Deadlifts VS Rack Pulls

Deadlifts VS Rack Pulls

Which should I do to get as big as fucking possible? Specifically looking for huge lats like Bruce Lee so I can be one wide sonofabitch

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sumo deadlifts, leave the cringeventional for the monkey arm niggers and leave the rack pulls for the dorks like Eric Judenhagen and BetaDestiny to hide their true weak """"""""strength""""""""

t. t. rex armed nigger

Rack pulls will probably do more for your back.
Deadlifts are a great strength exercise, but they aren't really a bodybuilding exercise. They don't target any muscle group in particular, and your conditioning will probably give out long before you can do enough muscle fiber damage.

Are below the knee rack pulls a suitable substitute for people who can't do deadlifts? I can't do deadlifts in my homegym cause I'm scared of wrecking my parents' floor

Rack pulls are objectively the worst way to do any sort of pull. Also pull from the floor for the majority of your deadlifte.

Hip structure and muscular insertion is more important to your stance than limb lengths, nerd.

Also what grips are best for what?

Some dude at the gym today told me hook grip would make my forearms get huge

At the very least just do block pulls instead so you don't completely ruin a perfectly good rack and barbell

Nothing objective about your opinion

God damn what a DYEL post.

Mixed grip is completely fine as long as you are natty/don't have excessive twisting on your deadlifts.

Rack pulls are for coping Faggots who have a shit deadlift
Enjoy your meme exercise

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Really the barbell and rack will get destroyed? Thought they were meant for this shit

It absolutely is you fucking mongoloid. If you want to do partials, pull from blocks. If you want to destroy a barbell then do rack pulls like every other retard out there.

Goddamn what a DYEL post.

I don't give a fuck about the barbell I only give a fuck about myself and my gains

What do I care if some metal pole gets fucked they'll melt it down and make another one you obsessive autist

t. Deadlifts less than my warmups

If you care about your gains you should avoid rack pulls because they're a fucking joke.

i like to cycle trap bar deadlifts and conventional in my program. both work different muscles

t. Bloatlord who thinks he knows anything about bodybuilding

Lmao, I'm sure you're quite the bodybuilder asking about whether rack pulls or floor pulls are better.

fuck DLs - they are only good to get better at backsnaps. good luck tho user you do you.

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Sumo deadlifts are gay as fuck.

Lol this fatso thinks I made the thread.

Post deadlift or fuck off DYEL

They are not meant to have super heavy weights constantly smashing with huge inertia against the tiny surface area of the safety pins. You will completely shrek your bar doing this enough.

Post body fat percentage

>leave the rack pulls for the dorks like Eric Judenhagen and BetaDestiny
and starting strength

Almost every bodybuilder I've seen a video of uses rack pulls and they all have massive backs (of course)
Itt dyels cling to their SS "functional strength" exercises and claim everything else is utterly worthless
Really makes you think why nobody in cbt threads has a big back hhhhmmmmmm

>p-post bodyfat percentage
150lb twinkshits get off of my board

I like rack pulls because they're easier on the lower back, which means I can squat a day or two after rack pulls. Can't say the same after a bunch of deadlift sets.

rack pulls also give you jucy traps

Attached: deadlifts.jpg (338x385, 52K)

You absolutely will not meaningfully damage the bar unless you're pulling >10 plates or your bar is absolute chink-made trash
>t. Mech Engineer

Fat fuck

Stick person

>means I can squat a day or two after rack pulls
I squat and deadlift the same day, wtf it's all about dosage.

OP for bodybuilding I would say rack pulls below the knee, with a wider grip, possibly snatch grip if you're brave.

shouldn’t you be drinking your second gallon of milk today, lardass

>sub 4pl8 deadlifter proud about his abs

john meadows talks about doing rack pulls with a strong lat contraction in one of his back day videos. I tried it and it was pretty good

>>t. Mech Engineer
have you engineered a way to stop being a fag?

Idk what these niggers are on about rack pulls are the only reason I have good traps

If you want the benefits of both the deadlift and you want huge lats, do halted deadlifts.

My big gripe with rackpulls are that they are limited by grip strength. Sure you can use straps, but they are a huge fucking pain to use.

With halted deadlifts, you have to use your lats to stabilize the weight at the end of the first pull, and then again to start the second pull. So you get to really work your lats and you get huge carryover to deadlifts.

Attached: based-and-redpilled.gif (366x218, 595K)

The problem with halting deadlifts is you can't overload them the same way you can rack pulls. And straps are a pain to use? lel

What about hex bar deadlifts? Kind of seems like the best of both worlds to me.

Attached: 1109-trap-bar-deadlift-lean-muscular.jpg (1109x614, 137K)

>monkey arms don't help sumo
Ok, cool. Let me guess, you're a dwarf that learned to do the splits and considers taking your stance and touching the bar a completed rep

post body and deadlift or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

You are a manlet and probably a spinelet if you unirocally think this.

>t. Tall cunt with monkey arms

Basically the top motion of a squat with a different loading point

You haven't actually provided any support for your claim.
Google Hitchens's Razor
t. Actually agrees with you, but values proper debate and discourse.

>Post shit pic
>Post is also shit

Like pottery

Post paystub

Sumo deadlifts are just mechanically advantageous, meaning you can lift more weight in that position.
That doesn't mean it's a better exercise for strength and hypertrophy, in fact, it's the opposite.
You just believe otherwise because you've been led to believe that more plates on the bar = better.
If you're training for hypertrophy and strength (real strength), then you want to intentionally put yourself at a mechanical disadvantage.
If you just want to lift more weight, go ahead and sumo as much as you want.

Big squat is really pushing the anti deadlift agenda these days

Low bar squats are essentially sumo deads.

>Sumo deadlifts are just mechanically advantageous
>doesn’t explain how
>doesn’t realize that top deadlifts are conventional
>doesn’t realize that it comes down to hip structure
>doesn’t realize that sumo was proven to activate every muscle the same amount as conventional except for obliques and sumo actual activates glutes, traps and quads more
>doesn’t realize that sumo is far more athletic as you never get into a narrow stance in sports (this guy probably wouldn’t know since he’s a skeleton DYEL anyways)
>doesn’t realize that you never pick anything heavy up to move in a narrow stance
LMAO you’re such a brainlet, u mad?