This is the average blood work for a eurocuck

>this is the average blood work for a eurocuck
Oh no no no no. That explains a lot about their effeminate behavior.

Attached: 1562700212448.png (1154x370, 23K)

Notice how they keep moving the safe minimum level of testosterone for men lower and lower, so as to not have to prescribe trt to men who genuinely need it. But if you're a women and you say I identify as a man now they will instantly slap that test shit in your veins free of charge no questions asked

>this is the average blood work for a eurocuck
is it (you)r ass?

Any source for this? Genuinely curious in such historical data

Yes, the increase of soikuks and betabois

> not have to prescribe
Why would doctors not want to prescribe and make money?

Gee I (((wonder)))

Fixing the prolactin will most likely normalize T.

because the only docs that have an issue with prescribing you shit are the ones who work for the state, and not for private insurance. so you can blame free health care for this

He asked for a source you nigger

I do my blood test and testosterone never comes in the papers.Isn't it health relevant?

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The effects of testosterone are only ever going to work because of the relation between Estrogen/Test

If you have low test and non-detectable levels of estrogen it's the same as if you have 1000ng Test with the estrogen levels you get from juicing.

Buy Letrozole, make your body stop producing estrogen entirely and tada, you're now ''high test'' without needing to get TRT

>Not Aromasin or Arimidex instead

Letro is overkill, also it doesn't work like that, you need Estrogen in your body although if you're natty the amount of the Aromatase enzyme in your balls is probably enough and that can't be killed by AIs, I've been on Aromasin the last 3.5 weeks no bad effects so far

Yeah, there's no way that 29 nmol is too high, that's like normal levels for a typical manly man, let alone high, let alone light roiding (even light roiding is better for you than having office drone levels, because at least being a bit too high makes you extremely virile and energetic even if you start running into health risks, being low is also dangerous and makes you feel like shit)

this is the average bloodwork of americuck

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Thats the stupidest shit Ive ever read. Unless you have clinically proven elevated estrogen, its dumb as fuck idea to take AIs alone.

you have to ask for it to be included

This is the bloodwork of a breastfeeding woman

Attached: Kyle.Broflovski.full.1031032.jpg (700x700, 120K)

There is nothing that suggests the testosterone rates of the western nations are on the decrease because of fairy chemicals in the water.

Western people need to get it out of their head that they are the strongest nationality (which is another easily refutable claim: white nationalism has always been a fantasy).

If anything a lowered testosterone level seems to bring more academic succes since women graduate disproportionately more.
You can claim that someone is out their to emasculate you but I doubt anyone will want to listen.

Attached: DrWhLXsWsAAdYOh.jpg (750x804, 95K)

Attached: low quality kike faggotry.png (625x626, 42K)

Yep, juden.

break down the numbers for us we are brainlets here and can't understand this

Attached: TSTBaQ7.jpg (1462x2046, 121K)

Not bad desu. Op is a retard.

Reminder that Europe is not a country, despite what the media tells you.

Who is white? Who is "western"?

Can you guess (((who))) made that post?

>total test on the absolute lowest end
>free test off the charts nonexistent
>not bad
Kill yourself

How to fix prolactin? Other than nofap

That high prolactin would probably require a look with MRI to rule out prolactinoma (is not as dangerous as it might sound) and high prolactin could be treated with prolactin lowering drugs.

You don't even need to understand the numbers as the chart is already made for super brainlet.
>left side: low test
>right side: high test
Which also perfectly mapping to left and right political ideologies.

Am Israel Chai!

Nobody is talking about white nationalists. It's happening to men of all races. The problem is MEN are being fucked with. The immigrant and refugee men that have come here with their families all look sad and defeated and are bossed around by their wives now.