Are the olympic lifts useful at all...

are the olympic lifts useful at all? I'm just bored this summer and I've been spending my time at home trying to get my clean/jerk and snatch form down. I have terrible wrist and ankle mobility so it's been rough and I'm trying but is there even a point to it if I just want to be bigger and generally more athletic? Should I just stick to the big three like I have been?

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Honestly if you don’t play a sport and don’t enjoy it, just go back to big 3. No point in doing something you don’t like.

> is there even a point to it if I just want to be bigger and generally more athletic
Nah. I personally think they're fun lifts but if you're having a rough time and don't compete it's not all that worth it. Maybe follow the Chinese methods since those oly lifters look insane and work in a bunch of bodybuilding sets.

REMINDER that mobility for weightlifting isn't just a matter of flexibility and stretching, it's about strengthening the right muscles and positions.

OP you almost have the right idea. If you get strong in the right positions you will make better progress. I agree you should should focus on general strength before attempting the full oly llifts, BUT you can't do this lowbar squatting like some powershitter.

You will have an easier time with weightlifting if you learn to highbar squat, front squat, and deadlift with heeled shoes, and get yourself stronger with correct form. On top of that you should do shoeless calf raises and stretches, as well as overhead squats with the empty bar.

>increased proprioception
>better core stability
>quicker reflexes
>more explosive power and force production
>faster sprinting
>higher vertical jump
>increased coordination and ability to change direction
>more motor unit recruitment and kinetic chain synchronization
>carryover to other sports
>improved body composition
>better posture
>greater lat strength
>better mobility and flexibility
Also, completing a heavy snatch or clean & jerk is fun.

this is correct

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snatch balances

If you do it it should be for the enjoyment of the lifts. Clarence has said himself that it's not going to get you optimally big or strong training them.

>>better mobility and flexibility
Only for olympic lifts

>>quicker reflexes

Not for bodybuilding, but for general athleticism, yes.

All I ever hear is oly people try to claim they're more athletic. It's a lot of bullshit. It seems to be a haven for people who never did athletics but want to feel like they made up for it.

If you actually care about athletics, do strength training with a lot of cardio. A lot of raw power carries over to BJJ and wrestling.


Explosive strength and snap levelling are just as beneficial.

Do it OP you’ll be too old to oly lift someday and you’ll have to powerlift. Learn the oly lifts while you’re young. It all ties in with everything else and thats a lot of carryover from oly lifts to all other exercise.

Just as much as the big 3.

define 'useful'

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they’re not really useful for anything except for increasing your olympic lifts. if you want to be generally athletic you should have some kind of quick lifts in your program, but power cleans and push press are likely better - at the least they’re way easier to learn and start benefiting from. Box jumps, hill sprints, and prowler/sled work are also worthwhile for the same goal.

They are largely a meme. They are not at all functional movement (unlike the Big 3), have ridiculously high injury rates, and don't really build explosiveness (since explosiveness cannot really be trained).

There is zero reason to do Oly. Frankly, I think it should be replaced at thr Olypmics with Powerlifting and Strongman because its so nonfunctional, unpopular, and pretentious. Never ever fall for the oly meme

>have ridiculously high injury rates,


>unlike the big 3

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Low tier bait

Your gunna get dirty looks from gymbros who wonder why you are smaller than them but can lift more.

Squat, press and diddly are all components of oly lifting. Bench is for chest gains and pussy. Big four is more bodybuilding focused cause you can work 8-12 rep area if you want some serious mass. Olympic lifting was invented when there really wasn't squat racks and benches and folks wanted to gain mass. C@J and snatch have a good carry over to other sports though.

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I do the big 3 but when it comes to watching things I struggle to be impressed, even if some dude is benching my squat.
When you watch someone fling the weight over their heads it's hard not to be impressed.
As much as I like doing powerlifting, you're delusional if you think anyone would watch it at the Olympics.

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Ask people who do it. Overuse injuries are insanely common.


Since when should the Olympics be about what people want to watch? Thats retarded tier loguc. It should feature the sport that is the best test of strength, which isnt Olypmic weightlifting

You're the retard. The Olympics is ahout seeing who's the best at an athletic feat people care about. Otherwise we'd see things like who can shoot the the most baskets from the three point line.

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Shooting is an Olympic sport?

Use your brain dingbat

kek, Jow Forums in a nutshell

>(since explosiveness cannot really be trained).

I know Rip likes to say this but it's one of the many things he's wrong about

chimp robert downey jr.