Nice gloves faggot

>nice gloves faggot

Attached: 1560438694230.jpg (1080x923, 1.56M)

I never used to wear gloves and got decent calluses. Started using some shitty work gloves and tbqh it gives way better grip and therefore more confidence in the lift.

Well fugg you...I like keeping my hands soft for fondling my wifes big tiddies whilst I give her the ol' lickaroo

Do any of these guys even lift? They're dyel as shit and the girls with them are ugly as sin.

They definitely lift, even though they might lok cringy

>imagine caring what others in the gym think about you

>They definitely lift

Could have fooled me.

>not a single Asian girl in the picture
Bunch of incels

Nice frame faggot, lmao

>manlet asian with that shirt
>if only you knew how bad things really were on the left
>cleidocranial dysplasia in the middle back
>Back left looks like he's gonna sudoku soon

Reminder asian girls dont count they are too easy

I only use gloves on pullups.

>5 guys
>three girls

Thanks bro.

Attached: Download.jpg (194x260, 11K)

>alpha as fuck

Just lol

>Alpha as fuck
>Blue Moon Mango

>alpha as fuck
Is this an open invitation to fist fight whoever is around?

> Find me in this picture.jpg

Well, maybe it's winter.

You should to a point. Gloves are one of those things like quarter repping squats or being a fat guy who wears a belt all the time to hide his gut

these cunts like the kind of guys that try to bully people ,but back out the second any resistance is met
also their women are ugly

Attached: 1562719143378.png (206x204, 99K)


>alpha as fuck
>too intimated to bare chest
>chest tat
>squinty eyes has to squint eyes because shades are useless
>rolled cuff, cut shorts
>blue moon mango
>no broad hanging off shoulders


The modern ladies’ man is the one they can relate to

>The girl on the left doing stomach vacuums
