People with athletic, muscular bodies are rare

It's hard to find an actual jacked guy in public.

And a lot of the lean athletic bros are probably dyel in clothes so you will never know.

Attached: Clintwalker.jpg (1080x1080, 103K)


Yea, or they should invest in some fitting clothes

Attached: 1535152296757.jpg (1632x1224, 176K)

Do you live in the middle of nowhere?

Go to an any city in the nice area. San Francisco, Miami. They're everywhere.

I thought SF was full of skinnyfat programmers and soiboy hipsters?

Miami had a lot of jacked dudes in the beaches. Lots of SoFlo bros with fades

Unless you live on a military base. Chad here chad there turbochad over there fick

>Do you live in the middle of nowhere?

I'm visiting my cousin in Georgia. She lives in a suburbs 39 mins north of the actual city of Atlanta. i can barely find any muscular brahs in the suburbs or the actual city of atlanta aside from the gym.

>Go to an any city in the nice area. San Francisco, Miami. They're everywhere.

I thought SF was full of skinnyfat programmers and soiboy hipsters?

When I went to Miami, there were a lot of jacked dudes in the beaches. Lots of SoFlo muscular bros with fades

40 mins north of Atlanta is indeed nowhere. Go to an actual city, like NY and hang where the rich people live. A lot of them are attractive and muscular. I lived two years in SF and there was alot of jacked dudes.

I'm not sure what is your purpose, but if you want to find more muscular dudes turn on Grindr or something.

Nobody has ever read a book holding it open Palm on the spine like that.
There's literally a page flapping about in the picture


>probably dyel in clothes
This meme needs to die. In a tshirt most of your arms can be seen, and theres a clear difference between a sedentary guys arm and the arm of a guy who lifts

There can be big differences in the fit of a t-shirt. Most t-shirts have rather loose sleeves. Your arms will look a lot smaller when they don't fill out the sleeves. Taking a size smaller is usually no option, because then it won't fit properly around the shoulders anymore. It's actually fairly tricky to look good in a t-shirt if you aren't big already.

>be small
>can't fill out a shirt
Lmao twinkshits are upset that nobody sees their abs because they don't look like they lift

>Most t-shirts have rather loose sleeves
This isn't the 90s, just goto any meme fitness clothing store online and buy a shirt with tight sleeves faggot

Attached: il_1588xN.1617491021_n59i.jpg (1588x1191, 164K)

Oh yeah,man.In the age of metrosexuals and roiding from your teens jacked people are sooooooo rare,it's not like I can go outside and see a bunch of jacked guidos everywhere

was going to post this, that alone bothers me immensely

That's literally the group of people OP was referring to you. What a cocksucking moron you are.

It doesn't matter about the fit of the sleeve, your forearm and half your upper arm can be seen. If you have big, juicy vascular forearms people can tell you lift

I've been dad bod for two decades. I have no idea what would be appropriate clothing for a middle age Jow Forums guy. Can't ask /fa/ because I don't want to look like a twink.

They can tell but it looks entirely different and OP specifically mentioned "lean athletic bros"

If you're straight up 400, you're probably nearby. It's true this is the land of dadbods, pear shaped single moms, anemic Indians, skinny fat Asians, and white fatties. Your best bet beside a gym for running into someone fit would be out on a hiking trail. North Georgia has pretty nice hiking and the casuals tend to stick to county parks. If you have time, swing by the Sawnee Mountain Perserve. It's a nice view from the Indian Seats at the top.

Nah the lean aesthetic bros usually have good definition and vascularity. Their arms don't look as good as big guys but they're still better looking than average normies, and look athletic

Compared to a dyel skinnyfat arm they look great

>a photoshoot disguised as a candid
Probs for his Tinder lol

They’re pretty easy to find in any decent city. Miami takes the cake though, I always see more jacked guys (and girls) in Miami than anywhere else.

Alternatively drive past a gay bar or club on a Saturday night, the proportion of men who lift is much higher.

This, plus if you have a big enough frame you can clearly see how the shirt hangs on your traps and shoulders.
All these "you can't tell that I lift unless I'm shirtless at the beach" guys are obviously doing something wrong somewhere.

most sedentary guys have fatceps that mog lean advanced natty lifters
fat frauding is so rampant that women have bigger arms than men now just because they are so much fatter

I suspect those guys don't actually lift, and are using the "cant tell you lift unless you're shirtless" meme as an excuse not to lift. Either that or they're the incel types with zero fashion sense, and probably wear baggy hoodies all the time

Yeah but even an untrained normie eye can tell the difference between a fat arm and an athletic one, and while fat chicks do have massive arms (some even make arnie look small) everyone knows that fat doesn't count - lean mass is what actually counts