I think I might actually have autism...

I think I might actually have autism. I have been taking online tests and all of them have resulted in possible to likely autism. Should I get tested? I'm worried.

>inb4 this isn't fitness
Mental health

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went through every door and didnt go through any twice. went through all of em way more than twice loooooool

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It’s good to know if you have autism or not. Speak to a doctor.

>I’m worried
About? Unless your autism affects your day to day life this won’t really change much about you.
You can rest easy knowing if you do have autism you can get the help you need, if any.

I did it

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if you have autism just tell it to fuck off. should clear it up but if it doesnt do it till it does.

You have to go through something twice before you go three times you absolute retard

ayy me 2

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Doesn't say anything about going through walls

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>Line trough
>Go trough
I don't even know what the fuck these are!!! Did i fail?

I really should, it would be good to be certain

nahhhh you should get more pussy desu lol

was thinkin of that too nice

I just drew 1 line. A big fucking line

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bottom middle, top left, outside area, bottom right, top right, outside area, bottom left

You've got the tism dude.
You don't see the inside ones as doors, it's part of what they look for.

one door was locked so couldn't walk through it

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i tried this shit for like 15 minutes and i dont think it's possible. You're always one door short. maybe im just a retard but doing it conventionally without inserting obvious things to break the rules like going through walls idk

oh i missed another one.
guess i got a -tism after all; retardism

You mean 2 doors? You're missing 2 doors user

Yeah it's a fake test and isn't possible.

>one line

high quality bait

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After entering a room you have to also exit meaning that you can only go through a multiple of two doors in every room, with the exception being a room that you either start or end the line in. Three of the rooms have an odd number of doors meaning it is impossible .

Easy as pie. Later autists.

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>haha get dunked on jannies
>it's on topic because it's a MENTAL HEALTH THREAD haha you got rekt
>tfw rule #2 for this board
You really thought you were smart, didn't you little guy?