Did you fall victim to the Starting Strength meme?

Did you fall victim to the Starting Strength meme?

Attached: Starting-Strength.jpg (935x898, 136K)

did you lift nigga

memes aside, I made mad gains with SS

Basically ss works if only you don't listen to rippetoe.

Attached: wormchad.webm (360x640, 2.94M)

This is what happens when you keep the diet but don't lift enough. Better yet do SS, but don't GOMAD. You don't need that many extra calories to build muscle and most of the crap consumed is not protein centric.

You say that like GOMAD is required in SS.


every rant against SS is ostly about the weight gain, OMAD is explicitely suggested as optionnal .
same for accessory and isolation, which are listed as optionnal to add to routine

SS is way too lower body centric for my objectives, but it's a very well rounded program for people who want to get strong. Saying it makes you look like shit is a retarded argument, it never pretended to have aesthetic in mind, it's literally not the point of the program

>it never pretended to have aesthetic in mind, it's literally not the point of the program
So why do people keep recommending it to people who want to become aesthetic?

Not that guy but probably because regardless of what your goals are (aesthetics, strength, oly), if you are a beginner SS lays a nice foundation for you to build on

Is that as wrong as I think it is?
>t. Jow Forums newfag

what program for aesthetics instead of SS?


SS is fine, although do more upper body work.
GOMAD is fucking retarded and dirty bulking as a concept is just fatfuck cope.

I always LMAO at this threads. Are you really implying that people didn't become strong before SS, SL, Greyskull and other modern dog shit? Look at books like "THE Complete Keys to Progress", "Powerlifting Basics Texas Style", programs like 20 rep squats, Tommy Kono's beginner routine, Arnold Golden 6. Beginners did fullbody workouts with 2-3x8-15 set/rep scheme, they also often trained OHP in the same session with bench press, did curls, did additional shoulder exercises like upright rows and all this in the same session. Forget about SS nonsense.

Attached: 1561656908274.jpg (225x225, 7K)

strongest spinal erectors in the west
>keep curving wormchad

SS as program isn't problem, Rippetoe says that you can add chins, dips and arm isolations to the program after no problem and shoulder work.

And he doesn't reccommend GOMAD for everyone.

its an introduction for BEGINNERS to compound barbell movements. simple concepts, solid form instruction, convenient schedule, making the most of linear beginner gains and emphsizing the importance of caloric surplus.
its an idiot proof INTRODUCTION to the big 5(6), and the gym in general
retards like you who strawman it as the be all and end all of lifting are the problem

>beginners couldn't train before SS
Confirmed retard

What about LOMAD? They sell it by the liter here.

>solid form instruction
>jump and shrug, bro XDDD
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Why you trying to skip your initiation?

If you’re brand new anything is fine. Bro split, full body, ppl, who fucking cares. Make sure it has the big compounds. Just working out and sticking with it for more then a month is most important.

>every rant against SS is ostly about the weight gain
not sure about Jow Forums, but IRL most complaints are about the leg autism in SS. if you don't play footbal/soccer/rugby then legs that big are just limiting you in real life - from simple stuff like moving around to emergencies like lifting your body from a wreckage or fist fighting someone (most MMA fighters have medium to lanklet legs).

>let me find a picture of some fat faggots weight loss and reverse the before and after to bait about SS
Pathetic. Also
>be fat
>do GOMAD which is meant for incredibly skinny skeletor lords
>get even fatter
Who would have thunk. I seriously doubt that there are people this retarded out there but stop the SS bait threads

SS is fine, just don’t bulk into obesity while doing it.

Yes, and I unironically became a t-rex.
Never again.

They could, but most of them already had a base level of strength from being functional humans who moved around and did manual labor at times.

Most of the modern shlubs starting out are gutless sacks of milk who have never used their bodies for anythinng other than cheeto storage. They need the base.

sub it for rows lmao no one does those gay things

they could, this just makes it easy for the massive influx of gym-goers nowadays
the widespread reliable (yet limited) SS meme is better than rolling the dice on retarded bro-science

Jow Forums's obsession with beginner routines is telling of the fact that most posters here will never stick with lifting past being beginners

They literally couldn't, everyone was either a skinny ass faggot or fat back then.

When has anyone ever recommended it for aesthetics? STARTING strength it's explicitly a beginner program I mean shit it's right there in the name nigga.

Clearly those are flipped.

This but unironically. Do his program and techniques but ignore everything he has to say about nutrition

Kettlebell swings. It's a full body work out including cardio. Work up to the 90+ bells and you'll be aesthetic. You won't be huge, but you'll be balanced looking and have lots of definition. That will give you a good base to build up to a Johnny Bravo look if that's what you like, or if you want to go trap Link mode you can get there from swings as well.

Didn't mean to tag 51513702 in that. Sorry for the wasted (You).

Legs are the most important things in an actual street fight. Your hips and legs are your leverage for power.

>muh martial arts
Turn off karate kid and actually get into a fight, autist.

Fake n gay

Yes, if by victim you mean victim of incredible strength and muscle gain

Do Ivysaur 448 instead

Any MMA heavyweight or light-heavyweight would absolutely kill 99% of tough guy street fighters on earth. You think a kick to the nuts or biting will stop them from absolutely murdering you?