Dead liftss

So in a recent JOe Rogan podcast the guest Robert Oberst says that the risk to reward for dead lifts is terrible and people should just do hang cleans and power cleans instead. What does fit think of this

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I approve... most people are not meant to lift heavy (small frame, just started lifting, not athletic).

it will wear your body out and lower your quality of life

stay active but be safe boys

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What risks are there for deadlift?
Just lift with good form and don't ever go 100% and you'll never get injured

he's right

deadlifts and even squats are being dropped by professional athletes for better alternatives

While i dont care for most fitness celebs, strongmen are usually the wisest and only ones I listen to. Granted hes not martins or mateusz but still an internationally elite strongman. Imo he is right to a degree. Ive definitely felt pain from dls before, but i still like em. For now at least

It depends on your build. I have a torso as long and my femurs and arms that go almost to my knees so I love deadlifts and have never had a problem. Whereas I've had more issues with squats than deadlifts. It depends on your build. I was also smart during my training and heavily trained my back with all types of rows especially Pendley.

Same when ppl advise against Smith machine. They assume your hitting 1 rep maxes with shitty form.

They seem to be working well for my traps,forearms, and lower back

I hear more about how people got fucked up doing squats. I never hear anything about someone fucking up because of deadlifts.
I dunno what to think. On one hand, this guy has a lot of experience. But the other hand, he may only be talking about deadlifting once we get to a extremely large weight.

Here's the thing though, 99% natural lifters WILL NOT be able to get to a level of strength that their joints, tendons and discs can't handle. It's when steroids are introduced into the mix that joints and tendons can't keep up with the strength of the muscles. You won't see a drug free powerlifter tear a bicep from mixed grip deadlifts for example. Only happens in non-tested federations.

for years literally everyone says deadlifting is the best lift you can possibly do
then out of the fucking BLUE
one power lifter says no and suddenly everyone has to stop deadlifting
fuck powerlifters and fuck anyone who stops deadlifting because someone on joe rogan's podcast says so

Deadlift is awesome as long as you don't get stupid about it. Same goes for squats.

He said the risk reward ratio is higher for power cleans, but I don't believe that to be true in general. I'd like to see data on injury rates for both exercises.

Now if you're training for power/explosiveness, power cleans are probably a better bet than deadlifts. That's why football programs use them instead of DLs.

Robert Oberst is a strong guy and a good dude who knows a lot about lifting, but this is broscience.

No shit, why would you seriously train squat/dl if you were an athlete?
Cleans are a much more explosive exercise. But if you want to get fit and big you should DL. Just dont ego lift and unironically dont use straps/belts outside of 1rm

some literallywho mediocre strongman said it?
why then it must be true!

He’s pretty strong, certainly world class, but he’s definitely a tall, skinny guy on gear. He’s just not built for it, so of course he would say that.

No he is top 30 in the world with a few American records. You have no idea how many levels of strongman there are if you think Obi is mediocre. Think of him as a an nba team that just missed the playoffs. An NBA team that just missed the playoffs is head and shoulders above the last place team who is head and shoulders above the best college teams who are head and shoulders above the worst college teams who are head and shoulders above the high school teams etcetc

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Don't think so friend. He's not obese like most powerlifters though

seeing as how deadlifts are responsible for 80% of my frame im going to say fuck what robert oberst has to say and fuck jannies and fuck trannies as well

Nah, fuck that. I have long limbs and a short torso. I may be relatively cucked on squat and also the presses, but I was literally built for deadlifting. If I had to choose one or the other, I'd solely do deadlifts and ditch squatting.

Nice trips


The fuck is the difference? The beginning half of a powerclean IS a deadlift, with a risk of snapping your fucking wrists doing the rest.

I don't see how cleans are safer than deadlifts. Deadlifts are a slow and controlled movement that's mechanically very simple. Cleans and other olympic-style variations are very dynamic and require a much greater degree of coordination and have far more points of failure all occurring within a short window of time.

>b-but the strain on your joints blah blah blah
Look, I can't speak for roiders lifting 700 lbs, but natty bros just getting to reasonable deadlift stats isn't going to tear their body limb from limb.

Plus clean fails are some of the worst fucking lifting accidents:

I think its a really bad idea to get a bunch of novices thinking this is the safe alternative. I feel like its definitely a more advanced lift due to the coordination needed.

mah nig

That's the clean and jerk

Cleans are relatively safe.

dead lift is king a great compound lift as with all things good technique is difference between injury and a pr

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>so instead of doing deadlifts because they are too dangerous, lets do this exercise which is a deadlift plus some more shit
I don't understand

They are terrible. If you are going for aesthetics they are a complete waste of time. They’re only good for strong man shit.

>I never hear anything about someone fucking up because of deadlifts.
people fuck themselves up with deadlifts all the time, retard.

>But the other hand, he may only be talking about deadlifting once we get to a extremely large weight.
He said pro athletes in the NFL and whatnot avoid deadlifts and do hangcleans/powercleans instead. it's not just a powerlifting thing

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>this exercise which is a deadlift plus some more shit
you're a literal braindead retard. fucking kill yourself

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The guy didn’t even say “don’t deadlift.” He said “don’t deadlift unless you’re training to get a big deadlift.” If you’re training for sports or general athleticism, risk aside the deadlift is a CNS hog with moderate at best gains for explosiveness. You’re absolutely better off with more explosive lifts. But there’s nothing wrong with training deadlift for its own sake, and he never says that there is.

The injury he referenced was a bicep tear. The most common serious injury associated with deadlifts are bicep tears. And usually the only people tearing their biceps are people who can deadlift over 500 pounds. The only people hurting their lower backs deadlifting are novices, or people who are amped up and ego lifting like crazy. And most of the time when a person hurts their lower back related to deadlifting, they just need to lower the weight tl wear the pain is tolerable and they will be back to normal in a short amount of time.

I agree with you completely.

>And most of the time when a person hurts their lower back related to deadlifting, they just need to lower the weight tl wear the pain is tolerable and they will be back to normal in a short amount of time.

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as someone who once hurt their back stupidly deadlifting, this is 100% true. Hurt like hell, like a knife in my back, but I just took it easy for a little bit and soon I was back to deadlifting, and working my way back up fairly quickly.

>The beginning half of a powerclean IS a deadlift
with much less weight, retardo. how is everyone on this website so fucking stupid?

Football players don't do deadlifts because of the fatigue they induce in the lower back, it's not because the deadlift is a bad exercise. Sure if you're a football player, basketball player, then you probably should avoid such a CNS fatiguing lift. But to anyone else, they are a great lift.

I remember the hodge twins saying the don't do them and called diddlys the backsnaps.

explain to me how when he picks the bar off the ground it isn't a deadlift?

As much as i love deadlifts I can not do them anymore. I hurt my back and everytime i try to get back to doing heavy lifting I end up hurting myself again and i am out a couple weeks from lifting. I wasn't even lifting heavy and i hurt my back. The reward just isn't worth the risk. I will be doing way less weight from now on in my lifts. It could be because I am getting older but i should be able to hit some good reps.

tell me why you ignore the fact that it's done with about one third the weight. why do you think that's insignificant?

why don't you ask yourself? this is the quality of individual doling out advice on here. probably the only thread on fit to get advice from is SQT

I have never felt pain from my back while lifting nor doing back exercises. I don't know what's wrong with you people.

But this clickbait isn't about what weight to deadlifts at, it's about whether to do deadlifts at all.
If his entire argument is that super heavy deadlifts cause injuries like biceps tears, why not just say "hey don't do super heavy deadlifts". aka light deadlifts. Aka the first half of a clean.

the limiting factor is the top half of the movement, which drastically reduces the weight used
also the pattern of force production and momentum and body position are different

>joe rogan podcast

t. aliterate 25 year old

me telling him to kill himself was sincere advice

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>moving the goalposts
I knew it was you (pic is you, btw xD eks dee)

I don't like deadlifts because they make my back way too sore. shit like sitting up and driving around hurts after deadlifts. fuck them. maybe I'll come around to them again one day

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>hey don't do super heavy deadlifts
that's what everyone took away from it. what kind of bitch does high rep deadlifts lmao

is this bait
i hope so you astounding retard

can't tell if I see what you did there or if you are also aliterate

>what kind of bitch does high rep deadlifts lmao
my negro have you been to a gym?

damn wait i might be the reterd here

>not deadlifting because of what some fat juicing retard said

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He's a retard, it's much easier to be able to deadlift with acceptable form than clean with acceptable form, and you're more likely to injure yourself fucking up a clean than fucking up a deadlift.

So in other words deadlifts only become an injury risk when people stupidly try to lift above a weight they can handle?
No kidding, genius. You made his point for him.

Are you fucking retarded? Almost every athletic discipline and sport on the planet can benefit from squatting.

I injured my back doing DLs at 80 percent. No sign at all that it was coming. I had the straightest back doing DL you can have and the moment I ever feel like I'm rounding I stop the lift.

I used to be the guy that thought it was fine as long as you have good form but now i know 100 percent that it's an injury waiting to happen for certain people. I switched to cleans about 7 years ago and never had a problem since.

You train Deadlift for explosive strength
You train Power Clean for explosive strength

>oh my god they're the same

One is 400lbs.; static lift; unilateral ROM
One is 195lbs.; compound movement; complex technical ROM

> Oh my god perhaps they are slightly different

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>But this clickbait isn't about what weight to deadlifts at
It's about the risk of injury doing deadlifts, the weight of the deadlift is a significant factor. kill yourfuckingself

not that guy but yeah squatting is still being implemented in rugby, its just not the same as powerlifting where you do 1rm with a wide as fuck stance of 600kgs. You focus more on volume and explosiveness. Squats imo are great for sports.. BUT we must remember that weights are only used as a supplement for sports. So it's annoying as fuck when athletes ask for routines here and some fat autist just spouts SS or some dumb bb routine that won't do much of anything else besides give benefits from the squats.

As for the DL thing being dropped from athlete workouts I can see where the guys coming from, I mean I've played rugby and basketball my whole life and not once have I needed to have a good deadlift. I mean it kinda helps but rows are much more efective plus squats and lifts like power cleans, OHP and benching are great for rugby especially when they're used as supplements to plyometrics and sprinting/running. I get the concept that deadlifts are risky for very low benefits (You could argue "BuT jUsT dO pErFeCt FoRm" which is true but I think you could benefit more from other excercises, not to mention that injury is pretty much a given when you live your life as an athlete) I'm still on the fence about deadlifting being dropped from athletic routines, but I can see why people don't think they're so beneficial.

Broscience garbage. Just listen to your body and pay attention to your form. Use a trap bar if you are worried about injury or have sub-optimal leverages. Holy shit these "experts" are fucking retards.

>Broscience garbage

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This is the truth. Everyone I see getting those injuries, especially the bench, are fucking around with drugs and powerlifting peaking programs.

Of course if you're training for "athleticism" power cleans would be more ideal. It calls down to goals and most people who go to the gym go there to "exercise." They go there to do 5x10 tricep pushdowns, bench press and curls to hope they get bigger chest and arms. Deadlift is for people seeking to get strong and grow a big back.

What are the aesthetic reasons for doing deadlifts?

Squatting is one of the best ways to increase sprint speed and vertical jump.

i believe posterior chain (glutes/hammies/back) looks pretty hot (nohomo) on guys and girls alike. having that beautiful posture and ass of a greek god

>I hear more about how people got fucked up doing squats.
The vast VAST majority of people have SHIT form on the squat. Spend any time on any form check forum and watch the squat videos. I'm not talking 1 red light, I'm talking you're going to end up on disability with a herniated disc. These are the

Posterior chain gains. Which is at least half of your body so they're pretty great.

DUDE I get so fuckin scared watching people at my gym squat

I know most of them will never load the bar enough for it to hurt them, but some people get really bold with the weight they quarter squat with fucked up form.

Thanks I will be doing deadlifts today then

omg that music in the background gets me every time.

>the only time i have ever hurt my back dead lifting >two years ago i was cleaning up my area
>i went to grab the bar with one plate
>i felt my lower traps pinch together
>an extreme amount of pain in my back
>thought i ruined my back for life
>two days later i was fine
it was such a low weight for that to happen i was really worried but its never happened again

So much this.

>It's when steroids are introduced into the mix that joints and tendons can't keep up with the strength of the muscles
Except the overwhelming majority of DL injuries are muscle strains.

>You won't see a drug free powerlifter tear a bicep
This is about form, not gear. If your arm isn't 100% straight, you're at risk for tearing. The bicep isn't meant to take on 400+lbs.

he probably couldn't lift 5pl8 if his life depended on it so he tosses out the exercise entirely.

deadlifts help tremendously with posture

The real redpill is the deadlift is dogshit for hypertrophy

Are you retarded, he's a strongman and a decent one. He deadlifted 750 for 4 reps at an event, I think he knows a thing or two about deadlifts.

You need to go back to heavy deadlifting to fix your issue with your back. I did Starting strength, I know what I'm talking about.

He hate em cause he's not good at it, actually if you look up his ranking in past strongman events he's not even mid-tier

>couldn't lift 5pl8
>he lifted 750 for 4 but that doesn't impress me so I'm gonna say that he's not good at them

>One powerlifter says to stop deadlifting
>A powerlifter
>Quitting dls
Did you even thought about what you were going to post?

Please tell me he was talking just about athletes. There's no way anyone with a brain thinks power cleans are more suitable and less susceptible to injury than Deadlifts for average people.

What other reason would there be to exercise other than for athletics? If your only form of exercise is pushing weights you should join a sport of some kind

I've heard it the other way too.
You'll get 10 different answers from 10 different experts

You unironically should've cared a little bit less on your form.

Three months after Oberst ~started~ deadlifting, he fucked up his lower back deadlifting a 800lb car and half paralysed his legs for several years or something
take this into consideration

I said ATHLETES, not ATHLETICS. If you are confused by that, I mean people who play specific sports, paid or recreational.

Yeah so why wouldn't people work on muscles for playing a recreational sport instead of just gym?

What the fuck are you talking about? I didn't say they shouldn't? Go back and read my statement again and/or rephrase your fucking question.

>deadlifting for no real reason and pretending you know better
double kek

>He hate em cause he’s not good at it
Agreed. He has recurring back issues that deadlifts exacerbate and he gets dusted in every deadlift event. He’s biased as fuck against deads.
>not even mid-tier
Now that’s just silly. He’s made the WSM finals and the ASC.

He's right
t. Lifting longer and am stronger than 99.99% of Jow Forums
You should only do conv DL to build a better conv DL. Besides that there are better alternatives to build the posterior chain.

He could deadlift over 10pl8 at some Point of His career.

If you don't deadlift, you are not a real man.

Makes sense if you are training million dollar atheletes. You do NOT want to get them hurt because they get dumb and start egolifting which will result to injury on deadlifts at some point.

For the general population, deadlifts are great. Learn the technique and keep chipping away at the numbers, dont be stupid and get hurt.

Based strokeposter

I used to think like you because Joe Rogan is a gullible idiot, but episodes with conspiracy theorists or comedians are really fun to watch. Interesting characters like Oberst are also interesting.

I wanted to get into oly lifting so cleans etc. but people said to not do it without a coach or you will break yourself in half, is this true? I have a home gym so i'd like to do them alone

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He no doubt means over 4pl8.

He deadlifts far far far more.

>Besides that there are better alternatives to build the posterior chain
Such as