
Is there anything more Chad than running until you puke, Jow Forums?

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Being able to run a great distance without puking


are we being invaded by Jow Forums or something? Why is every other post about jews now?

It's the intensity jackass


Knowing your limits is far more chad, puking is really bad for you

fucking a hot girl?

How so? I'll pimuke bi monthly either from drinking or hills

if you're not running until you puke, you're being a pussy and not pushing past your limits

My fren you're covering your esophagus, mouth and teeth in the shit that digests your food.

This pretty much. Started doing a mile and a half my best time was 11:50 at my goal pace threw up countless times until I got it to a 9:30

Getting fucked by a bigger chad?

seeYou will get far better gains by going right up to your limit, and stopping there

There is nothing masculine about going to excess and injuring your body. It's sadomasochistic, which is a mental illness, and mental illnesses are beta.

Feels like pretty much every thread has hitler spam, (((You))) or icky black people are monkeys people in them. Only thing that seems consistent is that there is always some degenerate in "who do you lift for" that posts the same anime girl religiously every single time with some stupid ass baby talk in it.

>t. CCfag

eating the puke after?

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>Eat inappropriately close to working out
>Puke everywhere
I hate these faggots, the attention whore runners as well as the CrossFit and oly crowd. Any retard understands when to plan meals around a workout but “I train so hard I puke XDD” is their inner mantra.

If you were testing your limits and you end up overreaching and puking then fair fucks, but in what way is that more chad than smashing your pb and exceeding your limits?

Training until you puke is retarded generally though.

>day 1 of CC practice in high school
>coach makes us run 10 miles at a 6 min/mile pace
>puke after mile 8
>coach yells at me
>grillz laugh at me

never again, lads. cross country is for fags.

Been there done that, it's not great even though some plebs might rate it.

Not balding like this fag.

Yeah squatting until you puke is way manlier, it comes with the added benefit of not giving you the body of a 12 year old starved Ethiopian girl.

this will regenerate
this will regenrate
yeah ur fucked on that

idk why this board has always shit on cardio or well i guess its the post that say things against it always stand out to me, any skinny fags out there make sure to run every other day itll help with toothpick legs

Puking while still running like a man

Enamel will regenerate. You're fine friend.

Are you sure you don't mean college? What psychopath of a coach sends high school boys on a tenner, on the first day, at that pace, localized entirely within your kitchen?

>not doing your cardio to keep up with the jews who make a run for it

someday I hope to be lean and muscular enough to jog through my neighborhood shirtless and have college girls whistle and cat call me

>having Jews to begin with

Some sessions require that of you

For example if you run uphill intervalls. 8x30 sec with short rest. I promise you that by the end you will feel like vomiting

Its pain alright, and thats what make you better

its called blowing chunks

Post body, BP and hairline, fatty

Running until you shit yourself


resting 62
bp 127/72
widows peak

Fucking your mom until her ass pukes you out

In high school PE, I puked during the mile run, and then continued the run to completion right after I was done puking.

Running an ultra marathon through rhabdo and kidney failure

Deadlifting till pass out

Mallory-weiss syndrome


based and steamdhamspilled

The human body was meant to be pushed in order to achieve greatness. Youre such a fuckin beta dude.

When lifting to failure you are able to do less volume which mean less gains, there is a study on it, probably same for running

running while puking and powering through

don't apply your beta male standards on everyone

Can anyone give me advice what pair of shoes shloud i buy (pic related). Can ony buy 1 pair. Also open to suggestion

Attached: Booties.jpg (515x536, 59K)


Pick one, OP

I've fucked my shit up enough times to know that you shouldn't go past your current limits, only the limits your past self with great preparation.

Lmao underrated

If anything, lies such as "lmao cardio kills gainz!!!" are the real Jewish plots.
They want you to just be a fatass who is only good at squatting with an absurd stance, they don't want you to be actually athletic, strong and agile.
Stop being faggots and do your cardio.

Lardasses hate cardio because it destroys their delusions about being in anything remotely resembling good physical condition.
You can pile up a million plates on that barbell for all I care, but if you can't run for 20 minutes at a moderate pace without stopping, you are not fit, period.

hey man. I have a weak stomach. I puke even if I haven't eating anything that day. shit sucks

fat girl in my class took 21 minutes for her mile