weight and drinking a gallon of milk a day (GOMAD) is prescribed. For those wanting to loose fat, building fat-burning muscle is your path to success.
>After spending about 5 to 9 months on SS, you’ll have built an impressive base of strength at the fastest possible rate and be best prepared to move to intermediate training programs specific to your personal goals.
Even the retard who created it know that there's no point in doing it for a year. Thankfully for him he's got even dumber retards like you doing it for 12 months

Getting bigger muscles is the #1 fastest way to increase muscle strength.
CNS strength takes far longer to develop.
Even the smallest powerlifters still use bulk and cut cycles to increase muscle mass.

How much should each lift progress every workout?

Rippetoe says you should move off it when you stall and recommends programs that have higher volume afterwards.

You’re a literal brainlet kek

Because it sucks. Even he knows that it sucks.

Squats is more anterior than posterior squatelet

Try 15lbs on each lift, if you miss reps go to 10lbs. If you miss reps on 10, 5lbs. If you miss reps on 5, then 1kg/2.5lbs using very small plates (often not found in a standard commercial gym)

>doing SL on maintenance 1 month
>did for 8 months a year ago best was 150lb OHP, 275 squat looking like shit at 196lb 6' at least 23% bf
>now still progressing no problem
>OHP 5x5 115lb a little difficult today tho
>planning on switching to volume at first plateau

Trying to lose some skinny fat gut and get a little stronger before I move to a high volume routine. Good? I did sports as a kid.

No it’s because novices can progress on less volume than intermediate lifters and can handle less volume at heavy weights. You will stall much earlier on a 5x5 than SS

No need to admit that you're a novice bro. We can all see it since you actually believe Mark and read his stupid book

>Not reading 3rd edition
>Not understanding the program
>Not understanding the phases of the program
>Not lifting heavy enough that doing more than the program would be counter productive

Listen lads. Just fuckin read the book. Between warm ups and the lifts you will get enough volume and as you evolve so does the program. Once youre strong enough to move on you'll be able to make your own choices. Also

>Not doing some barbell curls once or twice a week as cheeky rip details in the book

>15 pounds on the bench
You trying to kill me?

Who are you quoting?

You should be benching in a rack with safeties like a power rack

Since this is a beginner thread: how do I bench properly? I'm struggling to form an arc. I put my feet on the bench and I'm able to get my back off the bench but it doesn't really feel like much of an arch

>and that's why SS, unsurprisingly, promotes low bar
so then why doesn't it also promote sumo deads?

Not if you spread your legs like a hoe, az Rippetoe says you should.

Because most people who get into lifting don't do it to end up like this

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The guy is quite literally a cuckold and interracial fetishist.

If your endgame is health a strong posterior chain is literally the most useful thing to have.

what the fuck

Cardio is more important to health than any kind of resistance training anyway.

some posts on a texas based swingers forum that are likely him, but there's no hard evidence.

It's not a 2 month program you fucking retard. You children all want to jump on brosplits so bad, just go do it and stop shitposting.

Most of the benefits of cardio can just as easily be linked to diet. It's almost all based on surveys. Meanwhile I can immediately tell a strong back will help prevent you from throwing out your back. It's common sense.

I'm willing to bet moderate resistance training (no 8 hour arm workouts) combined with light-moderate cardio is the best for being physically fit. Veteran marathon runners are 50% more likely to get a heart attack stemming from heart scarring so excessive cardio is bad too. For longevity it's almost always sedentary people who live with little stress.

You don't worm chad you just push your chest up and the slight arch helps you push your back into the bench with leg drive.

you don't need to form an arch, you just need to get tight and pull your shoulderblades down and back. the arch is just a way to reduce range of motion for competitions. if you really want to get a better arch then i guess improving your thoracic extension is a good way to start

i just do this one and it seems to be working fine, benching and squatting 10 more kg in a month, deadlifting 20 more, OHPing 7 more

>Most of the benefits of cardio can just as easily be linked to diet.
the absolute state of starting strength chimps

Kek these people are so brainwashed by daddy Rippletits.
Imagine not being able to read studies or think for yourself.

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