These are the kind of people who tell you it’s all about the face

Would lifting have saved them?

Attached: FC4B533A-BDF6-4D3D-8A3F-1C3FCB7AFE03.jpg (520x282, 18K)

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This is his ideal face he made in photoshop

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Of course facial aesthetics matter a lot but most people aren't your stereotypical chad. A haircut, clear skin, well groomed and a fucking smile could do everyone wonders. Look at the guy in pic. He looks like such a fucking know it all downer. You won't even find friends with that look let alone a GF.

So this is the Chad you guys have been talking about

These guys think you need to look like a supermodel to get laid and are ugly themselves, it’s ironic or extreme masochistism they can’t contain

This kid is the absolute epitome of incel. I hope he fixed himself and made it.

>he's an autogynephile

Encyclopedia dramatica wrote an article on these fags and I’m pretty sure kiwi farms does too

Nice digits, but you forgot social skills in front of girls and these dudes seems they're pretty bad at it.

Doesn't have any info I didn't already know but thanks for letting me know user. Seems Advanced went the full beta route and is chasing soulless bugwomen in rural China.

Holy shit really?

Yeah. He's teaching English over there. It's not a bad gig, I had a friend who did it but if you're doing it for women and not to party and get shitfaced and fuck other foreigners you're going to have a bad time. Most places are like 45 minutes away from the big city so that means only uggo rural bugwomen.

So... people who are right about everything? Of course a handsome dude doesn't believe in a Halo effect and thinks everyone is just nice to him because of "good personality" and not because of genetically determined FFH.
If you wanna know the objective reality, listen to ugly people such as this dude, I know a guy like him, hard working, tries to get women all the time, gets rejected 100%.

selling their computers and interacting with humans could save them, lifting is good for confidence but is not magic

they should do heroin right? All street junkies have friends, and a lot of them have gfs too.

>imagine interpreting opinione as "you should stop being a faggot and start doing hard drugs"
>imagine having less chances with women than an heroin junkie
lmao, I wouldn't do that but if they only care about pussy why not

Theyre not even that ugly
They can easily fix themselves
They developed their characters around women which is the first mistake
Even if your ugly as shit go monk mode or something, disregard women

It's almost like looks aren't as important as not being a weird sperg like ""Advanced""

If you're talking about the guy in OP's pic: I disagree. That guy isn't just a regular incel: he's halfway tranny, or something, that guy is fucked up.

I would not be surprised to learn OP's pic guy murdered a bunch of women and turned tranny in prison, like serial killer Paul Denyer.

>I'm tall and slender
>is at least 30-35% bf fatass
lol are incels retarded?

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I literally said that in the post you're quoting.

>lol are incels retarded?
...Yes, are you serious? Listen to what they say. They don't live in the real world and they're too fucking stupid to realise it.

Watched the Metokur stream, I habe to agree with him: most of these love shy guys and pick up artists are just closeted homosexual

And if he's anything like you he's a geek which confirms it really is a personality issue.


You know he doesn't really have a proper face to begin with. So he's kinda right.

looks like a failed tranny faggot

Fuck I'm tired if hearing about these sad cunts MODS start banning permavirgin threads it isn't fitness related

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Have a 6'5 Chad friend and boy let me tell you he was not happy when I pointed out that his height and great facial aesthetics were mostly the key to his success with women. Of course he didn't like hearing it, because it takes away from his "achievements".

Well maybe I'm an idiot and only read the first part.
But also: you still did say the first part and as a classic incel I resent it.

Yes, it's the face and not the fact that they all act like a bunch of fucking weirdos. Christ.

What is a classic incel? Why are you anincel?

I like Jim. He's funny

he/she reminds me of the walking dead kid for some reason


How do they fix that retard mouth? Is the guy just too lazy to keep his lips next to his face or what?

You are simultaneously right and wrong. The people becoming friends with chad at a young age are boosting his self confidence and social skills because he hears "you're so handsome" daily and more or less provides his own dating advice. The incels don't have the luxury of developing amazing social skills so they turn to each other, deluding themselves into thinking another incel has proper advice. So when you hear "it's 100% face" they are holding onto a myth that can be easily disproven by their own family tree

I mean, I know a guy that's shorter(5'4) fatter and uglyer than that guy.
However, he's charismatic, he has a lot of interests and he is confident.
I don't know how good he is at pulling random women but he has a decent looking gf of 3 years and at least from stories his friends tell he's never had problems with women.
It's kinda sad these guys don't even know what you are talking about when you say personality, they are not self aware enough. I dont know if even behavioural therapy can help them

>By Azura, by Azura, by Azura! Its the grand champion standing HERE next to ME!

He unironically thought he had a good body just because he's tall. What mode is he and how can I get it?

Attached: PEAK_PERFORMANCE.png (910x1014, 836K)

>Gabriel, blow your trumpet


>I'm tall and slender
kek he literally says that. the level of delusion here is just unbelievable, see hes at least 30% bf

One that doesn't want to become his own gf and blow dudes.

Why he looks like he wants to speak to the manager?

this nigga look like a fuse of Mike Myers and Spoony

Only slender part about him is his arms jfc

don't exercise or go outside for a minute of your life and this mode will be pretty easy to achieve

he made it

Attached: ted.jpg (2010x1340, 247K)

>tfw i have the same body

That guy in particular needed to work on his anger issue more than lifting.

Lmao literally a woman.

Why the fuck are you here then?


do these incels not realize how retarded they sound when they say that they would wade through the somme just to sniff a fart from the ugliest woman in the world?
