I need your advice Jow Forums

how does one overcome a vidyaddiction?

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literally step away from the computer nigga

I thought I kicked it but now I’m trying to 100% hollow knoght

daily vidya fucks with me too user.

Don't play on weekdays, just on weekends whatever you want. You'll end up playing less vidya over time this way

we're gonna make it bruh

Start working out and see which activity you find more rewarding

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Long term grind vs.instant gratification from (((achievements))), you just have to know consciously what is better for you and beat the saboteur in your head through constant trial and habit change.

just stop playing games.

do activities other than playing games, try to reduce the frequency of playing games, set time limits when you play games and when time runs out make yourself stop.

The IRL grind hype is real

get addicted to a different thing

Bro, I've been hooked on vidya since like 4 years old. I feel your pain. Used to stay up all night playing whatever and having a fucked sleep schedule.
Shit changed when I got a job and started going to school, I'd advise you do the same

Right now I'm on break from school and work has been slow so I feel the addiction coming back. Stayed up till 2 am last night playing rainbow and woke up today at 7. Not good for gains.

Sometimes I think the nuclear option is best. Just throw the damn thing away.

Realize video games are legit fucking garbage
Nobody cares about your fucking rank on online shit either (no one worthwhile at least)
Don't play vidya for a single day and realize how much free time you have

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Online is a joke, fuck that dumb shit, just play one or two rpgs tops, 4 hours max and use the rest of your time to be smart.

Watch videos about usefull or atleast interesting shit, read books and pdfs, work out, go for a walk, clean your house, breathe some damn air. We can all make it, but we have to work for it lad.

Realize it's boring. The achievements and how good you are mean nothing in real life. And pretty much every game is just the same thing. That's why when I feel like playing games I play the OG's like minesweeper or tetris because they are much more fun.


Thats a very narcissistic way of looking at it

Videogames are just 1s and 0s on a server somewhere. Nothing. Real life is way better than any video game.

Hmmm, well you have to understand that one habit is replaced by another

Pick a hobby and try to get good at it, spend as much time on hobby as you used to spend on vidya

1) Replacement behavior
2) set conditions for yourself

1) instead of vidya, get a set of dumbbells for home workouts. Use dumbbells instead of playing games. Your achievements IRL can be seen by everyone and you are basically leveling up your real stats. Gamify it. Make a character stat sheet, make achievements for yourself, etc.

2) set condition for yourself that you can only play vidya if you are sore from working out.

how does one regain interest in videogames...or anime or anything besides working out and sleeping.
Haven't played a game in a year or so along with everything else, lost interest in woman 2 years ago when i fucked 2 prostitutes im serious even this picture doesn't gets me hard.
also losing some gains probably because i lack happiness and i have less test cause depressed.

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I recently realized how boring video games actually are. I was out on my bike when I tried to go downhill and hit a sweet (albeit little) jump, it was just so simple but so fun. I remember seeing a documentary or something that said there's something in your ear that makes you enjoy momentum, can't remember exactly what it was.
Anyways I really started to figure out that the video game meme is just a trap, I'm rarely ever having fun, just doing things, even the most hype shit in a game is just pressing A or whatever, especially with modern video games and their never ending cut-scenes. Finding a challenge is barely even possible in a lot of todays games.

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real life is just protons neutrons and electrons in space somewhere

find other hobbies to fill your time

If you struggle with something as simple as managing video game time you are FUCKED

If you struggle with someone so simple as benching 4pl8 you are FUCKED. Don't even bother working out lol

no, it means he's addicted, and all addictions can be fixed

That girl is smoking hot but I can just tell as soon as she stops competing she's gonna blow up into a 225lb whale.

get a full time job that consumes your day. I work 10 to 14 hours a day and when i get home all i want to do is eat listen to true crime and go to sleep. I'm living the life